Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1653: Great Escape on the Ice (Additional Update)

The head that had just been installed was still not very firm, and coupled with the constant turbulence of the ship's hull, she had to keep pressing it with her hands.

He turned his body and looked around and said, "Are the unconscious people okay?"

This question surprised me.

Unexpectedly, this ghost old lady is still very kind-hearted.

I nodded and said, "It's okay, I just haven't woken up yet."

"Originally, they should have been resting. It would be best to let them wake up on their own. The recovery would be faster! But now that the situation is special, we can't wait." As she said that, she counted her fingers again and muttered something. After a while, he suddenly clapped his hands.

I turned around and saw that Jiang Dayu opened his eyes tiredly, and Parker's fingers moved slightly.

"Well, they should be fine." Mrs. Shen nodded happily, "I have never failed to save people, and I will never smash the sign the last time."

At this time, I finally understood why she refused to escape when the big wave of Yin Shui swept over. She didn't want to see the few people she treated with her own hands die before they woke up.

A ghost actually regards saving lives as the first rule of life. It is really shameful!

Old Mrs. Shen glanced at Jiang Xiaoyu again, shook her head slightly and said: "The strength of the middle finger is really too terrifying. When the head is decapitated, it kills the soul at the same time. If I didn't have two souls in one body, I wouldn't be able to do it at all." I won’t be able to wake up…”

Only then did I realize that Mrs. Shen's tone was a little different from before.

Although the voice has not changed, the tone of speaking is completely different from before.

She used to be extremely cold, but now she is very kind, just like the old lady next door.

It seems that when the head was chopped off, a soul was also killed. But I don’t know whether it is the elder sister or the younger sister who is alive now?

"My original purpose was to find a place for retreat. Now that the evil dragon has appeared and the ancient ruins are empty, it's time for me to leave! It's just a pity that my cultivation was too damaged in the battle just now, and I really can't help. What are you busy with?" After saying that, she smiled apologetically at me.

Although Mrs. Shen is nearly a hundred years old, her every move, every smile and every word she speaks is still very ladylike.

"Senior Shen, walk slowly!" I raised my fists and bowed deeply to Mrs. Shen.

Old Mrs. Shen nodded inconveniently, smiled at me and said, "It's a long way to the end of the world, so let's just say goodbye." After taking two steps, she stopped and turned around and said, "My child, that soul-nurturing treasure on your body is , if used well, even if the middle finger reaches the supreme god level, it will not be your opponent."

Then he stepped out of the door and jumped into the river.



As the evil dragon continued to hit the hull, the icebreaker was like a leaf falling in the water, swaying from side to side. From time to time, pieces of cabin boards and railings were smashed down.

The lower two floors have been filled with water, and the entire hull is slowly sinking.

Liu Laoliu drove an amphibious motorboat, but he was afraid of being sunk by the dragon and did not dare to park nearby.

I had to carry several people on my back one after another, and went back and forth several times to transfer everyone there.

Fan Chong doesn't want to drag us down and wants to sink with the icebreaker, but how can I agree? They forced him into the boat.

The shortest distance for us to escape danger is to cross the river. No matter heading east or west, we will be safe as long as we escape to land.

Although we are on the Ussuri River at this time, it is now a severe cold winter, and the entire river is blocked by ice. If it is not an icebreaker, it cannot be driven at all, but snowmobiles are the most practical!

We had just driven the small boat and headed west for a short distance. Suddenly, the ice in front of us suddenly burst, and pieces of solid ice fell from the sky like huge boulders.

I hurriedly danced my swords around to avoid them.

"Turn around quickly! The dragon is ahead." Fan Chong shouted.

Sure enough, under the broken ice in front, a large row of sharp bone spurs as sharp as spears were exposed, rushing towards us.

It's the dragon's backstab!

Liu Laoliu immediately turned around and drove east.


The ice in front suddenly burst open, and a huge green dragon's tail rose into the sky and smashed towards us.

Liu Laoliu hurriedly turned his head and changed direction very skillfully, and hurriedly avoided.

Bang bang bang! Several times in succession, the dragon's tail slapped around the boat, shattering the ice into pieces.

Although Liu Laoliu was very skilled in driving and dodged the dragon's tail blows one after another, the speed of the car was limited after all, and he could not escape the range of the broken ice.

With a bang, the entire boat sank into the river!

Although Jiang Dayu and Pike regained some consciousness, they could not swim after all, and Lina was even more unconscious.

Seeing the three people sinking straight to the bottom of the river, Liu Laoliu's water skills were very good, but after all, his age was not forgiving. With all his efforts, he only caught Jiang Dayu that sank next to him.

Although Fan Chong's water quality is terrifyingly strong, he only has one arm left now, and he is very old. Even if he can swim, he can't save anyone. But he is still very persistent to save Lina.

At this time, he really wanted to go down to the bottom of the river, and it was hard to say whether he could come up again. I couldn't let him take this risk, so I quickly grabbed him and persuaded him not to move while I went to save people.


Suddenly, a dragon roar came wildly, followed by water waves, getting closer and closer.

It seems that it has noticed Lina's aura again and is chasing after her!

This is how to do? Even if I could rescue them both, I would never be able to swim against the dragon.

In this case, no one among the six of us can survive, we will all die here!

As soon as I dived down, I saw Parker and Lina rising rapidly again.

However, the posture of the two of them was very strange. They were not swimming, but lying flat and motionless. Their speed was extremely amazing, and they were already in front of them in the blink of an eye.

Getting closer, I finally discovered the reason. It turned out that they were both lying on the back of the turtle.

Then the giant turtle quickly rose up and brought them both out. It was the giant turtle that was almost dragged onto the boat by Karov, but was saved by Pike!

According to Pike, during the Guangming tragedy more than twenty years ago, he was lucky enough to survive because he was saved by this giant turtle.

A few days ago, Pike saved it once, and now it returns the favor again!

boom! The giant turtle surfaces, exposing Lina and Pike.

"Girl!" Fan Chong shouted happily.

"Gah." The giant turtle also roared loudly, looking at Pike with its small eyes.

"Roar!" The dragon's roar came again, and at the same time, a big wave rushed down the river and knocked us around again.

"Gah." The turtle turned his head and glanced, then screamed hurriedly and kept flapping his limbs. He also stretched out his mouth and pulled the corner of Fan Chong's clothes towards him.

"What is it doing?" Fan Chong asked a little strangely.

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