Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,673 Boxwood Carvings

The piano was very old, indeed quite old, and all the parts were pieced together haphazardly.

With the help of Sun Changshun, I quickly took apart the piano.

I took out the compass and scanned each component one by one. When it stopped on a light yellow carved board, the pointer on the compass actually kept jumping.

It seems that this is the culprit!

I picked up the board and saw that it was made of boxwood. The carvings on it were also very old, and neither the pattern nor the carving technique looked like something from China.

The business of being a femininity merchant is difficult to say, but easy to say.

For those who are new to the industry, as long as they are brave and careful and know a few tricks to exorcise ghosts and suppress evil spirits, they can get through.

But if you want to do great things, you can't do it without working hard.

Although this line of work is not among the three hundred and sixty, it is involved in every line of work, and it must be knowledgeable, comparable to a doctor.

You need to have a thorough knowledge of Chinese and foreign history, even remote journals; you also need to have a very good understanding of sculpture and casting, Feng Shui, local customs, ancient crafts, etc.

It is no exaggeration to say that every successful femininity merchant is an all-round master! He is also a qualified historian, antique appraiser, Taoist priest, and even a tomb robber!

For example, this seemingly inconspicuous boxwood carving plate, the moment I caught my eye, I could see its origin.

This thing comes from Europe in the 19th century, or more specifically from the Russian Tsarist nobility!

"Master Zhang... Is this the thing that harmed the mother and daughter?" Sun Changshun asked curiously when he saw me picking up this carving from among the piano parts lying around, and looking at it over and over again.

"That should be it!" I could detect that there was a gloomy cold air emanating from the carving.

It's like a piece of ice, cold to the bone in your hand.

"Then I'll chop him up and burn him to ashes!" Sun Changshun gritted his teeth and said viciously.

"No!" I stopped him and said: "The Yin spirit lives in this carved board, but it is just lingering thoughts. Even if this board is burned, the Yin spirit will not disappear. If it is transferred to other objects again, But it's even more troublesome. Besides, it has now entangled Shiqi and her daughter and coexisted with them. If it burned it down, they would definitely become seriously ill, and they might never be able to cure it. .”

"What should we do?" Sun Changshun asked with some fear and helplessness upon hearing this.

"I have to find a way to find out the origin of this thing, so as to find out the true identity of the Yin spirit, and why it entangles Shiqi and her daughter? As long as we know the reason, it will be easy to solve. Uncle, let's install the piano again. Shiqi will be back soon." I ordered.

Sun Changshun and I had just finished reassembling the piano when Sun Shiqi pushed open the door dragging a dozen large and small plastic bags.

She saw the two of us still standing by the piano like yesterday, and asked very strangely: "Dad, Doctor Zhang, what are you doing?"

"Oh, the uncle is talking to me about the history of this piano. He said that although this piano looks very old, it has brought endless joy to your family." Seeing Sun Shiqi glance sideways towards the cabin, her expression a little gloomy, I He quickly added: "Of course, such joy will definitely happen again."

"Really?" Suddenly, her eyes lit up again.

"Of course! Come on, I'll teach you how to make a prescription." I am a fake doctor after all, and I'm afraid that if she continues to ask questions, I'll reveal my fault. He quickly cut off the conversation, took the plastic bag from her hand, and walked towards the stove.

"Don't be stunned, peel the potatoes for me." I saw her staring blankly at me cutting the beef with her big eyes, and she immediately said that she was the guest.

"Oh... ok." Sun Shiqi responded and came forward to touch the potato, but her expression was still a bit confused. She might be thinking, why not say this is a prescription? Why does this look like cooking?

Actually, I am really cooking.

I wrote such a long list of weird 'prescriptions' just to trick her into going to the vegetable market so that I could have some time to take apart the piano.

Now I have no choice but to resort to tricks and show off my little chef’s skills!

"The potatoes and beef must be cut into pieces, and the eggs must be mixed evenly." I said while working.

Sun Shiqi's eyes widened and she suddenly stopped and suddenly realized: "Dr. Zhang, are your two recipes called beef stew with potatoes and scrambled eggs with tomatoes?"

"Well, that's right."

Seeing that I could no longer keep dressing, I smiled at her and said, "Auntie's illness is almost healed. The most important thing now is to replenish nutrition in time. Beef and eggs are both good things."

"Almost ready?" Sun Shiqi glanced at the hut with some doubts, but still couldn't believe it.

"Yes, after you left, I re-diagnosed and treated the aunt. Now I have found the root cause of the disease. It won't take long for her to be as good as before. Otherwise, how could the aunt sleep so peacefully? Why, I still don't believe it. ?Ask your dad if this is true."

Sun Changshun naturally lied for me and praised me repeatedly: "Really, Zhang... Dr. Zhang is really a master of rejuvenation!"

Although this was half true and half false, the joy on his face was genuine. Seeing that the illnesses of his wife and daughter had found their root cause, the family that had tortured him was about to regain its previous happiness. Naturally happy from the heart out.

Once she heard what her father said, Sun Shiqi quickly gave up her doubts and started beating me quickly.

It didn't take long for the mouth-watering aroma to spread throughout the cabin.

While Sun Shiqi was clearing away the dishes, I pretended to go into the house and see my aunt's complexion again, taking the opportunity to lift the sleeping spell.

The source of the Yin Qi, the carved wooden board, has been hidden in my arms. Under the suppression of the ebony core and the Nine Life Tower, I naturally dare not make trouble.

After a short nap, Aunt Sun's expression recovered a lot, and she became more energetic when she smelled the aroma that filled the room. While thanking me repeatedly, he actually joked with my daughter and husband for the first time.

Although Aunt Sun looked good, she was still very weak and could not get out of bed, so she moved the wooden table into the small room.

Under their urging, I didn't hesitate and sat directly on the main seat.

"Um... Doctor Zhang, our whole family would like to thank you very much!" Sun Changshun raised his wine glass excitedly.

Aunt Sun also smiled and said, "Our family hasn't had dinner together for a long time."

"Mom!" Sun Shiqi seemed to think there was something wrong with what she said, her face turned red and she yelled coquettishly.

Surprisingly, these words reminded Sun Changshun. He looked at me carefully, then turned to look at his daughter, and he smiled happily than anyone else. He drank sip after sip of wine with a smile on his face.

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