Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1667 Jianghu

The simple thing is, he doesn't know anything.

Sometimes, being in the dark is a kind of happiness.

The bright sunshine shined on Fan Chong's face through the ice flowers. He didn't know what he was dreaming about, and his face was full of smiles.

Recalling this trip to the Wusuli River, excluding the mercenaries and ninjas, including Hepburn and Zhongzhi, there were a total of sixteen people.

Hepburn and Fujita were just swallowed by the evil dragon; William and Hill were decapitated by Fan Chong after being seriously injured; Jiang Xiaoyu, Li Minghan, Liang Mingli, and Karloff were all killed by Zhongzhi; the arrogant Zhongzhi also died in the end. Surrounded by everyone; Mrs. Shen found the final place of practice with her head in her hands; Parker committed suicide by jumping into the river and fulfilled his long-cherished wish.

In the end, only me, Jiang Dayu, Liu Laoliu, Fan Chong, and Lina were left.

Now, Lina has the last laugh, but she has lost her dragon again.

Liu Laoliu avenged his son, lifted the curse, and left with great joy.

Jiang Dayu lost all his cultivation and collected his brother's body with sadness.

Fan Chong lost one eye and one arm. He has aged dozens of years and is approaching his twilight years.

And not only did I obtain Jiuyou's most precious treasure, Taoist Priest Baihe's ancient sword, I even learned more secrets.

But along the way, if Fan Chong hadn't stepped forward time and time again, it would have been a question whether I could have made it out of the miracle!

Now, seeing Fan Chong in such a mess, how can I sit idly by and do nothing?

I sat down next to him, quietly thinking about all the experiences I had experienced in the past five or six days since I boarded the icebreaker, while waiting for him to wake up.

I want to ask him what his plans are and what I can do to help him.

Fan Chong might be really too tired. After sleeping all night, he didn't wake up until near dusk.

"Hey, where are they?" When Fan Chong saw that I was the only one sitting next to him, he was very surprised and wanted to get up, but he forgot about the broken arm and almost fell down without paying attention.

I quickly helped him: "They all left. Jiang Dayu went to collect his brother's body. Mr. Liu's son, who had been unconscious for more than 20 years, finally woke up and hurried back."

"Then...what about that girl Lina?"

"She's gone too."

"You're gone, where are you going?" Fan Chong asked hurriedly when he saw something was wrong with my expression.

"Like Pike, she sank into the river and died. She couldn't accept the tragic death of her father and brother, so she couldn't think of anything and threw herself into the river."

This is what I thought about all day long and finally came up with to deceive Fan Chong.

Compared with death, it is more difficult for the upright Fan Chong to accept deception.

In other words, Lina, his good disciple in his heart, is really dead, completely dead!

"Why didn't you stop her! Why!" Fan Chong grabbed my collar tightly with one arm and shook it uncontrollably.

I didn't move, letting him shake.

In fact, I don't want to face this tragic situation.

The situation was urgent at the time and I didn’t feel anything yet.

Looking back now, Jiang Xiaoyu, Karov, even Pike and William, if possible, I don't want this to be their final outcome!

Fan Chong shook for a while, then lowered his arms slumpedly, and remained silent for a long time: "Come with me to the riverside for a walk, and take a last look at Lao Maozi and Lina."

I didn't say anything and helped him stand up.

It was only then that I realized that Fan Chong's body was so weak that he could hardly even stand. It was hard to imagine how powerful a water master he was a day ago.

The wind by the river was as cold as a knife. Fan Chong ignored my dissuasion and sat blankly on the bank, staring at the roaring river without blinking.

There was no crying, no chattering, not even a drop of tears, just sitting and staring blankly.

His already white beard and hair were covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

"Lao Fan, let's go." After a long time, I helped him up.

He was neither stubborn nor obedient. He was like an old piece of wood, letting me hold him up and walking mechanically step by step.

"Lao Fan, where do you want to go? No matter where you want to go, I will arrange it for you." After returning to the house, I covered him with a quilt and asked softly.

Fan Chong slowly shook his head, his eyes still dull and said: "I'm not going anywhere, I'll just stay here."

"I am an orphan. I have never seen my parents since I was a child. I was raised by an old fisherman. When I was six years old, he also died... in order to catch another fish so that he could cook me dinner, but he really Because he was too old, he was pulled into the water by a fish without paying attention. I remember that he smiled at me at the end. I thought he was still making me happy like before, and then he would suddenly emerge from the water with his hands. He was holding a fish high, but that time, he never appeared again."

"I have no relatives or friends. Although I long for it, no one wants to pay attention to me, no one."

"Gradually, I got used to this kind of life. I catch fish by myself, cook by myself, and sleep tossing and turning by myself..."

"When I'm in a good mood, I go gambling and lose everything. When I'm in a bad mood, I hold a jar and get drunk. If anyone offends me, I'll chop him to pieces if he disagrees with me."

"Over the years, except for Lao Maozi, who has been fighting with me endlessly, I have not even an enemy, let alone a friend."

"You may not believe it, but these days with you are the days when I talk the most and the days when I am the happiest! I don't laugh very well, but I am always happy and happy in my heart, but... but... In the blink of an eye there was nothing again.”

"Where should I go? Where can I go? I won't leave, I will stay here. I will talk to Lao Maozi and Lina when I have nothing to do, and I will fish in my spare time. I will fall into the water like the old man at any time. If you can't get out, it will be quiet, and everything will be over..." Fan Chong said with a smile.

I moved my lips, trying to persuade him something, but in the end nothing came out.

Perhaps Fan Chong is just like Parker at this time. This is his wish, the destination he hopes for. Any happiness you imagine is pain in their eyes.

I found the owner of this house, the sister-in-law with the ghost surname, and proposed to buy this house, and hoped that they could take care of Fan Chong's life from time to time.

But the sister-in-law said, I don't need to worry about it. Director Liu had arranged everything before leaving, saying that as long as Fan Chong lived well, he would pay them alimony of 100,000 yuan every year.

It seemed that Liu Laoliu had long expected that Fan Chong would make such a decision.

I stayed with Fan Chong in this small village for a few more days, and then got on a carriage heading to the town.

With the sound of wheels crushing the ice and snow, the small village became farther and farther away, gradually becoming blurry in my eyes.

Innocence Village, the name of this village is quite good.

I couldn't help but think of a poem:

The world's turmoil comes from my generation, and the years rush me as soon as I enter the world.

In the chat and laughter of Huangtu Hegemon, life is a drunken experience.

He raised his sword while riding astride and swung the ghost rain, causing bones as white as a mountain bird to fly away in fright.

Things in the world are like tides and people are like water. Only a few people in the rivers and lakes return.

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