Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1647 The Tragedy of Humanity

"No, it's the Ice Condensation Curse." Jiang Xiaoyu saw the clue at a glance and raised his pipe vigilantly.


At this moment, a figure flashed out of the crowd and fled towards the door as fast as the wind.

I turned around and saw that it was William!

He was no longer limping at this time, and was actually many times faster than normal people. Even I may not be able to reach this speed.

Not only is this guy a ruthless conspirator, but he is also a top-notch escapist!

It turned out that he had been pretending to be lame. When he saw that something was going wrong, there was no need to pretend anymore. He immediately abandoned everyone and ran away.

While running, he also pulled out a thin sword from his cane. It was shining and dazzling, and you could tell it was something extraordinary at first sight.

It seems that he is no ordinary person!

If Pike had not been able to hold back and had attacked him secretly, it would have been Pike who died in the end.

"Want to run away? No one can escape alive." The nigger shouted sharply and let out a long breath.

A gust of wind rushed towards him. William, who had already reached the door, did not dare to be careless. He turned around in a hurry and raised his sword to protect himself.

The blade of the sword shone brightly, flashing golden light that blinded everyone.

But this light was only fleeting, and then dimmed.

Looking again, William's whole body had been frozen with a thick layer of large ice pimples, and only the thin sword was exposed, like an ice sculpture, motionless.

What exactly is this method? The middle finger certainly lives up to its reputation.

"Broken!" the nigger suddenly shouted.

Whoosh, another figure flew out of the crowd and stood in front of William.

It's wizard Hill!

He held the cross around his neck high with both hands and chanted something loudly.

Snap, the cross shattered into dust!

His robe also turned into countless small fragments, scattered in all directions, and even the metal mask instantly shattered.

Revealing a pair of blond hair and blue eyes, a face full of wrinkles.

Hey, who is this person?

I was startled when I saw this face, and turned to look at the opposite wall.

There is a row of portraits of ancestors of the Feng family hanging on the wall. This old man is almost exactly the same as the last portrait!

In other words, this is William's father, old William!

Didn't Pike say that in order to seize the power of the family, William brutally killed everyone, even his father was not spared?

How could he still be alive? And he was always by William's side.

Could it be said that the massacre was a common conspiracy between father and son?

No wonder old William borrowed his name from Hill, always wore a mask, and his speaking voice also turned into a metallic sound through the machine! Just afraid of being recognized by acquaintances.

Not only me, but everyone else in the cabin also noticed this. They all looked at the portrait hanging high on the wall, and then looked at old William.


Old William coughed several times, a piece of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his body shook sharply, and then he barely managed to avoid falling.

He looked at Hepburn and shook his head slightly and said: ", don't blame him, this, this is all my idea."

"Back then, the Feng family was so powerful that it was attacked by countless enemies and business rivals. Seeing that the Feng family was about to fall apart, I couldn't let this century-old foundation be destroyed in my hands, so... I hesitated for a long time, and finally made up my mind to design He made a hoax of a massacre. He invited everyone on board the big boat on the Ussuri River, and secretly announced that the Feng family planned to sell off all their family properties and withdraw from Europe, so all the major families sent their most capable forces to come and seek benefits. .”

"My eldest son Peilan was too kind and couldn't bear to do this, let alone his fellow brothers and sisters, so I killed him myself."

"William didn't agree with it at first, but for the sake of the family and the rise of the Feng family again, he finally agreed to my plan..."

Old William burst into tears when he said this, and his old face, which was extremely weathered and full of wrinkles, also showed a very sad look.

It is really unimaginable that the Feng family has been glorious for hundreds of years, and how much blood and tears have been accumulated behind the glory!

"Is this your reason?" Hepburn was indifferent, but said angrily: "For the sake of your so-called family glory, you can take the lives of others at will? Do you only have the right to control everything?"

"This is retribution! You personally caused that inhumane murder back then, so now, I will return it to you intact."


Old William suddenly shouted loudly, stretched out his arms and stopped in front of William and said: "William's hands are stained with blood. He killed your biological parents. Anyone can take revenge on him, but only you can't."

"Although you do not have the blood of the Feng family in your body, we have always treated you as a direct descendant! If you think about it carefully, have you ever suffered any grievances from your birth until now? How can you, both inside and outside the family, and even the entire upper class of Europe? Doesn’t a person know that you are the future leader of the Feng family?”

"What are we doing all this for? Who will it belong to in the end? Isn't it left to you? As long as you continue in the name of Feng, our efforts will not be in vain."

"Indeed! William and I are both burdened with blood debts and should have died long ago! Anyone can take our lives, except you."

"No?" Hepburn raised the corner of her mouth and showed a mocking smile: "Then I will do it for you!"

"The glory and inheritance of your Feng family are about to come to an end, and I will be the founder of the greatest family in all of Europe, and even the world! The evil dragon has been born, and we are only a few steps away from that crazy and great plan. It’s the last step, and I got help from Master Zhongzhi. This moment is coming soon! Hahaha..."

Hepburn laughed crazily, and then said with a cold face: "But I don't intend to let you see this moment, because your existence will be a stain on me. And I will never be like William, and I will never let you see this moment." The old nun who caused trouble was not killed immediately, which means that I will never leave anyone alive today! You all must die."

Hepburn said, looking at everyone fiercely.

"Master, do it!"

Hearing it with his middle finger, his hands suddenly closed.

With a snap, a dozen small drops of water burst out from between his fingers. The water drops were crystal clear and slowly flew toward each of us.

I was shocked to find that I couldn't move at all!

Not only me, but everyone present seemed to be frozen, as motionless as ice sculptures!

The time and space in the entire cabin was suddenly frozen, and only the small water droplets slowly flew over in front of him.

Getting closer, getting closer!

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