Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1669: Two points of darkness in Yintang

I didn't deny it and asked directly: "Why didn't she pass by here today?"

"Didn't you notice the uniform she was wearing?" The fat boss said to me with a smile: "She is a preschool teacher and works in a kindergarten in this town. Today is Sunday, so she naturally stays at home, so she doesn't have to Passed by here.”

After that, he looked at me again and said, "The piano girl is a good girl, you'd better not have any bad ideas about her."

There was a hint of pity in the words, but also a strong sense of warning.

It seems that the boss may have thought I was some kind of pervert when he saw me staring at the piano girl for the past two days. At the same time, it can be seen that her melancholy look makes not only me, but everyone who sees her involuntarily feel a sense of love for her.

"Don't worry." I smiled at the fat boss: "I'm not that dirty. I just saw her looking depressed and really wanted to help her."

At this time, there were few customers in the small bar. The landlady who was cleaning the tables said helplessly: "This little girl was not like this before. She was smiling all day long. She took the initiative to say hello to everyone she saw. She passes by here every day. , I can hear her cheerful singing. But since half a year ago, I don’t know why, as soon as she walks by, the piano will automatically play. From then on, I can no longer hear her singing, and her face has always been dark. , I don’t know if I have some disease or something happened at home.”

When I heard her say this, it gave me a wake-up call.

There was indeed a dark yin energy lingering around her body, maybe she was entangled by something sinister.

She is a kindergarten teacher, and her daily life is only between home and kindergarten. Why not I go to her home first?

Turning around, it was Monday. The weather was a bit gloomy today, and the gray clouds were like a dirty rag, covering the town tightly.

I sat on a bench on the street and waited for her quietly.

It was not long before the girl came over from the other end of the long street as usual.

When passing a musical instrument store, the sound of the piano rang again.

It’s still Tchaikovsky’s “June Barcarolle”.

The girl still frowned tightly, her face gloomy.

When she passed in front of me, I stood up quietly and followed her from a distance.

I saw her walking along the long street to the end and turning into a small alley.

Passing several residential buildings along the way, a burst of music came out intermittently as she walked, and without exception it was "June Barcarolle".

Obviously, this was all caused by her.

I followed her into the alley, but then I found that the girl was missing.

There were many pedestrians on the street, but this small alley was very remote and messy with many side roads. I couldn't tell where the girl had gone for a while. When he was checking at the intersection, he heard hurried footsteps from behind.

"Stop!" Suddenly, someone shouted loudly.

When I turned around, I saw a man in his fifties walking towards me angrily!

He was not tall, and his clothes were very ordinary. There was a menacing anger hidden in his tired face, and he asked loudly: "What do you want to do? Why are you following her?"

It seemed that the other party had noticed me a long time ago and knew that I followed the girl all the way in.

I didn't want to argue, so I said bluntly: "I think this girl is a little strange. The sound of the piano along the way..."

"What does it have to do with you?" Before I could finish my words, the man became even angrier and yelled: "Get out of here! I'm warning you, kid, stay away from her in the future! If I see you following her again, I will beat you." I can’t break your legs.”

His body is very thin, I'm afraid I can kill him with just one punch, but his tone is extremely firm, even arrogant.

What's even more strange is that as soon as I mentioned the word 'piano', his anger became even more intense.

Could it be that the yin energy surrounding that girl had something to do with him?

I leaned down and asked disdainfully, "What does that have to do with you?"

"What does it have to do with me? I am her father." The man saw my sharp eyes and seemed not to be trifled with. He suddenly panicked: "What are you going to do? I tell you, kid! As long as I shout, you can't even do this." There is no way out of the alley! Get out of here."

"It turns out you are his father, that's even better." When I heard this, I was not angry but happy, and walked towards the man.

"What are you going to do?" When the man saw me approaching, he took two steps back at a loss.

"Uncle, don't be nervous, I don't have any other intentions." I stood in front of him and explained sincerely: "I just saw something wrong with her complexion. It seemed that she was... stained with something strange. It was just right. I have done some research on this area, and I just want to help her."

Hearing what I said, the man's face became even more ugly, and he shouted angrily: "What a weird thing! That's nonsense! My daughter is very well, please stop spreading rumors and get out of here quickly."

As he spoke, he pointed to the entrance of the alley, making me disappear from his eyes.

Although he was still angry, I could tell from his tone that he felt guilty when he mentioned the words "strange thing".

"Uncle, you don't have to deceive yourself. You can hide it from others, but you can't hide it from me! There is a cloud of Yin energy wrapped around her hands. Now her fingernails are just black. It won't be long before it will spread to her entire hands and even her whole body. Now that it's like this, do you really want to see her tortured by evil spirits, falling on the bed and becoming emaciated, until she dies?"

As soon as I finished speaking, the man shook involuntarily, and the raised arm slowly lowered it.

Immediately, he looked at me again and asked with some suspicion: "Are you really a master?"

"Excuse me, uncle, did you have an elder in your family who passed away not long ago? There are still people in your family who are seriously ill. In addition, you have accidentally killed someone."

The man was suddenly startled, obviously I had been right.

There are two faint black lines on both sides of his Yintang. This is a sign that his parents died not long ago. There is a very strong smell of soup and medicine floating on his body, and the old and new formations are mixed, which must be caused by years of exposure. As for the accidental killing of people, it was because there was a life-threatening mark hidden between his eyebrows, which was a symbol of committing a crime. However, judging from his strong-willed and guilty performance just now, he did not look like a bold person, so this life was definitely inevitable. It was an accidental injury.

"Did you see that cat?" Before he could recover, I pointed to the wall at the fork in the road. There was a big black cat lying on top of it.

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