Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1657 Kunlun Quanzhen Sect

"Originally, that precious jade should have been given to you for safekeeping. But at that time, I didn't accept my fate, so I used it on Fan Chong privately." Jiang Dayu said.

"Fan Chong?" I asked a little strangely.

"Yes, when we returned, Fan Chong and I were seriously injured, but Liang Mingli and the evil dragon were still chasing after us. It would be difficult for you to take us all out by yourself. Although Guan Zhengzhi Jade has lost its magic power, But it originally had one last function, which was to bring the dead back to life and break the cycle of life and death. I have lost my cultivation, and even if I am not dead, I am still a bad old man, and I can't help you at all."

"But Fan Chong is different. He still has Guimeng Yaksha who can make a last ditch effort. If he can save his life, it will be a helper to some extent! So, I pretended to ask him to pass the cigarette pouch and secretly used the crowning jade on On him."

"It's just that I originally thought that the fierce battle would be fought on the submarine and used on Liang Mingli. I didn't expect that a more brutal battle would actually happen on the ship. So I used it earlier, otherwise he would not have aged like this. A look."

After hearing what he said, I suddenly came to my senses.

It turns out that when returning home, Jiang Dayu still wanted to smoke even though he was seriously injured. Asking Fan Chong to hand over the cigarette bag was just a cover-up! I just want to put this last life-saving treasure on Fan Chong to ensure our safe return.

It's no wonder that after Jiang Dayu was about to die and fell into a coma, Fan Chong had been lively and energetic without any problems.

At the time, I thought it was because of Fan Chong's extraordinary physique, but it turns out there was something else hidden!

Although Jiang Dayu is one of the four supreme elders in Longquan Villa, he is very kind-hearted in nature.

"You have to keep this matter a secret. Fan Chong is a straight man. If he knows this, he will definitely feel guilty and always feel that he owes me something. I have been walking around the world for decades and have always been black and white. I don't want to owe anyone anything. What, I don’t want others to owe me anything, I just need you to know and I know.” Jiang Dayu said calmly.

Giving up the opportunity to save someone else's life is extremely rare in itself, and what's even more rare is that you don't want people to know about it!

Suddenly, I felt that the short, skinny old man in front of me seemed both strange and familiar.

Jiang Dayu and I have only known each other for a few days, but we have gone from friend to enemy, and from enemy to friend, and in the blink of an eye, I became the master of his sect again.

The friendship between teachers and friends, the friendship between enemy and friend, the friendship between life and death, the friendship between classmates, the friendship between friends and family... none of them seems to be more appropriate.

From strange to familiar, then even stranger again.

In fact, what he just said seemed to mean that meeting me this time was just the beginning.

How will I interact with him in the future?

"By the way, Senior Jiang, I have one more thing to ask." I suddenly remembered a question in my heart.

"You tell me." Jiang Dayu stood in the dreamlike sunset with his eyes closed.

"Why did you say before that Master Baihe was a man from Kunlun Mountain?" I asked: "Also, according to history, wasn't the Quanzhen Sect founded by Wang Chongyang during the Song Dynasty? Why did the Tang Dynasty have the Quanzhen Sect? Baihe The Taoist priest was still the head teacher at that time.”

Jiang Dayu slowly opened his eyes: "I can't tell you much. I can only tell you that there is a group of maverick Quanzhen Taoist priests living in the Kunlun Mountains. They have a long history and profound strength. They can be traced back to the earliest During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, it was another force besides the four major aristocratic families, and it was also the strongest force in the world! This group of Taoist priests never participated in power struggles in the world, but every time there was trouble, a supreme god-level figure would be sent down the mountain. Help the world and save people! For example, in the Tang Dynasty, Bai Hezi killed the evil dragon with one man and one sword, in the Song Dynasty, Wang Chongyang led the army to fight against the Jin Dynasty and spread the Quanzhen religion, and in the Ming Dynasty, Sun Xuanqing prayed for rain for the people. The reason why I know this is because Kunlun Mountain has always been a serious problem for Long Qingqiu, because the whip that Jiang Ziya left to his disciples and disciples in Kunlun Mountain is the nemesis of Fan Tianyin! Fighting gods, specializes in hitting the supreme god level!"

"Okay, that's all. Let's go back quickly, otherwise Liu Laoliu will become suspicious again. Let me give you one final warning, never talk to anyone about the Three Treasures of the Nine Nethers! Remember, it’s anyone.”

I nodded heavily.

Even though Senior Gray Pigeon didn't say it explicitly at the beginning, he still did this. I clearly saw with my own eyes that Chu Yi stood in front of me at all times in order to protect me, but when he handed me the ebony staff "Yin Fu Sutra", he deliberately took out Chu Yi.

It's the same today. Jiang Dayu clearly knows that Liu Laoliu and I are close friends from generation to generation, so he will never harm me, and he won't let him hear it at all.

It seems that these Nine Nether Three Treasures are really extremely important! Never reveal anything to outsiders!

When he returned to the room, Fan Chong was snoring loudly, but Liu Laoliu hadn't slept yet, or in other words, he didn't want to sleep at all. When he saw the two of us entering the house, he said like a jealous little daughter-in-law: "Why don't we chat until dawn? Fan Chong and I can sleep in a more spacious place."

Jiang Dayu pretended not to hear, put his slippers on the kang, and sat down next to Liu Laoliu. While holding a cigarette, he asked: "Old slicker, you just went out for a walk, besides helping me find a place to smoke a pipe. Besides, are there any new discoveries?”

"Yes, there is one, but I'm a little unsure. Is it because I'm too nervous or there's something really wrong with me." When he mentioned business, Liu Laoliu immediately stood up and drew on the frost-covered window. What, he said: "Look, including the empty houses, there are a total of thirty-three houses in this village. The general layout is like this. We are right here, in the middle. Do you think this is a coincidence? point?"

Jiang Dayu glanced at it and said: "This is not some formation. I looked at it carefully when I entered the village. There is nothing strange about it. Besides, we passed by by chance. Before this, even we ourselves didn't know You come here and you don’t even know there is a small village here, how can this be an ambush?”

"Yes." I nodded and said, "I have also paid careful attention to those villagers. The calluses and cracks on their hands are all left by years of farming and fishing, as well as the furnishings in this house. The appliances, as well as the stove, look like they have been used for many years, so there shouldn’t be any problems.”

Liu Laoliu patted his head and said, "Am I really thinking too much? But I always have a hunch that something is wrong in this village."

"I also discovered a strange thing." Jiang Dayu blew out a puff of smoke and said, "Before you guys came back, I noticed a small red light flashing in the sky and flying towards the back of the village. At first I thought it was The plane, but its height is only about ten meters. It can rotate freely among the trees and is very flexible. And it doesn't even make a sound. This is definitely not flying..."

"Wait a minute!" Liu Laoliu suddenly said with an urgent expression: "You mean, there is a small red light more than ten meters above the ground, flying around and into the village?"

"Yes!" Jiang Dayu replied.

"That's a drone! You old guy has been in seclusion for decades and has never seen this thing at all. So, we have been plotted! Someone deliberately led us to this hut, just because It's right in the middle." Liu Laoliu's expression changed drastically.

Jiang Dayu was also startled and said in a panic: "Wake them up quickly, let's hurry up... It's not right!"

Suddenly, he turned around again and asked me: "Has Fan Chong thrown William and Hill's heads into the river?"

"Yes." I was also a little surprised why he suddenly asked about this again.

"That's right, the problem lies with that girl!" Jiang Dayu slapped his thigh hard.

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