Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,663 There is no more Xia Wushuang in the world

I ran two steps to catch up with Jiang Dayu, but he didn't look back and said with lingering fear: "This old guy is such a thief! It won't be long before he sees through the truth! After dealing with this evil dragon I have to bury Xiaoyu in front of the master's grave, and I also have to go back to Longquan Villa. Some grievances should be settled. We are destined to meet again."

Taking two steps forward, Jiang Dayu suddenly stopped again, looked at me carefully and said: "You have also seen how terrifying Zhongzhi's strength is. With just one person, he can kill so many masters in an instant. Kill, wound. If Fan Chong hadn't happened to be practicing Guimeng Yaksha and suddenly took action when his spiritual power was weak, none of us would be alive now. But what I want to tell you is that Long Qingqiu's The strength is definitely above the middle finger!”

"I have said before that I will never be involved in the grudge between you and Longquan Villa, but I do hope that you will be the final winner! With the Three Treasures of the Nine Nethers in one body, and the Eternal Spirit Ring in hand, decades later You can fight with him! If you lose, don't say I look down on you, even Youzi and Master Gray Pigeon will scold you for bringing shame on the family."

After saying that, he ignored me and just strode forward.

These words made me speechless immediately and my fists clenched loudly.

Do not worry! Senior Gray Pigeon, Senior Honorable Youzi, I will never disgrace the name of Jiuyou and make the Three Treasures fall into ashes!

Do not worry! Senior Shu, Master Feng, Zen Master Baimei, I will definitely avenge you!

When we got to the riverside, Jiang Dayu asked me to break open a hole in the ice, and then jumped in.

I waited on the shore for a long time, but there was still no movement. After a while, Liu Laoliu borrowed a thick sheepskin coat from someone's house, and hurried over with a pot of boiling shochu in his hand.

The two of us stared at the ice cave for a long time, but there was still no movement.

I was a little worried and anxious. Although Jiang Dayu has excellent water qualities, after all, he has lost all his cultivation and has not recovered from his injuries. He has been sinking to the bottom of the river for so long and has not even come up to take a breath. What if there is an accident?

"Sixth Master, you wait here, I'll go down and have a look too." I said that I wanted to jump in too.

Liu Laoliu stopped me and said: "You should also know that the true identities of these two brothers are Xia Wushuang, the Supreme Elder of Longquan Villa. As far as water properties are concerned, no one in this world can beat them. Although He has no cultivation now, but his water quality is far superior to yours. If he can't even do it, it's useless for you to go down! Besides, he's only been a little while, if he can't stand it now, his name as a water ghost will be in vain. .”


While he was talking, the waves turned, and Jiang Dayu jumped out like a carp leaping through a dragon's gate.

Although he was good at swimming, he was old and seriously injured. As soon as he reached the water, he immediately sat on the ice and kept panting.

I put the sheepskin coat on him, and Liu Laoliu handed over the wine bottle and asked, "How are you doing, old man?"

Originally, Liu Laoliu was very wary of Jiang Dayu, but after Jiang Dayu said, "There is no more Xia Wushuang in the world," his attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees and he helped him again. He was looking for a pipe and some soju, and even his title became old buddy.

Jiang Dayu took the wine flask and took a sip, and said with a long sigh: "It is indeed Wei Zheng's Dragon-Slaying Stone, but it's a pity that we can't activate it at all!"

"Why?" Liu Laoliu asked very strangely.

"It is engraved with the formation of the four images of wind, fire, thunder and lightning. It requires an ancestor worship ceremony and the light of the sun and moon to decipher it, and it can only be manipulated by the descendants of the Wei family."

"The descendants of the Wei family? This is easy to handle." I interrupted: "Isn't this village the descendants of the Wei family? Just ask them to control it."

"Although they are all descendants of the Wei family, it has been more than a thousand years since Wei Zheng's death, and no one can say for sure whether the bloodline is still intact. Moreover, he fled with his slaves at the beginning, so the character Wei was changed into a female character. Who can tell which surname belongs to the Wei family and which surname belongs to the slaves? Moreover, this stone is seven or eight meters deep under the water and weighs more than a thousand kilograms. Do you have the skills of Karov? Who can pull it out and see the light of the sun and the moon again?”

After Liu Laoliu heard this, he stroked his beard and thought for a while and said: "Old man, don't worry about this for now. Just tell me, do you know how to worship ancestors and how to operate a sword?"

"Of course you can, but how do you solve these two problems?"

"That's it! You don't have to worry about the rest! Let's go! Let's go back first." After saying this, Liu Laoliu helped Jiang Dayu, took out his phone, and flipped through it for a long time before finding a number to call. passed.

He was on speakerphone, and the sound continued for a long time before a sweet, sleepy voice came from the other end: "Hey, who are you looking for?"

"Let San Zaizi answer the phone." Liu Laoliu said seriously.

"Old man, did you type the wrong number?"

"Oh, I almost forgot. His name seems to be Zhang Jianbao. You all call him Brother Bao, right?" Liu Laoliu said, suddenly raising his voice and yelling at the sweet-sounding woman: "Hurry up and put him Call me over! I'll sell you to Africa in a second at night to sleep with niggas."

The woman screamed in fright. After coming over for a while, an extremely angry and impatient voice came from the phone: "Who is it? His grandma's life is so boring, isn't it?"

"Third bastard, I think you really need to be dealt with. Who are you yelling at?" Liu Laoliu's voice suddenly turned cold.

"Six...Sixth Master?" The voice on the other end immediately lowered his voice and said in a flattering tone: "Sixth Master, look, I didn't know it was you. Why do you, old man..."

"Stop talking nonsense, prepare 10 million in cash for me immediately, plus two cranes, and two camera operators. They must be sent to the Innocence Village fifty miles east of Blackstone Town before dawn."

"Sixth Master...the money and the cameraman are all fine, but this is a crane."

"Stop talking nonsense! If something is missing before the sun rises, you won't be able to see the sunset!" With that, Liu Laoliu hung up the phone with a bang.

This phone call was very tough and domineering! It's really unimaginable that Liu Laoliu, who looked like a bad old man and had a kind face, was the one who beat him.

Even Jiang Dayu glanced at him sideways and said: "Speaking of Lao Liu, haven't you quit the world a long time ago? Can this kid still listen to you? Besides, your conditions are indeed a bit harsh. Can he do it?"

Liu Laoliu ignored the first half of the sentence and replied directly: "The two of them opened an underground casino on the Sino-Russian border, and their sphere of influence covers this area. Although this matter is difficult to handle, it is not difficult for him. "Immediately, he ordered me again: "Jiulin, please move faster. Go and wake up the people in the village immediately, and ask them to help us put on a good show. After the event is completed, the whole village will be rewarded with 10 million yuan." !”

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