Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1668 Piano Girl

Although Blackstone Town is more than fifty miles away from Innocence Village, it is also on the riverside, and it is across the river from the Russian border city of Kalodi, so close.

Since the late Qing Dynasty, many Russians have settled here. With the reform and opening up, and the increasing trade volume between the two countries in recent years, almost one-third of the permanent population in the entire town is Russian. Not only are blond foreigners walking all over the streets, but many of the houses have onion-like roofs, which gives people the illusion of being in a foreign country!

I originally planned to transfer directly back to Wuhan, but I suddenly changed my mind while waiting for the bus.

This trip to the Wusuli River, although I had a near-miss and not only escaped safely but also made a lot of money, at the same time I also suffered several serious internal injuries. I didn't want to go back to Wuhan with scars all over my body, and I didn't want to be seen by Yin Xinyue, so I simply stayed here, enjoying the rough and unique Caucasian feelings while slowly adjusting my mood to heal my wounds.

This town is not only full of exotic customs, but also has a very strong music atmosphere.

In the square in the town, there are always people holding accordions and guitars on both sides of the street, playing passionately. If they happen to play a tune that everyone is familiar with, it will cause many passers-by to sing along, and then smile at each other. , dispersed separately.

The atmosphere is friendly and beautiful.

Music is the best bond, completely eliminating national, racial and language barriers. Every day in the town is so happy and harmonious.

I drink strong kvass and vodka, eat big ribs and red sausage every day, and enjoy them to the fullest.

More than ten days later, as usual, I was leaning against the large floor-to-ceiling windows of a street-facing bar, drinking strong drinks and watching with interest the flow of people passing by on the street.

Suddenly, the piano that had been beside me started playing!

This piano has been sitting there since the first day I came to this bar. It has a thin layer of dust on it, and it must have been unplayed for a long time. What's more, except for me, there was no one within a radius of five meters at this time, but why did it suddenly sound on its own?

At first I thought it was due to auditory hallucinations caused by drinking too much wine, but if I looked carefully, the keys were indeed beating up and down on their own, and then an extremely smooth and moving piece of music gurgled out.

What's going on?

The next day, at the same time, the piano sounded again.

I couldn't restrain my curiosity and asked the bar owner while I was buying drinks.

This bar is not big, only the owner and his wife are there.

The boss is a middle-aged man with a slightly bald head and a slightly stout body. After listening to my inquiry, he pointed out to the street and said, "Did you see that little girl wearing a white gauze scarf?"

I followed his fingers and sure enough, on the street in front of the glass window, there was a tall girl in her early eighteen years, wearing a light blue uniform and a white gauze scarf around her neck. She was walking out of the window. Walked by.

The girl is very beautiful. Both her figure and appearance are a perfect blend of Chinese softness and Russian elegance. She should be a mixed race.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. As her steps got closer and closer, the sound of the piano became louder and louder. As she got further and further away, the sound of the piano gradually weakened until it disappeared.

It seems that the piano is a passionate and ignorant young man who suddenly saw his sweetheart and couldn't help but sing alone. And this girl is the piano's dream lover.

As she passed by the window, the piano couldn't help but beat her heart.

"Is she also fascinated by this piano?" I asked half-jokingly.

"Oh, who knows." The fat boss shrugged: "This girl is a weirdo. As long as she walks by the piano, the piano will automatically sound. Not only my piano, but all the pianos in the town will sound. Like this. So, we all call her piano girl."

"Is there such a thing?" The boss's words immediately aroused my curiosity.

The next afternoon, I sat in front of the window on time again. Sure enough, as the girl approached slowly, the piano started playing on its own again.

It was still the same track, and the sound still followed her steps from scratch, then gradually became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

This time, I observed the girl more carefully.

Although she was very beautiful and had an excellent temperament, there was always a gloomy air on her face. It's like the beach that should be sunny has been shrouded in dark clouds. It's so dark and gloomy that it's breathless, which makes people feel very pitiful.

A gust of wind blew over and ruffled her long hair. She reached out and smoothed it behind her ears.

Only then did I realize that her nails were all black!

The black color is a bit gloomy and scary, and it definitely doesn't look like nail polish that was specially applied on it.

Moreover, judging from her dress and temperament, she would never like this kind of non-mainstream dress.

I opened my heavenly eye through the glass window, and sure enough, not only my nails, but also my fingers were wrapped with a layer of black air.

Obviously, this is Yin Qi!

In other words, this girl was caught by something dirty.

Moreover, it is related to the loud sound of the piano played by oneself!

Seeing the girl gradually go away, I don't know why, but my heart also cast a dark cloud, and I felt a little depressed. I no longer had the interest to wait and see, so I went back to the room early.

Maybe seeing such a sunny and beautiful girl, but trapped by Yin Qi and always frowning, made me feel bad, right? After I went back, I couldn't calm down for a long time, and finally decided to help her as much as possible to get rid of the yin energy in her body.

The song played on the piano sounded very familiar, but for a moment I couldn't remember which one it was.

I searched for piano music on the Internet and listened to it one by one. I finally determined that the music was "June Barcarolle", written by the famous Russian composer Tchaikovsky.

The next afternoon, I was still sitting in front of the bar window waiting for her, but instead of ordering another drink, I ordered a cup of coffee.

But the strange thing is that I waited until sunset and dusk, but no girl passed by, and the music of the piano naturally didn't sound again.

How is this going?

Could it be that the Yin spirit that haunted her not only gave birth to intelligence, but was also extremely alert? When I opened my heavenly eye yesterday, was it noticed? So that the girl will no longer pass by here.

I was a little disappointed for a moment, stood up and was about to leave.

When passing the bar at the door, the fat bald boss smiled and said: "What's wrong, sir, you seem a little unhappy today?" Then he asked meaningfully: "Is it because I didn't see the piano girl?"

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