Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1661 The Dreamless One

After a long silence, Liu Laoliu said: "After you entered the water, I sneaked into the monitoring room and checked the images in everyone's room. Perhaps for the sake of security, everyone's room, including William and Hill, There is surveillance in Liduan, but there is no surveillance in Lina’s room.”

"Of course, the rooms of us people are covered up in various ways, and I didn't find anything from it. The most suspicious thing is Li Minghan. He covers his head tightly with the quilt every night, and he is tall It was so high that I tossed it for a while before I fell asleep out of boredom."

"Later, while he was away, I got into his room and found another set of monitoring equipment under the bed."

"When I opened the video inside, I saw it was from Lina's room."

"It seems that this kid is still a peeping tom and installed it quietly on his own. Even such a shrewd Lina didn't notice it!"

"Lina came to the ship more than twenty days ago, and this video was recorded almost ten days ago."

"This video is installed in the bathroom. Li Minghan was peeking at others taking a bath, so he watched it without noticing the real problem. A very blurry figure was reflected on the wall opposite the bathroom. That was Li Minghan. Na was sitting at the table."

"I quickly looked through all the images and discovered that this girl had never slept! She sat at the table reading every night until dawn. In other words, she didn't need to sleep at all!" Liu Laoliu said.

"Dreamless?" Jiang Dayu was surprised.

"Yes!" Liu Laoliu nodded and said, "She doesn't know how she turned herself into a dreamless person who doesn't need sleep, which means she can't be hypnotized at all. So, when you talk about her, Being hypnotized, I immediately felt something was wrong!”

"No wonder she said that soon after entering the ancient ruins, all communications were interrupted and there was no signal at all. She was afraid that we would contact each other and expose our flaws." I also suddenly realized.

"Yes!" Liu Laoliu nodded: "This girl's scheming is terrifying, but everyone will always have flaws. We just suffered the loss of not knowing her well enough, so at the beginning we were all on guard against each other. But no one cared about her."

"On the contrary, as early as the establishment of the joint expedition team, she studied each of us in detail and made the most appropriate design based on each person's weaknesses and temperaments!"

"If we had been given a few more days, that is, if we had launched into the water a few days later, she might have been exposed long ago!"

Jiang Dayu sighed and said: "Now that things have happened, it's too late to say anything!"

"It's not too late." Liu Laoliu said: "She designed Hepburn and William to fight secretly, and both died tragically, thus taking control of the entire Feng family in one fell swoop. This is just a transfer of power within their family. We can't control it, and we don't want to No matter, but she has another plan to capture the evil dragon, so we can still intervene!"

"Oh." Jiang Dayu asked strangely, "What do you have in mind?"

"This is in China. It's fine if she sends out drones to fly over hundreds of meters at ultra-low altitude, but large ships and aircraft will never dare to dock. When we went down the river during the day, we didn't find any trace of large ships. In other words, her stronghold is still some distance away from here, and it will take some time to truly capture the dragon."

"So what?" Jiang Dayu looked at me and Liu Laoliu and said, "Now that I have lost all my cultivation, and Fan Chong's ghost dream Yaksha has also left me, I am now just an ordinary person like me, and still a human being." Crippled. Your cultivation level is not that good either. The only thing that can be put on the table is the Green Devil Hand, which you can’t use now. Just... How can Brother Zhang stop it by himself? "

When he mentioned me, he obviously paused. Maybe after recognizing the sect leader, the word "little brother" was really awkward.

Liu Laoliu smiled slightly and said: "A wise man will always make mistakes! That girl is indeed very shrewd and has figured out almost all aspects, but she missed one thing. This is also the inevitable result of her not being good at the art of yin and yang. "

"What's going on? Just say no and that's it." Jiang Dayu got a little anxious and urged him.

"Jiulin and I just went to have a look outside the village. The ice all around was lifted up by the giant dragon. It seemed that it had been playing games outside the village for a long time, but it never dared to approach the village. It was approaching. The river on this side of the village is safe and sound, what does this mean?"

"You mean, there is something in the village that it is afraid of?" Jiang Dayu grasped the key point at once.

"Yes! As long as we find that thing, we can capture the evil dragon first! As for how that girl regains her family's power and develops it, that is her business. As long as the evil dragon is not used by her, the rest will We can't control the matter anymore." Liu Laoliu explained.

Jiang Dayu clenched his fists tightly and said nothing. I knew what he was thinking.

Lina originally wanted to kill me and Liu Laoliu, but she failed after all, and did not cause any substantial damage to the two of us. I even got the Nine Life Tower and the relics of Taoist Baihe as a blessing in disguise.

But Jiang Dayu...not only lost all his cultivation and turned into an ordinary person, but his twin brother, who he had been with for decades, also died unexpectedly!

Although Lina cannot be blamed for all this, she is the initiator after all, the one who planned the whole incident! How could Jiang Dayu not hate Lina?

But at this time, he couldn't care about other things. He could only find a way to subdue the evil dragon first.

"Okay!" Jiang Dayu nodded vigorously and said, "Let's split up to look for clues and come back to discuss it in an hour."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Although his cultivation is gone, his temper has not changed at all.

Liu Laoliu and I also left separately and visited each other in one direction.

This village is not big, and there are almost no young people left. Most of them are over forty years old. They have just received an unexpected fortune, and they are all so excited that their faces are red and they can't sleep.

When they saw me coming to the door, they were all extremely wary, fearing that I was here to ask for money.

But then, seeing that my tone was easy-going and I was chatting about household matters with a smile on my face, it didn’t look like I was here to collect a debt or ask for money, so I let my guard down, and gradually I started talking more.

I visited five or six households from house to house. When I met the sister-in-law again, she looked embarrassed and apologized to me...

I waved my hands, indicating that it was nothing important, and continued to talk to what I wanted to know.

An hour later, I returned to the hut where I stayed.

Fan Chong was still asleep, breathing heartlessly.

In a short time, Jiang Dayu and Liu Laoliu also rushed back one after another.

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