Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1652 The Death of Jiang Xiaoyu

Listening to what Fan Chong said, I finally understood what he meant when he threatened Jiang Dayu that we would both die together in the underground palace.

It turns out that this is Fan Chong's last trump card, using his own life as a sacrifice to summon the true form of Yaksha from the Asura world!

"Maybe it's the good reward you got for getting rid of the evil person regardless of life and death." I responded to Fan Chong and walked back to the cabin.

After this bloody battle, the cabin was already in a mess, with several large holes exposed on the ceiling, and blood and flesh scattered all over the floor.

Li Minghan was broken into pieces; Liang Mingli turned into a pool of green water, mixed with one another; William and Hill were beheaded by Fan Chong, and their heads were missing; Old Mrs. Shen and Jiang Xiaoyu also fell into a pool of blood.

A big hole the size of a bucket was punched out of Jiang Xiaoyu's chest. No matter whether his heart was on the left or on the right, there was no way he could survive!

He was leaning slightly sideways, looking at his brother. He was holding something tightly in his hand and stretched it out far away, as if he wanted to hand it into his brother's hand.

I picked it up and saw that it was a little wooden figure. It was very ugly and rough. I could tell at a glance that it was not some magical weapon, but just an ordinary little toy.

I put the wooden man away and prepared to hand it over to Jiang Dayu when he woke up!

Jiang Dayu and Pike were still unconscious. Liu Laoliu tested their breathing and pulse, nodded to me, indicating that everything was normal, but they had not woken up yet.

My two swords were left far away. I just walked over and picked them up, but Hepburn thought I was going to kill him. He was so frightened that he backed away and said: "Don't kill me, don't kill me... Me, I was forced by him." .”

"Forced?" Liu Laoliu took two steps forward and said coldly: "Even if he forces you, it shows that you are worthy of being forced. Tell me honestly! What plan do you want to implement?"

"I...I don't know..." Hepburn was more afraid of him than me.

When he saw Liu Laoliu approaching, he trembled all over: "You, don't come over, I have a bomb on me!"

Suddenly, this guy started to sound threatening again.

"Bomb?" Liu Laoliu said with a smile, "What a bomb! That's a bug! It was taken from my room. I've long seen that you two niggas are a little abnormal. I took advantage of you not paying attention." It's installed on you."

"Boy, you'd better tell me the truth, otherwise by the time I use my methods, I'm afraid it will be too late to die!"

Indeed, compared to his cultivation strength, Liu Laoliu may not be as good as anyone in the joint expedition team. But when it comes to evil ways and torture to extract confessions, perhaps no one is as professional and skillful as him.

Hepburn collapsed on the ground, retreating repeatedly, leaning against the corner with no way out.

Liu Laoliu pressed forward step by step.

This trip to the Ussuri River was filled with conspiracies and shocks. I never imagined that the person who ultimately set up the scheme would be the 'sturgeon cursed person' who I regarded as a pitiful person. ’

If everyone hadn't fought to the death and finally killed Zhongzhi, his plan would have succeeded!

But what kind of plan does he have? Even the middle finger fell into it and became his loyal partner.

Now, we must find out.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the icebreaker shook violently. All of us were unstable and slid rapidly to the other side.

Hepburn was originally leaning against the wall, but this time he flipped over and flew out of the big hole in Liang Mingli's body with his middle finger.

Liu Laoliu and I rushed to catch him, but we only caught one shoe and watched him fly out of the boat.


With a sudden movement, the ice on the river exploded tens of meters high, and under the surging waves, a giant blue shadow shot out!

It's that evil dragon!

He bit Hepburn in one bite and swallowed it whole, including head and feet!

This guy found his middle finger as a partner, but he fell out of the big hole made by his middle finger. His plan was to capture the evil dragon, but he was eventually eaten alive by the evil dragon. I wonder if there was a cause and effect?

When Liu Laoliu saw that Hepburn, the only one who knew the details of the plan, was also dead, he shook his head unwillingly, but there was nothing he could do.

"The evil dragon has come out of the river, you should leave quickly!"

Fan Chong didn't care about plans or not, he urged us urgently.

Before he finished speaking, the evil dragon descended from the sky and hit the icebreaker.


It hit the bow of the ship hard, and the huge icebreaker suddenly tilted upward, almost standing upright, and the entire icebreaker overturned!

Several of us were thrown to the other side while rolling and crawling.

"Why the hell are you lingering? Hurry up and leave." Although Fan Chong's body has aged a lot, his temper is still hot and fierce, urging loudly.

We have to go. If we keep smashing it like this, it won't take long for the boat to be capsized by it. Once it sinks into the water, it will be even more troublesome.

"Master Liu, do you know where the snow boat is on this boat?" After all, I went into the water shortly after getting on the boat, so I don't know much about the structure of the boat.

Liu Laoliu stayed a few days longer than me and went through a rebellion war, so he should be more familiar with it than I am.

Liu Laoliu nodded and said, "I'll go look for it." After that, he turned around and left.

"Old Fan, be careful and watch over Jiang Dayu and Pike. I'll go and carry Lina first," I ordered.

"Why come back? Why don't we just take them away?" Fan Chong asked anxiously.

"Leave directly? What about you?" I asked a little strangely.

"What a waste of time!" Fan Chong shook his only remaining arm and said, "With one hand and one eye, and with such old virtues, he will be a cripple even if he survives, so I won't drag you down anymore! You can leave quickly. ! Boy, promise me to take good care of this girl."

"No! Lao Fan, I have to take you away! You wait for me first, I'll be right back." As I said that, I didn't even listen to his loud objection and rushed out of the door.

The room next door was also in a mess. This shock had already overturned all the beds, tables and chairs in the house to the ground, and Lina was still lying on the ground unconscious.

Just as I carried her on my back, the hull shook violently again. My head hit the door frame and touched the wound again. The pain was excruciating.

When I stumbled back with Lina on my back, I found Old Mrs. Shen lying on the ground groping for something.

Although she had no head, she was still alive, kneeling on the sloping ground, her hands constantly groping left and right.

If ordinary people saw this situation, they would immediately be frightened out of their wits.

However, I am somewhat used to it, and I was just a little surprised.

Old Mrs. Shen was originally just a ghost in a human body. If she lost her head, she would only lose her strength and not die completely.

I also understood what she was looking for. After placing Lina next to Fan Chong, I picked up Mrs. Shen's head from the corner, wiped the blood on it and handed it to her hand.

Old Mrs. Shen took the head and pressed it on her neck. Then she rolled her eyes and regained consciousness!

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