Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1672: Garlic juice to remove evil spirits

After drinking the garlic juice, Aunt Sun felt much better and her breathing gradually became smoother. She smiled gratefully at me and said, "Thank you, Doctor Zhang."

Sun Shiqi's eyes lit up, and Sun Changshun also stared at me blankly, with shock on his face!

His wife has been bedridden all year round and has been to various major hospitals to no avail. She has been suffering for so many years. Unexpectedly, she immediately felt better after drinking a cup of ordinary garlic juice! Is this too amazing? How could he not be surprised?

He looked at me again in disbelief, as if he wanted to ask, aren't you pretending to be a doctor? How could he have such superb medical skills?

"Mom!" Sun Shiqi cried out with joy, tears welling up and she threw herself into her mother's arms.

Sun Changshun also grinned widely, crying and laughing at the same time, mumbling something.

This scene was tear-jerking and very touching. I couldn't bear to look at it anymore, so I turned around silently and walked out. Sun Changshun also hurriedly followed me out to see me off.

"Master Zhang, I...I really don't know how to thank you!" His eyes were red and he said very excitedly.

"Let's stop the medicine first. Not only is it useless, it will also damage the body. But the yin energy in my aunt's body is too strong. Garlic juice alone can only temporarily suppress it, but it cannot completely cure it." I walked out, He said: "Now it seems that both mother and daughter have the same disease, which is caused by being entangled by evil spirits. The problem probably lies in the piano. Our plan remains unchanged. I will come back tomorrow morning."

"Okay!" Sun Changshun responded seriously. Up until this point, he had completely trusted me.

After returning to my residence, I thought about it carefully. Although both mother and daughter were invaded by Yin Qi, the Yin spirit didn't seem to want to harm anyone, otherwise they wouldn't be able to hold on now. Just being with Yin spirits all day long will naturally lead to a lack of Yang fire, which can lead to illness.

Moreover, this ghost is also very strange. It can automatically make a nearby piano play. Does this guy like to listen to the sound of the piano? Especially the song "June Barcarolle"?

Early the next morning, I walked to Sun's house again.

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the alley, they saw Sun Changshun already waiting there.

"Master Zhang, can you not dismantle the piano for now?" he said with some embarrassment.

"What's wrong?" I asked a little strangely.

"Shiqi didn't go to work today. She said she was on holiday and wanted to rest for a few days. She woke up early in the morning and played the piano to her mother. Both mothers haven't been so happy for a long time. I'm really..."

When he said it, I understood immediately.

Sun Shiqi was infected by Yin Qi, looking melancholy and mentally exhausted.

It is indeed not the same thing to look like this in front of a group of children in a kindergarten all day long. Maybe she was fired temporarily and asked her to go home and recuperate first.

But no matter what the reason is, as long as she is here, she will definitely not allow me to dismantle the piano. After all, this piano is of great significance to their mother and daughter!

I thought about it and said, "Even though they are happy now, this is all temporary. As long as the source is not removed, they will never be truly happy. The only clue now is this piano, which must be dismantled." , and the sooner the better.”

"Okay, everything depends on Master!" Sun Changshun knew that I was doing it for their own good, so he said nothing more.

As soon as I approached the door of my house, I heard the melodious sound of a piano.

It’s still the song “June Barcarolle”.

In the crowded and old hut, the light was very dark, except for the piano by the window, which was bathed in golden light by the rising sun.

The girl sat upright in the bright sunshine, her slender fingers dancing freely on the black and white keys like a forgetful dancer.

Then the sound of the piano soared, and the notes seemed to turn into extremely happy elves, jumping happily and scurrying around the room.

Sun Shiqi played very attentively. We pushed open the door and were already standing in front of her, but she didn't notice it at all. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, showing a happy and charming smile.

When the song ended, a faint burst of applause came from the small room.

"Qiqi, your piano playing is getting better and better." Aunt Sun praised.

"Really? As long as mom likes to listen, then I will..." Sun Shiqi was just halfway through her sentence when she suddenly noticed me standing in front of the piano table. She quickly stopped talking, stood up and said, "Hello, Dr. Zhang, please sit down first." , I'm going to make tea." Then he went to get the tea set.

"No need to bother." I stretched out my hand to stop her, and then entered the hut ahead of her.

"Doctor Zhang, sit down quickly." Aunt Sun was particularly enthusiastic when she saw it was me.

Although her face was still sallow, her expression was obviously much stronger than yesterday, and at least she was no longer out of breath when speaking.

"Auntie, let me take a look at it again for you, and take some more medicine by the way." As I said that, I sat down in front of the bed and took my pulse again.

"Your illness is caused by the deficiency of yin fire in the body and the lack of yang energy. The most important thing now is to remove the fire and replenish the yang. I will prescribe a prescription. Just follow it and you will be fine after taking it for a while." I deliberately put on a show. He looked confident, and said it was so cloudy that they had no choice but to believe it.

Aunt Sun also hurriedly thanked you: "Dr. Zhang, I really don't know how to thank you. I don't know how many lifetimes of blessings my old grandson has accumulated to meet such a good person like you."

While talking, Sun Shiqi had prepared pen and paper and handed it over.

I wrote down a long list without hesitation, handed it to Sun Shiqi and said: "Buy it as soon as possible, don't leave anything behind."

"Okay, but." Sun Shiqi responded, but when she saw the recipe, she suddenly froze.

Because what I listed on that paper didn’t even include any traditional Chinese medicine. They were all edible.

Fruit, milk, tofu, meat, vegetables, and various seasonings...

This doesn't look like a prescription to cure an illness or save lives at all, but rather like holding a sumptuous family banquet.

"Go and buy it quickly. I'll tell you how to make it when you come back." I ordered.

"Oh." Sun Shiqi was a little confused, but after all, she saw with her own eyes that I only used a cup of garlic juice yesterday to make her mother feel very energetic. It was a very clever method. She secretly thought that I might be a master of folk magic prescriptions, and left in a hurry.

"Auntie, you should sleep for a while first." I smiled and made a sleeping spell.

As soon as I finished speaking, Aunt Sun closed her eyes and fell into sleep.

"This..." Although Sun Changshun knew that I might have done it, he was still extremely surprised and looked at me blankly, with a face full of disbelief!

"Okay, uncle! Let's go and dismantle the piano now, before Shiqi comes back." After saying that, I walked straight towards the piano.

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