Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,658 The real black hand

"Lina?" I became even more confused when I heard this. Why does this involve Lina again?

"If she is really subjected to the Yin Wedding Sacrifice, after it is lifted, hundreds of ghosts will tear apart her soul every month when she hangs in the sky to punish her for breaking the contract. Since that girl has no cultivation, she will never be able to endure it. , she must have exhaled loudly, but she...isn't she a little too quiet?" Jiang Dayu narrowed his eyes and asked.

Fan Chong's snoring kept coming and going, but the room opposite Lina was eerily quiet.

"Maybe it's the little copper ball." I still couldn't believe that Lina had a problem, so I helped explain: "As soon as she touches the little copper ball, she will be immediately hypnotized and won't know anything. Hope Although you are dead, the copper ball is still there, isn’t it..."

"Hypnosis." Liu Laoliu suddenly turned his head, stared at me and said, "You mean that girl Lina was hypnotized?"

"Yes, she is..."

"That's right! Even if everyone in the world is hypnotized, she will never do it. We are all fooled!" As he said this, Liu Laoliu didn't even bother to put on his shoes, and jumped off the kang with a swish. He rushed towards the room where Lina lived opposite.

Jiang Dayu and I looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

Liu Laoliu pushed the door open and blocked it from the inside.

"Girl! Open..." Before I could say the word "door", Liu Laoliu rushed towards me.

With a bang, the door fell apart, and we rushed in.

I turned on the light and saw that the room was empty. Where was Lina's shadow?

The windows were closed tightly and the door was locked backwards. How did she get out?

Liu Laoliu looked around, pointed to a pool of water on the window sill on the back wall and said: "She left from here, and she even played an escape room with her before leaving!"

I took a look and immediately understood what Liu Laoliu meant.

She bolted the door first, then opened the window, aligned the bolt with the jack, and placed a small snowball in the middle. The temperature in the room was high, and after the snowball melted, the bolt fell into the jack, forming a closed space.

I opened the window and took a look. Sure enough, there was a big hole in the plastic sheet covering the outside to keep out the cold. There were also a series of footprints on the snow below, running straight out of the village.

"This girl is really up to something!" I pulled out my two swords, jumped out of the window and chased after her.

Dang Dang Dang!

I had just chased him not far when a gong sound suddenly sounded in front of me, and then all the lights in every house came on.

The whole village, men, women, old and young, all dressed in neat clothes, rushed out and surrounded us tightly.

It's like they haven't slept all this time and are just waiting for us to chase them out!

"What are you going to do? Get out of the way!" I shouted angrily, waving my two swords.

"Brother, we have no other intention, we just want to keep you here for a while." The sister-in-law who rescued us and gave up the house said with a smile on her face.

It seems that Liu Laoliu's premonition is correct at all. There is indeed a problem in this village!

"Thank you for your kindness, but we have to leave now!" Although these villagers surrounded us tightly, they did not carry any weapons except flashlights, and most of them were elderly people with serious expressions on their faces. They are honest and honest, not like thieves and bandits, and I can't attack them.

"Brother, please don't make things difficult for us. We are also receiving money from others to help others. Besides, this village is surrounded by ice and snow, and there are no homes within dozens of miles. Where can you go in the middle of the night? ?”

"You don't have to worry about it, get out of the way!" I was a little anxious, and I straightened my long knife and pointed it forward.

The crowd was startled and took a step back hastily.

At this moment, with a slight roar, a red light quickly rose into the sky from outside the village.

It was indeed a drone, a medium model over two meters long. There was a figure hanging on the rope below. Although it was far away, I recognized it at a glance. It was Lina!

After she rose into the air, she turned her head and waved to us, and then she got farther and farther away and disappeared into the night sky.

"Okay, brother, our mission has been completed. Now it's up to you whether you want to stay or go." The sister-in-law turned back and said with relief.

"What's going on? Who asked you to do this?" Liu Laoliu asked.

Obviously, someone had arranged everything before we entered the village. The sister-in-law who seemed to meet us by chance while holding a firewood doll was also waiting for us on purpose.

No wonder, they didn't even ask who we were or how we got here, so they took the initiative to cook meals and gave up the house for us to live in. At the time, we thought it was because the people in this place were honest and hospitable, and we didn’t think much of it at all. It turned out that it was all a trap!

"Three days ago, that girl came here. She said she wanted us to cooperate with her in a play. When she comes again, she will sneak away in the middle of the night. As long as we stop other people, she will give us... "As she said this, her husband, who seemed to be honest and honest, tugged on her sleeve, fearing that she would tell her what benefits she had gained.

"Well, that's it." The sister-in-law smoothed her hair that was messed up by the night wind and said, "If you want to leave here, there is Blackstone Town fifty miles to the west. There is a bus to the city every day. If you stay If you do, I will deliver your meals on time every day." After saying that, the sister-in-law ignored me, waved her hand to everyone behind her and said, "Okay, it's done, let's go."

When everyone heard this, they all beamed with joy and followed the sister-in-law towards a big room. It seemed that they were going to share the money.

He was gone in an instant, leaving the three of us where we were.

"Damn it!" Liu Laoliu's face turned livid, and he said bitterly: "I have been involved in the world for decades, and I have been playing conspiracies all my life, but I didn't expect it. At the end of the day, I was killed by a little girl. Tricked!"

This shocking change was indeed beyond my expectation.

Why did Lina leave us and run away secretly?

And, what’s even more incredible is, how did she know that we would return to this small village again?

Liu Laoliu said that it was absolutely impossible for her to be hypnotized.

That is to say, she was acting the whole time she was exploring the ancient ruins. When she heard someone mention the word dragon and the roar of dragon, she subconsciously clenched her fists and she was just pretending, just to show us.

Then is it a lie that she put on a wedding dress, stood on the Mountain of Skulls, and was sacrificed by ghosts?

If that's the case, why does the evil dragon keep chasing her?

Liang Mingli risked his life, but he must take her back?


There is another possibility: hypnosis is fake, the secret marriage is real, and even the evil dragon was deceived!

In this way, not only had she known that William and Hill had used her as bait, but even Hepburn's plot to rebel might have been noticed, otherwise the small village would not have made such thorough arrangements.

The entire boatload of people had their own hidden agendas and played all kinds of conspiracies, but in the end they all became her pawns!

All of us, including the dragon, were at her mercy.

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