Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1645 Healing

After entering the hall, I discovered that there was a person tied to the chair in the back. It was the translator Li Minghan. His glasses had long since disappeared, his body and face were covered with scars, and his mouth was covered with tape. There were two black men standing on one side and the other on the right.

I have seen these two black men, they were the guys who took me and Liu Laoliu to the boat.

Didn’t it mean that all the black people on the ship rebelled under the leadership of the traitor Li Minghan? Why are these two guys left?

Could it be that after William learned about Li Minghan's tricks, he also planted spies among the mercenaries?

Are these two niggas his agents?

The injuries of Jiang Dayu and others ranged from minor to serious. Mrs. Shen was treating several of them while the others watched silently.

Lina is almost fine. It's just that her mental damage has been too great and she hasn't recovered yet. It would be better if she rests for a while. Old Mrs. Shen asked Karov to take her back to the room first.

Both Parker and Jiang Dayu were seriously injured. If it weren't for Mrs. Shen's soul-binding paper man, they would have died long ago. She took out two more small paper figures and burned them to ashes in front of the two of them.

She is actually a ghost, and no one can explain the principles of the tricks she uses.

At the moment when the paper man turned to dust, Parker's brow suddenly wrinkled, as if he suddenly had consciousness and felt pain.

Jiang Dayu also breathed weakly, his eyelids moved but in the end he still didn't open them.

Then, Mrs. Shen walked up to Fan Chong again, looked at him with some doubts, and then turned to look at me, as if she noticed something.

But she still didn't say anything, and then she waved her fingers lightly, and the sharp knife tentacles inserted in the heart and eye sockets of Jiang Dayu and Fan Chong flew out with a pop, and black blood spattered!

The two tentacles penetrated the bulkhead with a loud click, punching out two large holes.

Jiang Dayu grinned in pain and let out a soft cry.

Fan Chong remained motionless, not even blinking an eyebrow.

This guy is really stubborn. He even pretended to be dead so thoroughly. He pierced his skull and pulled out a knife, but he didn't even move! He's also a really tough guy.

Mrs. Shen waved her hand again, and three small paper figures flew out and lay between the three people's eyebrows.

Their wounds stopped bleeding immediately and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Scars soon formed, a trace of blush appeared on their faces, and their noses swelled slightly, as if they were resting in peace. It seems to have lasted for more than a month!

At this time, the little paper man quickly became exhausted like a dead leaf in autumn.

"Okay, you'll be fine if you cultivate for a while..." Mrs. Shen said lightly.

Mrs. Shen's superb skills made me dumbfounded!

Even Liu Laoliu and Hill, who were well-informed, were extremely shocked.

Now I finally understood why Mrs. Shen’s nickname ‘Guanyin of Destruction’ came from.

She kills people without batting an eye, so it's easy to explain her name as "Destruction", and it turns out that Guanyin has such a unique set of skills for rejuvenation!

There was a bang and the door of the house was suddenly smashed. Jiang Xiaoyu rushed in with a body covered in ice and debris.

"Brother!" He yelled and rushed over.

"Don't move!" Mrs. Shen flew out a small paper figure and stopped him: "Your brother has lost all his cultivation and lacks yang energy. He needs to be recuperated. However, you are too ghostly and you are too close. It’s just hurting him.”

Hearing what Old Mrs. Shen said, Jiang Xiaoyu hurriedly took a few steps back, clasped his fists at Old Mrs. Shen and said, "Thank you very much! If you need anything in the future, I, Long... will have nothing to say."

Jiang Xiaoyu felt extremely uncomfortable when he saw that his twin brother, who had been with him day and night for decades, was severely injured. He almost revealed Longquan Villa and his true identity.

What should he think if he knew that Mrs. Shen was trying to trick Jiang Dayu on the issue of the little paper man?

"Did you kill that bastard?" Karov asked urgently.

He performed the rescue together with Jiang Xiaoyu, one towing the submarine and the other to pursue Liang Mingli. After hearing me say that Fan Chong was Liang Ming's favorite, Karov's teeth almost broke and he asked hurriedly.

"No!" Jiang Xiaoyu said fiercely: "I don't know where that guy has practiced a lot of evil magic. In addition to being a double-faced man, he also practiced the evil ghost path, and he also knows how to do it. The ninja's water escape technique, he ran away without paying attention."

When Karov heard this, he smashed his fists angrily and made a banging sound: "His grandma's fault! If this little bastard runs away, how can he avenge his revenge?"

"Water Escape Technique?" Liu Laoliu pinched his beard and thought for a while, "Then you can ask him." He pointed at Li Minghan who was tied to the chair.

From water escape to ninjas, from ninjas to their traitor Li Minghan, this is not a particularly puzzling question. But Liu Laoliu, who had been silent all this time, seemed to have a lot of intention when he brought it up!

When he finished saying this, he glanced at me and subconsciously took two steps back.

"That's right!" After this reminder, Karov strode forward, took off the tape on Li Minghan's mouth, raised his hand and slapped his mouth again.

This guy is so powerful that he can pull a submarine alive out of the underwater mud. Even if he retains his strength, this slap is not light.

Half of Li Minghan's teeth were knocked out by him, and half of his face immediately became swollen like a steamed bun.

"Tell me! Is that little bastard Liang Mingli working with you? Where has he gone now?" Karov asked fiercely.

"Bah." Li Minghan spit out a mouthful of blood, looked at Karov, then at everyone in the room, and suddenly laughed and said: "You are so stupid, you can't even tell who your friends are until now. , who is the enemy! You have always been treated like monkeys, and the real murderer is right in front of you, why are you still asking me? "

"Who are you talking about?" Karov slapped him again.

Jiang Xiaoyu rushed over, grabbed him, stared at him and asked, "Then who do you think the murderer is?"

"You still need to ask?" Li Minghan glanced at him with disdain, then looked at William and said: "He is the boss of your expedition team and the owner of the icebreaker, William. Everything was planned by him, and everyone was harmed by him. , and you are just his pawns, pawns that he doesn’t care whether he lives or dies!”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoyu turned to look at William, and Karov also looked at him angrily.

William grabbed the crutches, smiled slightly and said: "The fact that you are a ninja traitor has been established for a long time. It is useless no matter how hard you try to stir up discord."

"Traitor? Hahahahaha." Li Minghan laughed wildly: "You say I am a traitor? Well, let me ask you, why did you hide the ring on the ninja's severed arm? Isn't it because..."

Before he could finish speaking, his head suddenly moved, and the blood on his neck spurted out more than one meter high, splattering all over the floor!

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