Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1677: Piano Injury

"Okay, I agree!" Sun Shiqi readily agreed before I could finish my words.

Although the wedding was just a fake show, she was still an unmarried girl after all. It was really difficult for her to suddenly stage a 'wedding' with a stranger in front of her neighbors and colleagues. I thought it would take a lot of effort to persuade her, but I didn't expect that she agreed so quickly. Even Sun Changshun and his wife were surprised.

"You originally wanted to cure me and my mother's strange disease. What else can I say? Besides, as a descendant of Mrs. Meck, it is my duty to let Tchaikovsky leave without regrets. I am completely Agree to this plan and everything will follow your arrangements!" Sun Shiqi explained.

I never expected that this little girl understands justice so well!

"Let me thank you first on behalf of Tchaikovsky!" After I finished speaking, I bowed to Sun Shiqi very solemnly, then turned to the Sun family and his wife and said: "Uncle, aunt, you really gave birth to a good daughter! I'm going to Make some arrangements and see you later." As I said that, I put away the carved board from the table and hurried out.

As soon as I went out, I called Li Mazi.

My phone had long since sunk to the bottom of the river along with the icebreaker, but I bought new cards and mobile phones in the small town. Originally, I planned to contact him after I recovered, but now I have to hold a concert, and there is not much money in the bank card I have left as a backup, so I have to ask him for help.

When Li Mazi heard that it was me, he immediately yelled: "Brother Zhang, where have you been these days? I keep turning off your phone when I call you. If I can't contact you again, I'll be ready." I’ll make a tomb for you!”

"I'm following Mr. Liu to the Northeast to do some big things." Wusuli Jiang and his party were in a very dangerous situation. Of course, I didn't want to tell Li Mazi, so I just told him about it lightly, and then said: "I'll go back in a few days. How is your family? Nothing. Let’s do it.”

"It's nothing, but you've been away for the past few days, and the business that came to my door has been lined up. I can't do it, so I have to suppress it."

"Oh, let's wait until I get back. You can call me five million first. I need it urgently. The card number is..."

Although Li Mazi loves money as much as his life and is a stingy man, he has never been stingy with me, especially when I said seriously that I had something serious to do.

He didn't even ask and just handed over the money.

I left the alley and went straight to the small bar I often went to.

It was early in the morning and the bar wasn't open yet, but I knew that the fat couple lived here, so I walked up and knocked on the door desperately.

"Who is it? It's so early in the morning." The fat boss opened the door while shouting. When he saw me, he said angrily: "Didn't you kid just not come for two days? You are so anxious. , all my sweet dreams have been disturbed by you."

After saying that, he yawned and walked forward.

"Brother, I'm not here to drink today." I said straight to the point without entering the room.

"Don't drink? Then why are you knocking on the door so early in the morning?" the fat boss asked angrily.

"I would like to ask you to organize a special concert to honor a person at the same time."

"What do you mean?" The fat boss didn't understand.

"Let's put it this way, I will pay you half a million to invite all the music lovers in the town. I will hold a special concert of Tchaikovsky and pay tribute to this great melody master."

"Concert?" The fat boss finally understood: "This is quite new. Blackstone Town has never done anything like this before. When do you plan to do it?"

"The sooner the better! I don't have many acquaintances here, so I can only rely on you to help me with this matter." I said sincerely.

"Sure! I'll help you take care of it." I don't know if it's because of the money, or if the fat boss really regards me as a friend, or if he is also very interested in the concert. In short, he is very happy. Agree.

He let me into the room and took out two bottles of wine. He asked me to drink them first. Then he took out his cell phone and kept dialing.

Not to mention, this guy is really capable. At least he has a lot of connections in this small town. After a while, he confidently told me: "It's done!"

Three days later, the small town auditorium, which accommodated more than a thousand people, was full. Even the aisles were full of people, and many people crowded at the door and windows to look inside.

The stage in front was surrounded by colorful ribbons and flowers, and the decoration was extraordinarily gorgeous. It was even more festive than the Chinese New Year.

The residents of the town have always been fond of music. Almost everyone is a music lover. Everyone is wearing a formal dress and looking solemn and happy. Of course, there is still a bit of curiosity.

After the high-spirited fat boss made an unsuccessful opening speech with a loud voice, the performance officially began.

Piano, big violin, accordion, saxophone...solo or chorus.

At my special request, all the repertoire is Tchaikovsky's works.

The love of music among the residents of this small town is far beyond my imagination. There were so many people, and most of them were ordinary workers, and there were even many children, they couldn't even hear a single noisy sound, and they gave each performer a very warm applause. .

Regardless of the level of the performers and the quality of the live environment, in terms of the quality of the audience alone, they are by no means worse than the gentlemen and nobles in the Vienna Music Hall!

The last performer was Sun Shiqi.

Wearing a snow-white tall lady's dress, she saluted the audience with a smile, and then played a song "June Barcarolle".

The sound of music is like clear water, flowing slowly, jumping, and jumping into everyone's heart.

The audience in the audience held their breath involuntarily, fearing that this beautiful sound would be affected.

As the last note fell, I slowly walked onto the stage.

I dressed up as Tchaikovsky in a starched black tuxedo, beard and wig.

"Hello everyone, my name is Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. I am very happy to see that everyone loves my music so much, but today I have to tell a sad story..."

Sun Shiqi pressed the strings and played the "Pathétique Symphony".

I told the story of Tchaikovsky and Mrs. Meck again in a low and slow voice. Of course, the part that lingered after his suicide was deliberately hidden.

Along with such sad music and hearing such a touching story, many people in the audience had tears in their eyes.

When I came to the end, where one of the two people took poison and died, and the other died of depression, there was no applause or cheering in the audience. Instead, there was a solemn atmosphere, with a lot of sobbing in between.

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