Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,660 The most powerful scheming in history

"However, my spirituality has been sealed since I was a child, and I cannot learn any kind of onmyoji."

"Although I have mastered almost all the necessary high-tech methods and developed strong skills, I am still too weak compared to the rest of you. I am in urgent need of a helper."

"That person is Hepburn!"

"So I bribed an old nun and asked her to tell Hepburn the truth. I continued to design, leading him to develop an extremely crazy idea."

"Subsequently, I secretly helped him establish contact with Japanese ninjas. I even helped him find Master Zhongzhi."

"Of course, neither Hepburn nor Master Zhongzhi, nor anyone else, knows that I exist..."

"My purpose in doing this is to create an enemy for my father, grandfather, and even all of you."

"This enemy needs to be very powerful, very secretive, and needs to exclude me."

"Perhaps, you will be surprised. If Hepburn wins in the end, or I die underwater, wouldn't all this hard work be in vain?"

"I can tell you now that the core thing in the whole incident is the "Tathagata Sutra" passed down from my ancestors. The original copy has been replaced by me a long time ago, and it is hidden in the little copper ball that is always with me. "

"If Hepburn wins, that means Master Zhongzhi kills all of you, but Hepburn won't be able to get the truth at all, and will eventually join forces with me. And in the underwater underground palace, none of you can hurt me. , or in other words, he will definitely try his best to rescue me."

"Because my master Fan Chong has an upright character and will never leave me alone; Senior Jiang is suspicious by nature and dare not attack me; Mr. Zhang, you are kind and fair. I have helped you several times, and you will never be in debt." I’m a little girl, right?”

"As for Liang Mingli, I have the Buddhist scriptures in my hand, so he can't murder me at all. Moreover, the Buddhist scriptures are the magic weapon that can finally subdue the evil dragon. In other words, even the evil dragon can't do anything to me. Among the six people in the entire underwater team , but it is me, a weak woman, who is truly infallible."

"Pike would attack me, which is a bit unexpected..."

"When I was young, he once touched my hair and read out Laura's name. He thought I was too young to remember it. But from this, I also knew his background and vaguely guessed who he was. The relationship with his aunt made it clear why he had been lurking beside his father. At that time, when he fell off the cliff, he still had a trace of consciousness left and was still saying his aunt's name, but he was speaking in German, and the master did not Listen to it."

"I think he is the same person as me. He has put in all his efforts for hatred and long-cherished wishes! He is actually a poor man. I sympathize with him and understand his mood very well. When I first learned the truth, I also felt abandoned by the whole world and almost committed suicide. So, I couldn't bear to watch him die."

"On the mural opposite the remains of my ancestors, there are actually two sentences engraved on it. One of them is the Buddhist scripture I translated for you, and the other sentence means 'passage'.

"So, I followed the instructions and found the shortcut."

"You all know what happens next. In fact, even if you don't come to save me, I can get out safely. But with you by my side, I have to pretend to be unconscious!"

"Later, when I saw that the submarine was about to hit a sharp rock, Mr. Zhang was in a hurry and didn't know what to do. I had to wake up suddenly and reverse the channel. Fortunately, the situation was critical at the time and nothing was discovered."

"I am very clear about Hepburn's methods of colluding with ninjas, and their actions were all directed by me. In other words, the so-called traitor you have been looking for is me! The poison on Li Minghan and those mercenaries has also been provided to me by someone secretly. Hepburn, making it easy for him to control. The last batch of antidotes before entering the water were all fake, so the mercenaries suddenly became poisonous and immediately rioted. Of course, both Hepburn and my father William wanted to see him That scene was used to cover up the truth."

"Also, if I hadn't happened to be placed in the next room by Mrs. Shen, Hepburn and Master Zhongzhi wouldn't have taken action on the spot, because in their eyes, I was the dragon's bait, and I absolutely couldn't die. You Look, everyone during the whole incident was protecting my safety, and they were all afraid that something might happen to me, so how could something happen to me?"

"Finally, is this small village what you are curious about?"

"Actually, I already knew that the giant turtle would definitely come to save me."

"One year my grandpa took me to worship the dragon, and I discovered it! I secretly threw a lot of delicious food to it and fed it. Then I came every year, and it was also there every year. We have long become good friends. "

"It just happened that Pike was here this year, and he thought he was here to save him."

"I installed a tracker on it, and I have long known that this is its home, in the water hole under the harbor in front of the village. Once an animal is frightened, the most instinctive reaction is to escape home, so I early I have been here before going into the water. I gave each household in the village 100,000 yuan and asked them to help me put on a play and keep you when I escaped in the middle of the night. You will not hurt the villagers, right? They are good people.”

"Of course, you are all good people too. The reason why I tell you all the truth is because I have been depressed for too long!"

"It's really been too long..."

"But each of these are earth-shattering secrets! From today on, we will be addicted to them forever, and they have never even happened before."

"At this moment, I don't know whether to say thank you or sorry. You are all good people. The only thing wrong is that you should not have boarded this ship!"

"Okay, the drone to pick me up is coming soon. Once the three of you get together, my secret will no longer be hidden. I have to go!"

"Good luck to you! A little girl who has been with you."

After reading the long letter left by Lina, the three of us were silent for a long time, speechless for a while.

There was a ding sound, and there was a sound of refreshing the web page on the phone. When I looked again, the letter was gone.

It turns out that Lina had already set the timer to be destroyed, and just like herself, she disappeared without a trace in front of us!

It is really unimaginable that the mastermind behind the whole incident was this seemingly weak little girl!

Hill, the cunning William, and the crazy Hepburn, regardless of the cost, all thought their plans were foolproof, but in the end they all failed to escape her calculations!

Just like what she said in her letter, everyone in the whole incident, including the evil dragon and the giant turtle, were part of her plan! No matter how things develop and who wins, it's all part of her plan - it's just a matter of implementing Plan A or Plan B.

I have long seen that this girl is not simple, but I never expected that she would be so powerful!

Others hide their cleverness in their clumsiness, but she reveals her shrewdness in every aspect, thus covering up her shrewder side.

Psychologist, I remembered again the profession she introduced herself to during our first interview.

Indeed, from beginning to end, she was making full use of everyone's different needs and weaknesses, thus winning a beautiful victory!

Whether it was the ship full of dead people or the four of us who were lucky enough to survive, they were all completely defeated!

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