Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1670 Strange Piano

"What's wrong with the cat?" he asked confused.

"Although this cat looks very energetic, its fate is approaching. It is destined to not survive the next moment and will die soon." I said every word with a straight face.

"What?" The man was shocked when he heard my words, but his eyes showed an extremely unbelievable look.

"Meow!" The big black cat seemed to be very dissatisfied after hearing our conversation, or was awakened from a good dream. He hissed at us, stood up, shook his fur, jumped down, and jumped from the wall. Jumped up and down.

At this critical moment, a black shadow fell from the tall building across the alley, hitting the black cat squarely.

Before the cat even had time to scream, it was smashed into a meat pie alive!

Looking again, it turned out that the black shadow was a large celadon flowerpot!

If the cat hadn't jumped off the wall, it would have been fine sooner or later, but the timing was just right, it was like a hit!

The man stared blankly at the broken flower pots and the bloody big black cat. He was trembling with fear and was speechless for a while.

"Master..." Suddenly he came to his senses and was about to kneel in front of me as soon as his knees weakened.

I took two steps, supported him and said, "Uncle, you don't have to do this. I just want to prove to you that I am good at this. I happened to meet your daughter being entangled by the evil spirit, and I couldn't bear it, so I wanted to help. she."

"Then...thank you very much." He was trembling slightly and tears were about to well up.

"You don't have to be like this. Accumulating good deeds and doing good deeds has always been the purpose of our profession. Now that we have encountered her, I will not sit back and ignore her. Please tell me her situation in detail."

When the man saw that I was amazingly capable and that I really wanted to save her daughter, he immediately told me everything and introduced me while leading me home.

He said he called him Sun Changshun, who grew up near the Ussuri River. He was a freight driver in his early years, traveling between China and Russia all year round. Later, he met a Russian girl, and the two soon fell in love and got married and settled in Blackstone Town.

The next year their lovely little daughter Sun Shiqi was born, and this was the piano girl I saw.

As Sino-Russian trade grows, his income gradually increases. After his father died of illness, he took his old mother, who lived alone, with him. The family of four was very happy and harmonious.

But the good times didn't last long.

On one occasion, the brakes on his truck failed and a man was injured.

The man was seriously injured. After lying in the hospital for more than ten days, he finally died.

The accident not only cost him all his savings, but also left him with a heavy debt, and he couldn't even drive a car.

The old mother didn't know if she got angry because of this, so she became bedridden, and her wife also fell ill.

There are four members of the family, two are sick and one is sick, and he has lost his job. He has nothing to do except driving, and his life suddenly falls into trouble...

So he could only do odd jobs while taking care of his family.

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than ten years, and I don’t know how much suffering and torture I have suffered!

Seeing his daughter grow up day by day, becoming beautiful, sensible and obedient, he was also very pleased and felt that all the hardships he had endured over the years were finally not in vain.

Shiqi finally joined the work; her old mother seemed to have reached the end of her life and died of illness just a few months ago; his wife's illness has not improved and is getting worse.

At about the same moment, my daughter encountered something evil again. What I know is that no matter where she goes, as long as there is a piano nearby, it will sound, and the nails on her hands will become pitch black.

Originally, Shiqi had a very cheerful personality. Although she came from a poor family, she was still full of hope for life. She smiled every day, often sang songs, and kept persuading him: "Dad, the hardship will eventually pass. Our lives will definitely get better.”

But now...

When Sun Changshun said this, he was already in tears.

"I took her to several hospitals, but the doctors said everything, and no treatment was effective. Then Shiqi said she wouldn't see her anymore, so I had no choice but to agree." At this point, Sun Changshun said. He sighed deeply and said: "But how did she know that her mother also suffered from the same disease at the beginning? If she follows the same path again, I really don't know how I will live!"

I walked and listened all the way. I really didn't expect that this girl's family was so miserable, and I couldn't help but be moved by it. She secretly made up her mind to find out the source of the evil spirits that haunted her and help her get rid of her symptoms.

Blackstone Town is not big to begin with, and this alley is even more dilapidated.

Sun Changshun led me for a long way in the alley, and finally stopped in front of a shabby wooden door.

"Master, this is my home." Sun Changshun wiped away his tears and tried hard to hide the fact that he had just cried bitterly, fearing that his wife and daughter would find out and make them even more sad.

"Don't call me Master. Don't let Shi Qi notice anything. Call me Mr. Zhang. Just say that I am the barefoot doctor introduced by a friend to treat her mother." I said.

"Okay." Sun Changshun nodded gratefully.

As soon as I opened the door, a very strong smell of Chinese medicine came out of the room.

The room was small, with the kitchen in front of it. There was a small medical pot that had been smoked black on the stove. The charcoal underneath had just been extinguished. It should have been not long after the burning. There was still a lot of black residue left in the pot. Huge medicinal dregs.

Opposite the kitchen are two old wooden doors next to each other. From one of them, bursts of suppressed coughs can be heard from time to time.

It can be heard that the owner of this voice is in great pain. It seems that every breath is very laborious and must be endured painful torture.

But she has been desperately controlling and suppressing it, not wanting to make any noise, which will make her family even more worried.

The furnishings in the house were very old, and the only electrical appliance was an old, shapeless, old-fashioned TV set covered with dust.

But what is very strange is that there is a piano in this dilapidated hut!

Although the piano is also old, it is incompatible with everything in the house and should not be here in the first place.

"Shiqi." Sun Changshun called toward the room.

"I went to buy...candy." The moaning voice replied with great effort, and then started coughing again.

"Well, Mr. Zhang, please sit down first." Sun Changshun wiped the old wooden chair in front of the medicine pot with his sleeve, motioned for me to sit down first, and then hurried into the room.

But my eyes were attracted by the piano that shouldn't be here originally, and I walked straight over!

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