Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,654 The giant turtle repays its favor

"Is it going to let us all sit on it? Is it going to take us away from here?" I guessed.

"It's very possible!" Liu Laoliu nodded and said: "I'm afraid this giant turtle is a little smart. He knows the current situation very well. Hurry up."

Sure enough, after all six of us sat on the back of the turtle, the giant turtle stopped barking, waved its limbs wildly, and moved forward.

The temperature here is about 30 to 40 degrees below zero. We had just fallen into the water, and we were all shivering from the cold.

On the water surface behind, waves surged, and a dragon head with long red horns could be seen in the distance, constantly emerging from the water, roaring loudly, and rushing towards us.

While we looked back anxiously, eagerly hoping that the giant turtle would go faster, we also helped a few people who fell into the water to control the water, hoping that they would wake up soon.

"Cough, cough..." Parker coughed a few mouthfuls of ice water, shuddered violently, and woke up first.

He looked at us in confusion and said, "Where...where is this?"

"Where did you say it was? On the river." Fan Chong said angrily.

Parker still glanced at Fan Chong in confusion, then at Lina and me, and asked in confusion: "So...I'm not dead? You are not dead either, you all escaped from the ancient ruins."

"It would be better if you died early, why would I bother to carry you all the way?" Fan Chong had a rough mouth, but his heart was very warm.

But little did Fan Chong know that these words touched Pike's heartstrings.

Seeing that there was no hope of revenge, he was insane and wanted to murder Lina, so he deliberately released ants and cut the rope. But unexpectedly, he was rescued by two people.

"What's wrong? You're still confused." Seeing his silence, Fan Chong pointed back and said, "Did you see that evil dragon chasing behind? It rushed out from the ancient ruins. Also, you saw the mast. Is that so? That’s the icebreaker we were on before launching into the water, and it’s about to sink now.”

"The ship sank?" Pike seemed to suddenly remember something, and asked urgently: "What about William?"

When Fan Chong heard the word "William", he became very angry and said with a groan: "He's dead too. I cut off his head and threw it into the river."

"Really?" Pike didn't believe it and looked at me questioningly.

I nodded, and Fan Chong continued: "What's wrong? All the people in the boat, except a few of us, are dead. No one is left."

"William, he's dead!" Pike closed his eyes tightly and burst into tears.

"Ah ha, you are quite loyal as a lackey." Fan Chong said sarcastically, very dissatisfied.

Parker wiped his tears and suddenly laughed again.

This made Fan Chong very confused.

"Thank you for saving me again." Pike leaned forward, squeezed next to Liu Laoliu who was sitting in front, and patted the giant turtle on the head.

The giant turtle also hissed in a humane manner.

"Please do me a favor and send these friends of mine to the safest place." Pike ordered.

The giant turtle responded again.

Parker turned back, looked at us with an extra solemn look and said, "I'm glad to meet you, but now that William is dead, my mission is completed. I'm going to see Laura."

"Parker, don't..." Fan Chong and Liu Laoliu didn't know what mission meant, but I knew it very well and dared to reach out for him.

But he waved his hand and jumped off the giant turtle: "Farewell, friends!"

The sound rang in the air, and the figure had fallen into the river.

I pulled it out, and all that was left in front of me was a rising wave.

"This..." Fan Chong was stunned by this. He was about to go into the water, but I stopped him: "Forget it, this is his lifelong wish. Even if he is rescued, he will not be happy. This is not good for him. For me, maybe... it’s the final destination.”

Indeed, in order to avenge Laura, Pike hid in William's side for more than 20 years, serving his enemies loyally, with a smile on his face, and he was already tired of life! Seeing that there was no hope of revenge, his mind went crazy, and he even poisoned Lina. Later, he regretted it so much that he wanted to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff... In fact, he didn't want to live for a long time. For him, living has no meaning. significance.

Now that he can hear the news of William's murder with his own ears, it is the greatest good news and the greatest relief. He has no attachment and wants nothing. His only wish is to be buried together in the Wusuli River with his beloved Laura!

" this stupid kid so loyal?" Fan Chong misunderstood what I meant and kept shaking his head: "I carried him out step by step, but in the end he committed suicide. What the hell is this?" It’s a big deal!”

The roar of the dragon is getting louder and louder, and it is getting more and more impatient, but it is getting further and further away from us.

The river had long been blocked by ice, and the giant turtle could still slide forward on the ice with us on its back, but the evil dragon had to break through the ice all the way, so its speed naturally slowed down.

The giant tortoise led us all the way for six or seven miles, and finally stopped at a fork.

It roared loudly and raised its head towards the small village ahead, signaling that it would be safe here.

In fact, even if it is not safe, we still have to go down. If we walk on for a while, even if we are not bitten to death by the dragon, we will definitely be frozen to death!

A few of us jumped off the turtle's back shivering, and quickly walked into the small village carrying Lina and Jiang Dayu on our backs.

The village is not big, with only about twenty households, all of whom are warm-hearted.

There was a sister-in-law holding firewood at the entrance of the village. When she saw us freezing like this, she took the initiative to invite us into the house without waiting for us to say anything. While pouring hot water for us, he asked the children to call the host.

The male host was young and looked honest and courteous. He didn't even ask what we did or how we ended up in the river. He just slaughtered fish and washed rice and arranged for us to eat and stay.

Their house didn't have much space, with only two rooms. The three members of the family went to stay at other people's houses and gave up their houses to us.

We had just calmed down and finished our meal. Perhaps seeing Jiang Dayu and Lina still unconscious, the enthusiastic sister-in-law brought a local doctor to check their pulse and prescribe some decoction.

I don't know if the potion in this tulang really works, or if Jiang Dayu and Lina should wake up after this freezing soothing experience? Soon after, both of them regained their consciousness, but their bodies were still very weak.

After drinking some fish soup, we felt much better. We briefly recounted what happened after they fell into coma.

Of course, in order not to make Lina feel more uncomfortable, she did not tell about the various conspiracies and murders of the three generations of the Feng family. Nor did she tell her that Hill was his grandfather, and that the masterminds behind all events were her half-brother Hepburn and her grandfather William Sr.

I just told her that except for a few of us, everyone on the ship died, including William and Hepburn.

Jiang Dayu and Lina both fell silent after hearing this, and did not make a sound for a long time.

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