Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1656: If you meet a dragon, you will be in danger, if you meet Lin, you will be the master

"What does it mean?" I asked a little confused.

Jiang Dayu's hand holding the pipe suddenly stopped and he looked at me with an abnormal look, as if he didn't know me at all.

"Uh... let me think about it." I felt very uncomfortable being stared at by him, scratched my head and said: "The Three Treasures of the Nine Nethers are all extremely Yin things. When we put them together, will they lead to a powerful Yin spirit? Or will they be unlocked? A shocking secret?"

Jiang Dayu put the pipe back into his pocket and straightened his collar.

"As long as you understand it with your heart, your cultivation level will inevitably improve day by day?" I continued to ask.

"See Master Jiuyou Sect!" With a sudden movement, Jiang Dayu knelt in front of me and kowtowed to me respectfully.

I was so frightened at this moment that I quickly reached out to help him.

But he refused, and asked me to stand up and receive the ceremony with a serious face, otherwise he would not be able to kneel down.

Now I had no choice but to stand there and watch him kowtow to me nine times in a row.

After Jiang Dayu finished the ceremony, he lit up his pipe and said, "Although the Jiuyou Sect is now the only one left with you and me, the master's gift must not be missed."

"It is said that the world's Yin arts originated from Jiuyou, but Jiuyou has been inherited for thousands of years and has only had two sect leaders. I have told you before that the second sect leader who took over was seriously injured not long after he was renewed. , and was later poisoned by his fellow disciples. Before he died, he left a last wish: Anyone who obtains the Three Treasures, no matter old or young, high or low, or has a high level of cultivation, will become the Lord of the Nine Nethers. If anyone disobeys, the entire family will be killed. !”

"Originally, I wanted to take advantage of you without knowing it and fight for it. Now, I have accepted my fate. Maybe this is fate!" Jiang Dayu sighed.

"Senior Jiang... This doesn't count, does it? I have never been a disciple. These three treasures were all obtained by chance and through bad luck..." I said.

"Shit luck?" Jiang Dayu blew out a smoke ring, glanced at me sideways and said, "Then how come no one has ever experienced such shit luck in these thousands of years? And since the second generation of the Nine Life Tower, The master of the sect has never appeared again, so why did it fall into your hands for nothing?"

"That's not because." I was about to argue, but Jiang Dayu said first: "Is it because you accidentally picked up a double jade? Is it because you barged in when I was about to pick it up?"

"How can there be so many coincidences in the world." Jiang Dayu shook his head and said, "For thousands of years, not only the disciples of Jiuyou, but also people from other sects and sects, who doesn't want to get these three treasures? Why did he fail? On you?"

"Uncle Gray Pigeon happened to meet you just before he died, and handed the ebony staff and the Yin Fu Jing into your hands. I worked hard, searched all the rivers and waterways in the north and south of the Yangtze River, and worked in seclusion for decades. It happened that William teamed up to go here, and by coincidence, I found another piece of Sky Hook Double Jade. I thought that the Nine Life Tower was already in my possession, but you took it away again!"

"How can all this be described with just one clever word? So, this is fate, and you are the destined child."

As he said that, he took out the little wooden figure that Jiang Xiaoyu was holding tightly before he died, and seemed to be talking to himself: "The master found us brothers in the big wooden basin in the middle of the river. At that time, we had hangings on our bodies. There is a copper lock with our birth dates written on it."

"The master calculated and said that we were bound to die in the water, but we both survived the flood that was rare in a century. The master felt that we had avoided the disaster. He also named us Big Fish and Little Fish, which means Don’t kill fish for water.”

"Although Xiaoyu and I are from the same class, I have never believed in the theory that fortune-tellers can overcome disasters, but Xiaoyu is extremely loyal."

"Once, when we were young, we met a Taoist immortal master. He took a quick look and said that both of us would die from water! He happened to have a water-killing thing, but he could only save one person. He asked us Who is interested? At that time, the strength of our water skills had already been known all over the world, let alone those who were better than the two of us, the number of people who were equal to us was only five fingers."

"I thought he was just a charlatan, just talking nonsense, and didn't take it seriously at all. But Xiaoyu believed him and asked him how he could give it to us? The man pointed to the peach tree across the river and said, go pick a peach for me. I’ll give it to you.”

"I laughed out loud after hearing this, but the little fish ran over obediently. So I got this little wooden man."

"I laughed at him about it several times later, but he didn't care at all, saying he just wanted to feel at ease."

"It wasn't until last night that I took a closer look for the first time. It turned out that the life-saving horoscope he left on this wooden man was not himself, but me!"

"Zhongzhi is good at water arts, and Xiaoyu eventually died under the Kuishui Sword!"

Jiang Dayu sighed sadly, and then said: "Just when the little fish was crossing the river to pick peaches for the Taoist, the Taoist said four words to me: when you meet a dragon, you are in danger; when you meet a lin, you are in danger. Lord, Kunwu will live forever, and the Taoism will be self-contained. It’s strange to say that I don’t believe in this Taoist at all, but I still remember these words to this day.”

"Until this underwater trip, I actually met a dragon, this was the biggest crisis I have ever encountered in decades of wandering; and you who got the Three Treasures of the Nine Nethers are named Zhang Jiulin; Longquan Villa has never been able to deal with it. , that son of destiny is also you..."

"This made me have to re-examine what the Taoist said. So, after thinking about it, I decided to believe my fate! Accept my fate."

What Jiang Dayu said surprised me even more!

Bald-tailed Lao Li once said something inexplicable that I still can’t figure out until now.

There is also what they said on the first day of the year about the son of destiny, who shoulders an extremely important mission, plus what Jiang Dayu said...

Jiang Dayu just said, how can there be so many coincidences in the world?

Am I really the child of destiny? But what is going on?

"Also, from now on, don't worry about me calling me Senior Jiang. I have already said that if we count from Uncle Gray Pigeon, we should be brothers in the same discipline. You can also call me Lao Jiang from now on. , or Senior Brother Jiang. Besides, you are now the leader of the Jiuyou Sect, and I will never dare to be called a senior anymore." Jiang Dayu said.

I was about to retort, but Jiang Dayu stretched out his hand to stop me: "Of course, if there are outsiders present, it doesn't hurt to shout a few times to cover up others' ears."

"Also, although I have since withdrawn from Longquan Villa and recognized you as the head of the sect, I am not involved in the dispute between you and Longquan Villa. After all, Longquan Villa has supported me for so many years. If If you ask me to be a white-eyed wolf, I, Jiang Dayu, can't do it."

"Although I have lost all my cultivation now, after all, I have more experience in cultivation than you. If you have any questions in the future, you can ask me. Of course, if it involves the Three Treasures, then don't talk. Jiuyou Sect Rules, if anyone who is not the sect master practices this technique, he will be expelled from the master’s sect forever!”

His three words in a row immediately choked me on everything I was about to say.

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