Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1646 The middle finger appears

Li Minghan was suddenly beheaded in front of everyone, and at this time, Jiang Xiaoyu and Karov were one meter away from him.

Jiang Xiaoyu was suddenly startled and turned to look at the black man standing aside. With his cultivation, he could naturally detect the location of the murderer.

"Hey." The nigger who took me to the icebreaker earlier grinned, showing his bright white teeth, and then waved his palm quickly.

"No!" Jiang Xiaoyu yelled, grabbing Carlo beside him and rushing backwards.


The invisible wind blew wildly, and everywhere, the ground, bulkheads, roofs... were all covered with a layer of white frost.

Several of us others also hurriedly fled in panic.

However, Jiang Dayu, Fan Chong, and Pike were still seriously injured and unable to escape.

Jiang Xiaoyu stood in front of Da Yu and blew out a puff of smoke.

Hill made the sign of the cross in the air, and Mrs. Shen threw out seven or eight small paper figures floating in the air.


Three invisible forces collided with the evil wind, and immediately exploded with a muffled sound.

Immediately afterwards, the tables and chairs frozen by white frost, as well as Li Minghan's body, were all shattered, and the air was filled with blood mist.

Jiang Xiaoyu, Hill and Mrs. Shen all involuntarily took a step back and looked at him in surprise.

"Well, that's good. You can actually block my Sky Frost Palm." The nigger nodded with satisfaction. He spoke Chinese fluently, far less lousy than when he picked us up.

Everyone in the cabin was shocked. Who is this nigger? With just one palm, there was such power.

The three top masters Jiang Xiaoyu, Hill, and Mrs. Shen jointly launched a move, but they actually came up short!

It seems that Liu Laoliu's inference is absolutely correct. The only person who can have such strength is the middle finger who is close to the supreme god-level cultivation!

Moreover, he may have noticed that something was wrong with these two niggas. He just gave me a secret look and raised his middle finger to remind me to be careful.

"What do you want to do, kill people and silence them?" Although the bearded Karov was as stupid as a bear, his mind was spinning very fast. He turned to look at William and asked loudly.

Obviously, in his opinion, this nigger did not participate in Li Minghan's rebellion, and he also captured Li Minghan alive. He must have been the spy planted by William. The raid just now must have been ordered by William.

After this question, everyone turned to look at William, their eyes full of hostility.

William ignored it, stared at the nigger closely, and asked in confusion: "Who are you?"

"Want to know who I am? Okay, I'll let you know clearly." At this time, another nigger suddenly spoke up.

Then he reached out and pulled off the human skin mask on his head, revealing a young face with blond hair and blue eyes.

"Hepburn..." William exclaimed in shock.

When he shouted, I was even more surprised!

Hepburn, isn't that his son? Aren't you cursed by a sturgeon and transformed into a human head and a fish body, so you still need to turn to me for help?

Why did he suddenly become the accomplice of the middle finger?

Moreover, judging from the hostility revealed in his eyes and tone, he completely regarded William as his enemy!

What's going on?

"Hepburn?" The young man gritted his back teeth and repeated it, and then said fiercely: "That is not my name at all! I am not a descendant of your Feng family. I have wasted all these years of treating a thief as my father."

"Back then, when the Guangming ship sank and you swam out of the Wusuli River, you had lost your fertility. Only Lina was your biological daughter. But your Feng family couldn't cut off the bloodline, so you ordered your wife to seduce The steward gave birth to me.”

"Then, you were afraid that this scandal would spread, so you used the name of the plague to poison and kill hundreds of people in the entire manor, including my biological parents! If the old nun hadn't told me the truth before she died, I would still have been Being kept in the dark.”

"You have asked me to learn Chinese since I was a child and sent me to study in China. You said it was because a lot of business would be done with China in the future and for the development of the family. But the real purpose is still for that dragon!"

"I deliberately pretended not to know anything and investigated everything secretly."

"I did a DNA test and proved the old nun's last words. I found the Buddhist scripture that you have always regarded as a treasure, and I know why you must capture the dragon!"

"Indeed, you don't want me to die. You regard me as Feng's successor and want to leave everything to me."

"But it's a pity! I never accept gifts from anyone. Whatever I want, I will grab it myself! Just like you killed everyone on the Guangming in the name of a mercenary, today Isn’t the situation very similar?”

When he heard what he said, William shook violently, as if he had been hit in a painful place in his heart!

Everyone present was extremely shocked. They never thought that there was such a scandal hidden in the Feng family.

Behind this conspiracy and secret war, there was actually a real and fake relationship between father and son!

At this time, I found that Liu Laoliu's expression was very calm, and he was not surprised at all.

I suddenly remembered that after the first banquet on the ship, William secretly asked Lina to find me and said that he wanted to talk to me about something. As if he knew the truth, Liu Laoliu told me that we would wait until we return to Wuhan.

As early as that time, he knew what William wanted to do with me?

Moreover, he already knew all the situation?

Jiang Dayu was able to see through everyone's trump card in advance because of his advanced cultivation. As the only disciple of the Yinluo Sect, he knew all the Yin and Yang techniques.

But Liu Laoliu was able to deduce everyone's conspiracies in advance because he had been involved in conspiracies all his life, and there was absolutely nothing that could deceive him!

He knew about the existence of the middle finger, and it was nearby, even on the boat; he saw something was wrong with Li Minghan, and he reminded me to pay attention to Liang Mingli...

All these things he mentioned long ago were verified one by one.

Did he already know Hepburn’s details?

"The evil dragon has already broken out of the formation, right?" Hepburn glanced at me, who was standing not far away.

Then without waiting for my answer, he said very confidently: "Now that the evil dragon has been born, you people are all useless."

After saying that, he turned his head and glanced at the nigger beside him and said: "Master, get rid of them all! We have to implement our own plan."

The nigger nodded, his hands clasped together like he was holding a big ball, and his two sharp eagle-like eyes stared at all of us.

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