Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1665 Yaojiang Altar

Everyone was stunned at this moment, not knowing what he was going to do.

"An Wazi..." The sister-in-law screamed and wanted to rush out of the crowd, but was stopped by the villagers.

"Are you kidding me?" Liu Laoliu glared, clenched his back molars and looked extremely ferocious, and shouted loudly: "The master's surname is female, and the young man's surname is ghost, you really treat me like a three-year-old child." Child? Now, let me change the rules! All the money and cars belong to one surname, and the other surname has nothing. It’s still one minute! If you still can’t choose, I will start killing people! One every 10 seconds, start now!”

The villagers were all stunned, or frightened. Why did the old director, who was so pleasant just now, suddenly turn into a demon from hell?

But the gun was real, and he really meant what he said just now.

"Female surname, give it to a female surname, we don't want anything with the ghost surname!" the sister-in-law shouted loudly.


The gunfire rang out, and the trembling child who had been standing in front of Liu Laoliu suddenly fell to the ground.

Anger, fear, fear, and other expressions were all condensed on the faces of the villagers, but no one dared to speak or even move.

Only the sister-in-law broke free from the villagers' grasp and rushed out.

"Stop her!" Liu Laoliu ordered the fat man.

The fat man quickly responded.

"Since you don't want to make a choice, let me choose! Money and cars are all given to this child's surname, Gui! Choose the female surname to stand on the left, and the ghost surname to stand on the right. After ten seconds, who is still standing in the middle? Or those who stand in the wrong position will be shot immediately." Liu Laoliu shouted.

The crowd moved immediately, extremely obedient and honest.

This time, I seem to understand Liu Laoliu’s intention!

First, they used benefits to seduce them in a relaxed environment, which caused some unevenness and caused arguments. But the interests belong to everyone, and everyone has their own reservations.

Then he increased the price tag and put a lot of money on a single person, inducing the dispute to escalate.

Then, under the coercion of crisis, interests are put aside, one party gains everything, and the other party gets nothing.

Finally, under the threat of death and the temptation of money, they were forced to make one last choice.

Moreover, the time he gave each time was extremely short and did not allow for more consideration. It was all based on instinct.

When this group of Wei family servants moved here, they must have been in good order. But with the passage of time and the changes of the times, this master-servant relationship has become increasingly diluted. It may even become unclear to them. Who is the real blood of the Wei family and who is the slave?

However, under Liu Laoliu's constant stimulation, the unspeakable clan instinct was naturally stimulated. One person and two people may still be wrong, but the whole group of people mixed together made the results more accurate.

It's just that this method, although it can identify human nature in a very short period of time, is a bit cruel.

Liu Laoliu glanced at the crowds on both sides, turned his head and said to Jiang Dayu: "I can confirm now that the ghost surname is from the Wei family."

After saying that, he knelt down and patted the child on the forehead. The child was stunned, looking at everyone in confusion, as well as his mother who was crying loudly, and seemed a little at a loss.

But he didn't even feel a little scared. Only Jiang Dayu and I knew what was going on. Long before the gunshot, Liu Laoliu cast a sleeping spell on the child.

In other words, he fell asleep without hearing the gunfire at all, and was not frightened at all.

"Now I finally know why when you were in the industry, few sex dealers dared to mess with you. You are indeed an old fox!" Jiang Dayu blew out a long smoke ring, and he didn't know whether he was praising or scolding you. .

When the villagers saw that the child was fine, they immediately relaxed their tense hearts and involuntarily stared at the pile of hundred-yuan bills in front of the fire.

Liu Laoliu put away his pistol with a smile, raised his fist at the villagers and said, "Don't be afraid, everyone. In fact, this is just a short clip. I'm afraid that you don't have much experience in filming and your acting won't be good enough. That's why I didn't follow you." Say hello. Please forgive me."

"Haha, let's do this! This little fat guy is our stage manager. After the filming of this drama is completed, let him form a tour group and take everyone to Harbin to see the ice lanterns. He will be in charge of transportation, food and accommodation, and two sets per person. New clothes and gifts, what do you think?"

"Okay!" Everyone was shocked, but something good happened from the sky. The answers were uneven, but you could tell that they were no longer afraid.

Only the little fat man had a sad face, but he didn't dare to say anything...

After a while, there was another roar of machinery in the distance.

It's the crane that's coming.

Liu Laoliu looked at Jiang Dayu and said, "Okay, old man, I'll leave it to you now."

Under the huge force of the crane, the bright red boulder steadily emerged from the water and was transported all the way back to the village.

Later, under Jiang Dayu's arrangement, the whole village stood neatly in front of the red stone altar, with the ghost surname in front and the female surname in the back, in order.

With their previous experience, the villagers were very cooperative, and even their expressions looked extremely solemn.

After three prostrations and nine prostrations, wisps of pale white runes appeared on the red stone, and they gradually became clearer, as if the moonlight had been absorbed.

Liu Laoliu looked up at the sky and saw that a piece of fish belly white had appeared in the east. It was going to be dawn soon!

"Let's go, Jiulin. There's this old guy here anyway, so there's no need for us. Let's go to the riverside and have a look. Dragon slaying is the greatest wonder in the world. It's rare to see in a thousand years!" As he said this, Liu Laoliu memorized. Walk forward with hands in hand.

"That...Sixth Master." The little fat man walked forward very hesitantly: "What you just promised the villagers..."

"Of course it counts! I, Liu Laoliu, rely on my faith to travel around the world." Liu Laoliu clasped his hands behind his back and spoke with high spirits.

The little fat man swallowed his saliva, and probably thought to himself: You just made a fool of yourself, but the compensation I paid was banknotes!

"You can't save on traveling, and you can't get back the money you throw away. If you really can't bear to part with the car, then drive it back. When you go back, remember to do some livelihood construction near the village. You can't do anything for the money you make, I Spending a flower for you is a way of accumulating virtue. Huh? Why don't you say anything? Am I wrong?"

"That's right." How could the little fat man dare to say no? He nodded repeatedly: "Master Liu, if nothing happens, I will go back first?" He may be afraid that after a while, Liu Laoliu will come up with something else. He spends money.

"Okay." Liu Laoliu waved his hand without looking back: "Go back and tell your father that I will help him settle the matter of offending the Three Evils of Yinshan. In the future, you will have a better memory and don't rely on a few bad guys. I don’t even know what my last name is anymore.”

"Yes, yes, yes!" The little fat man nodded and bowed after hearing this. He didn't even care that he had just lost so much money and even scolded his father. Instead, he was extremely happy.

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