Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1671 Pulse Number

This piano is not only old, but it is also obvious at a glance that it is assembled from second-hand miscellaneous parts. Even the materials and colors of the piano frame and footrest are completely different. Except for the fact that the keys are still slightly new, they are basically just trash that should have been chopped up and burned.

But vaguely, I had a hunch that the problem was with this piano!

The wall behind the piano is covered with certificates of various sizes and colors.

Without exception, the names above are all Sun Shiqi.

From primary school to middle school, to kindergarten teacher model, three good students, outstanding student cadres, and good young people with both morals and academics, there are all kinds.

Among the certificates all over the wall, the most conspicuous one, posted in the most conspicuous position, is a row of first prizes in piano competitions.

While I was admiring it, Sun Changshun walked out of the room, closed the door tightly, and sighed beside me: "This child has been obedient and sensible since he was a child. He has never let me worry about him since he was a child! He has never let me worry about him since he was in school. She has always been number one. During the high school entrance examination, she was number one in the town and among the top five in the city. But she saw that it was too difficult at home and said she didn’t want to go to high school or college. She wanted to work early to make money. I really I couldn't bear it, but there was nothing I could do, and I couldn't control her, so I sent her to a kindergarten teacher's secondary school."

"I bought this piano when I got married. Her mother played it very well. No matter how tired I was at that time, all my fatigue was forgotten when I heard the sound of the piano. Shiqi also got the inheritance and played better. Okay. During the most difficult days, all the items were almost sold out, but she never gave up on the piano. Earlier, her mother was not so ill, and she insisted on playing no matter how uncomfortable she was. A while."

"Later she became bedridden. Shiqi wanted to play to her mother when she came back, but since she contracted this strange disease, she has never played it again..."

"You mean this piano has been in your home for decades?" I asked in surprise.

"It's been twenty-three years." Sun Changshun replied: "But just half a year ago, the piano suddenly broke down, and it was reassembled at the piano store. Soon after... Master, are you saying there is something wrong with this piano?" Suddenly, Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and looked at me in horror.

"It's very possible, but I can't tell yet." I frowned.

At this moment, there was a creak and the door opened.

A tall girl with long hair walked in, carrying a bag of candy in her hand. It was the piano girl Sun Shiqi.

But what is very strange is that all the pianos along the way will sound in response to her footsteps, but the one in her own home remains indifferent.

She was very surprised when she saw a stranger suddenly appear in the house. Then she saw her father and I standing by the piano talking, and she immediately walked two steps forward and said, "Dad, you can't sell the piano!"

"This is my mother's favorite thing. We have survived the hardest days. Now I can work and make money. We won't sell this piano!"

Although her face was gloomy and she looked sick, her tone was unusually firm.

"Shiqi, you misunderstood, I'm not selling the piano." Sun Changshun glanced at me and said, "This is Dr. Zhang, here to treat your mother."

Sun Shiqi's eyes lit up slightly when she heard that she was seeing a doctor for her mother, and she said with embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Doctor Zhang, I misunderstood you! Sit down for a moment while I go make tea." With that, she walked in with the candy. Mother's room.

Seeing her enter the room and close the door, I whispered to Sun Changshun: "I'll do it again when she goes to work tomorrow. I have to take the piano apart and take a look. The problem is probably in the piano."

Sun Changshun glanced at the piano and nodded in acquiescence.

Both mother and daughter were suffering from strange illnesses, and for a while he couldn't find the source. He had never heard of ghosts causing trouble, so he didn't think about it at all. After I mentioned it, it seemed that it was really related to this piano, and he couldn't help but murmur a little.

"Mr. Zhang, please have tea." Sun Shiqi came out and put the tea bowl on the wooden table. Her face was still gloomy, but she said very politely.

Then he turned back to the house, and there was a slight sound of clinking porcelain: "Mom, the medicine is not hot anymore, let's drink it first! I will feed you sugar water later."

"No... I won't drink anymore. It's useless even after drinking for so many years." Another weak voice replied.

"Mom, be obedient and drink the medicine. You will feel better soon. You will also teach me to play new songs by then." Sun Shiqi patiently persuaded me.

Sun Changshun's eye circles turned red again, and he said to me: "Her mother sees that her condition is not getting better, and she is afraid of dragging us down again, so she has been refusing to take medicine recently."

"I'm going to check on my aunt's condition first." After saying that, I walked straight to the door.

Although I'm not a doctor, and I don't know how to treat illnesses and save lives, the illnesses of both mother and daughter seem to be caused by evil spirits. If that's the case, I might be able to figure out a way.

Besides, I was originally slaying demons under the guise of practicing medicine, so I naturally had to do everything in my show. Sun Shiqi must not be suspicious, because there are some things that cannot be told to her yet.

The furnishings in the cabin were extremely simple, with a small wooden table and a very old double bed, with a skinny foreign aunt lying on the bed.

The hair that should have been golden has long since lost its luster, like a ball of withered grass, and the dark blue eyes are dim and lifeless, with sunken eye sockets, showing an expression of pain and despair.

Although she was very ill and almost took off her clothes, it could still be seen that this aunt must have been a beautiful woman when she was young, and she had great temperament.

"Shana, this is...Doctor Zhang." Sun Changshun introduced.

"Hello." The aunt nodded politely and said with difficulty.

"Hello." I also said hello.

Sun Shiqi was squatting beside the bed, holding a porcelain bowl in one hand and a small spoon in the other. At this time, she turned to look over, then moved the small wooden chair next to her and said, "I'll trouble you, Doctor Zhang."

I sat down on the chair, pretended to ask a few questions, and took the aunt's pulse.

Her pulse was very weak and her vital signs were extremely weak. At the same time, she also had a cold air!

I pretended to check on the aunt's condition, and secretly cast an exorcism spell on the aunt's two acupoints, namely Taiyang and Shenting.

As soon as the curse finger came out, the cold air suddenly shrank, as if it was suddenly struck by electricity.

"Ah..." The aunt let out a long breath, as if the breath that had been suppressed for a long time could finally be breathed out happily.

Even Sun Shiqi couldn't help but tremble. It seemed that the yin energy in her body was also affected.

It can be seen from this that it is a certainty that the strange illnesses of both mother and daughter are caused by being haunted by evil spirits.

"Pour a glass of water and remember to add more minced garlic." I asked.

Sun Shiqi was stunned for a moment, then immediately ran out.

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