Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1664: Burning Money

I heard that there was money to be divided, and it was a full 10 million. The excitement had just passed and the villagers who were about to fall asleep became energetic again and gathered together without my urging.

Liu Laoliu first asked a few villagers to make a bonfire, then he moved a chair and sat in front of it.

Then, he started to develop his ability to tell nonsense.

He said that he is actually a director - I think he is more like an actor, and he is also a complete actor.

His purpose in coming here was to find the most primitive and simple village to shoot a documentary about rural ancestor worship.

The little blond girl who escaped in the middle of the night was an actor in the crew. She came to test whether the people in this village are honest and trustworthy. So what about the acting skills? Facts have proved that Innocence Village is the best choice. The cameras will come after a while and the filming will start immediately.

After the filming is completed, a bonus of 10 million will be given to everyone as hard work compensation.

Don't tell me, this old man is really pretending to be something. He leans back on the chair, raises his stilt legs, and speaks in a thin, slow voice, mixed with a few words of half-baked Cantonese. It really looks like that.

Immediately, he called Guojiang Dayu and introduced to everyone that he was the scene recorder and set decorator. Everyone first set up the background according to his requirements, and as soon as the camera arrived, the shooting started immediately!

Liu Laoliu concocted this lie so flawlessly, I don't know how he came up with it and got into the role so quickly.

Jiang Dayu was obviously not as skilled as Liu Laoliu in the advanced knowledge of deceiving people, but building altars was his specialty.

More than an hour later, the altar was set up, and Liu Laoliu kept talking nonsense, saying that once this movie is released, your village will become famous all over the country and become a famous tourist attraction. Do whatever you want. You can make a lot of money in any business. A roasted potato costs at least ten yuan. Even if you pay ninety-nine yuan, you won’t sell it! How much does it cost to sleep in your Tukang hut for one night? What? three hundred? That was midnight! It costs at least 800 yuan for a whole night, and you have to make a reservation a week in advance. There is no room for late arrivals.

His nonsense made the villagers, who had never been out much and had never seen the world, bewildered.

After a while, two dazzling lights flashed in the distance, followed by the sound of a horn.

Looking closer, I saw two cars driving up.

There is a Hummer in the front and an off-road Jeep in the back.

This village is remote and remote, and there are no cars coming there. When the villagers saw him, they looked at Liu Laoliu with more respect in their eyes.

Until the car stopped outside the crowd, a group of people got out of the car, some carrying cameras and some carrying money boxes, and hurried over. The faces of the villagers all turned red, as if they had all seen the day when the innocent village rich became a prostitute.

The group was headed by a fat man with disheveled hair and a troubled look on his face.

"Sixth Master..." He hurried over and said, "I have brought the money and the camera, and the crane has started. It is on the way. It may take a while before it arrives."

"Yeah." Liu Laoliu didn't even raise his eyelids and just responded lightly. Then he pointed at the man holding the money box and said, "Bring the money here."

The man quickly stepped forward and handed the box over.

Liu Laoliu opened two money boxes and poured a hundred bundles of brand-new hundred-yuan bills onto the ground with a crash.

The villagers had never seen so much money before, and their eyes suddenly widened!

Liu Laoliu stood up and said, "Okay, now let me tell you how to perform this play."

"In this ancestor worship, there are two types of people: master and slave. In your village, there are two surnames: women and ghosts, right? One surname is the master's family, and the other is the slave's family. Those with the master's surname are divided into eight million, and those with the slave's surname are divided into two million. , you can study for yourself who is the master and who is the slave, but you only have one minute. If you haven’t decided after the timeout, I will burn 10,000 yuan every 10 seconds. Okay, now start the timer."

After hearing what he said, not only the villagers and those who later gave money to carry the camera, but also Jiang Dayu and I were a little confused. What kind of medicine was he selling in this gourd?

The villagers were a little confused at first, but then they started arguing fiercely.

Liu Laoliu watched with interest, and then stared at the phone to check the time.

"Have you decided yet? No, right?" He said and waved his hand, picked up a bundle of hundred-yuan bills and threw it into the fire, where it burned to ashes in an instant.

"Not yet, right?" Another bundle.

He didn't seem to care, and he gave away 10,000 yuan, but these villagers had already subconsciously regarded the money as their own, and they felt a little distressed when they saw him burning like this.

After he burned hundreds of thousands, the sister-in-law stood up and said: "Director Liu, we have decided that the female surname will be the master's family, and the ghost surname will be the slave's family."

"Well, very good." Liu Laoliu smiled and nodded, then pointed to the car and said: "Did you see that car? It's called a Hummer. It would cost more to sell it as a used one than this pile of money. , now I want to choose a young master to be the officiant. Whoever is elected will get the car. It’s still the old rule, give you a minute, otherwise I will dismantle the car. "

When the fat man who came at the head heard this, he was so frightened that he swallowed his saliva fiercely. He shrank his neck in distress, but he did not dare to say a word.

When the villagers heard this, they started arguing even more fiercely. The eight million or two million just now were divided among everyone, but now this car is for one person!

"Sixth Master, is this method of yours effective? Don't let these villagers work together to fool you. Just pick someone out at random. No matter who gets it, the whole village will share the money. Wouldn't your show be ruined?"

Liu Laoliu smiled and said: "Many times, the process is more important than the result. What I want to see is the process of their discussion. From this, I can find clues. It doesn't matter what result is chosen."

Seeing that no one came forward, Liu Laoliu took out a thick stick from the bonfire, walked to the car, and said loudly: "The results haven't come yet, right?"

With a bang, the rearview mirror was smashed down.


Yet another one!

Snap! The front windshield was also shattered into pieces, but it was still attached and had not fallen off.

Every time he hit it, the villagers' eyes twitched, and the fat man who brought the money trembled all over his body.

"Don't! Don't smash it! Director Liu, we have chosen." The sister-in-law stood up again and pushed a child forward.

It was her son.

"Oh, very good, kid, come here." Liu Laoliu dropped the short stick in his hand and greeted with a smile.

The child came over timidly. Liu Laoliu touched his head and asked, "How old are you?"

"8 years old."

"What's your name?"

"Peace be upon you."

Liu Laoliu's face turned cold, and he pulled out a gun from his waist with a whoosh, and hit the native dog standing outside the crowd with a bang.

He deliberately did not kill him, and the dog barked miserably.

The next second, Liu Laoliu turned his gun and put it on the child's forehead!

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