Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1666: The first experience of slaying a dragon in the ages

The sky and the earth are like ink, and there is a chill. The water of the Wusuli River is rolling, rushing against both sides of the bank.

Liu Laoliu and I had just stood on the river bank for a while when we heard the roar of a motor coming from downstream.

Turning around, I saw a giant icebreaker sailing far away on the frozen river. It plowed through the ice and made its way upstream, making an ear-piercing roar that woke up the tranquility before dawn. As if he was declaring arrogantly: "I'm coming!"

As we got closer, we could see more clearly. There was a cross flag of an unknown country hanging high on the bow of the ship. Beside the high deck guardrail, blood-red figures stood, looking particularly dazzling against the silver-white hull.

This figure is very familiar to me, it is Lina.

The messy long golden hair has been trimmed neatly. She is wearing a blood-red dress and a red fox coat. She is holding her shoulders, looking down at the thousands of miles of Ussuri River as if she is a king.

When she approached the small village, she turned her head and glanced this way.

Liu Laoliu and I happened to be standing under the big locust tree.

In the shadows, she didn't seem to notice us, and then cast her gaze into the distance.

Maybe in her eyes, we are just insignificant passers-by in a career of seizing glory and power, no different from the group of mercenaries on the ship.

At this moment, in the eastern sky, white light jumped, and a bright red sun suddenly jumped out of the horizon, spreading out thousands of rays of light, illuminating the entire world in just an instant.

No matter how dark the moment is, it will eventually pass, and light will eventually shine on the world!

Just when the icebreaker passed us and was about to sail forward, the sky and the earth suddenly darkened, and then a murderous aura suddenly rose into the sky from the small village, and a rainbow swept across like the startling sun and rushed straight to the river.

With a snap, the ice in the river melted instantly!

The murderous aura quickly condensed into a translucent knife, as if to recreate Wei Zheng's feat of slaying the dragon a thousand years ago.

"Roar!" A dragon roar came from afar.

The roar was no longer arrogant, no longer angry, no longer extremely arrogant.

But fear, fear, trembling with fear!

Although I couldn't see it from too far away, I could still imagine it running for its life in a panic, just as hurriedly as it broke out of the formation.

"Roar!" shouted again.

Wail, unwillingness, resentment, pain!

The echo of the dragon's roar had not yet dissipated, and the sword energy had returned to the village. Immediately, the river in front of us was dyed red with blood, reflecting the rising sun, and Liu Laoliu and I looked at each other.

Is this the power of the Dragon-Slaying Sword?

In less than a few seconds, the arrogant dragon turned into a headless corpse and sank to the bottom of the river. Seeing that the relic left by Wei Zheng was indeed the dragon's nemesis.

Lina, who was standing at the bow of the ship, suddenly swayed and fell to the ground. She stared blankly at the river that was dyed crimson, motionless.

I don’t know what her mood is at this moment.

After careful planning and all the tricks, it seemed like he was sure of victory, but in the end it all came to nothing!

Suddenly the icebreaker changed direction and sped away at a much faster speed than when it came.



Just as the icebreaker was about to disappear from our sight, several small points of light suddenly appeared in front of us, and a few seconds later, there was another loud noise that broke the sound barrier.

It's a fighter!

There are six aircraft in total, divided into two types, three on each side of the river. They all maintain a triangular cruising formation, with a tacit understanding of each side. These are the border patrol fighters of China and Russia.

In fact, this was just a daily inspection, but the icebreaker had something on his mind and did not dare to stay, so he fled in a hurry.

The fighter plane disappeared in an instant, but the turbulent crimson river water was still not diluted, as if it was still telling all kinds of unwillingness!

The red water was still flowing, and the sun was not idle, rising into the sky in a few leaps. From the light red just now, it turned into a brilliant golden color, and the people who took the photo did not dare to look up.

"It's finally dawn." Liu Laoliu was silent for a long time and sighed.

It wasn't until the blood finally diluted and a layer of small ice scum gradually formed on the river surface that I advised: "Master Liu, let's go back."

Liu Laoliu nodded, and when we both turned around, we saw that the big locust tree behind us had sprouted green branches at some point, and was dancing gently in the wind, as if it was waving to us. , and seems to be calling for spring.

Liu Laoliu seemed to remember something all of a sudden, stared at me and said: "After this severe cold, spring is coming soon, right? You see, this tree has been prepared for a long time." After saying that, he just I wanted to show off as an elder and say something, but my phone suddenly rang.

"Ah? What? Okay, okay, I'll go back right away." Liu Laoliu responded loudly and exaggeratedly, uncharacteristically. The wrinkles at the corners of his eyes seemed to be about to open up with joy, and his face was glowing red.

After putting down the phone, he danced happily and suddenly fell over. Before I could help him, he jumped up and said, "The hospital just called and said that your sixth uncle is awake. Anyway, things here are over. I won't accompany you anymore. I have to fly back to Sichuan immediately!"

When I heard this, I was really happy for him, and quickly said: "Save for Uncle Six for me, and wait until I have time to go see him."

"Okay!" Liu Laoliu was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth and answered continuously. He kept calling while running forward: "Baozi, come back quickly and take me to the airport."

"Hey, Elephant? Tell the old ghost to let my bastard grandson come back and tell him that I'm awake!"

"Xiao Yingzi! Hurry up and book a hotel for me, all-inclusive, for a month! That's right! Go now."

"Old cripple... hurry up and prepare an invitation for me, everyone... yes! Haha, yes, yes..."

The old man had been crazy about the news that his son had woken up, and he was so happy that he stumbled along the way.

When I returned to the village, I found that Jiang Dayu was also missing. When I asked the villagers, they said he had left long ago. Before leaving, he also borrowed a shroud prepared for the old man from the villagers.

Liu Laoliu's son woke up and was overjoyed, but Jiang Dayu wanted to collect his brother's body.

Where there is joy, there is joy, and there are joys and sorrows in the world!

The villagers got a lot of money for nothing, and they all forgot about being frightened by Liu Laoliu, and they were all smiling. Some are hurriedly calling their children who are working in other places, some are excitedly discussing what to buy, and some are planning to build a new house.

When I returned to the hut, Fan Chong was still asleep, and his snoring was still loud.

Fan Chong is a rough man. He met us by chance, but he did not hesitate to pay any price, even his life! When fighting desperately, he wouldn't even blink.

But...if he learned that the mastermind behind the whole incident was Lina, who was deceived from the beginning to the end by the obedient female apprentice who kept calling her master, and played him around like a fool, how would he feel?

At least it would be more painful than his broken arm and missing eyes!

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