Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1678: Love Contract (Additional update)

"A generation of melody master just passed away. He gave us countless world-famous songs and brought us endless happiness, but when he died, he was infinitely desolate. Although we don't know at this time, what exactly was he doing at that last moment? What are you thinking, but we know that his unfulfilled wish is... to marry Mrs. Maker as his bride!"

"Today, let's help him fulfill this wish, shall we?" After saying that, I secretly tore up the talisman, let the ghost of Tchaikovsky living in the carved panel enter my body, and then slowly walked towards Sun Shiqi. past.

I took out a bouquet of magic flowers from my arms, bloomed in front of her, knelt down on one knee and said, "Mrs. Maker, will you marry me?"

Sun Shiqi stood up, with tears in her eyes, took my hand and said, "I do!"

The applause suddenly rang out, extremely enthusiastic!

Everyone applauded vigorously and stood up. They were deeply moved by this scene and story, and were truly happy for Tchaikovsky.

Maybe everyone has an idea at this moment, if only the master could really feel it!

But what they didn't know was that Tchaikovsky really felt it!

I felt my body tremble violently, and the black energy actually began to sob. Then it turned into a human form, bowed deeply to me with the highest courtesy, and then disappeared into nothingness.

Tchaikovsky's ghost got what he wanted and was finally freed!

When the ending song of "Sleeping Beauty" played, I pulled Sun Shiqi to the backstage.

I had just taken off my clothes, and when I turned around, I found Sun Shiqi standing behind me and looking at me blankly.

"Tchaikovsky has passed away, and your and aunt's illness will also improve. Here, leave this board as a souvenir for you!" I said.

Sun Shiqi didn't answer, she still looked at me blankly and said, "I want to hear you say it again."

"Ah, what did you say?" I was a little strange.

Sun Shiqi ignored my question and added: "Replace Mrs. Maker's name with me."

This time I finally understood that this girl was really attracted to me just as her father said. No wonder she didn't hesitate at all when I proposed the 'proposal' scene. After replaying the scene just now, she became even more obsessed with love.

To be honest, this girl is indeed beautiful and heart-warming, but I already have Yin Xinyue, how can I accept her love?

"Don't be stupid." I smiled at her and said, "Go find your own Tchaikovsky, but that person is not me."

"No!" Sun Shiqi replied stubbornly: "It's you! The master's story tells us that love must be boldly spoken out, otherwise the best time will have passed and we will only regret it for the rest of our lives."

I gently placed the carved board on the table and said calmly and seriously: "Love is not just a momentary impulse and inexplicable liking, but also an invisible contract and responsibility, just like Mrs. Meck, she Don’t you love Tchaikovsky? Maybe she loves him more than anyone else, but why does she still cheat? Why doesn’t she dare to say it out loud? Why would she rather be tortured and riddled with holes and still put on a smile? When you truly understand all this, you will truly understand them and find your true love."

"Goodbye, I wish you happiness!" I said, smiled at her and walked out without looking back.

As soon as I went out, I met the fat boss waiting for me at the door.

"Hey, let me tell you, you are very good at it!" This guy punched my shoulder with a smile and said: "At the concert, I played a little trick and completely moved the piano girl's heart. How about it? When will you treat me to a wedding banquet?"

I looked at him seriously and said, "Don't talk nonsense, this is just acting."

When he saw that my eyes suddenly became extremely serious and gloomy as he had never seen before, he couldn't help but be shocked. It seemed that I would never allow him to joke about this matter, so he quickly retracted his hand.

"I have something else to ask you for a favor." I said, took out my bank card and handed it to him. "There are more than four million left in this card. You can use this money to build a building in the town." The Tchaikovsky Music School will be run by you, but you must hire a piano girl as a teacher. All the fees for poor children will be free of charge. When I go back, I will make up for you. But remember , must not let anyone know, do you understand?"

"Brother, what are you doing?" The fat boss was a little confused. He probably didn't expect that I, the guy who used to sit in front of the window every day, lazily drinking low-quality kvass, was actually an invisible rich man with great kindness. .

You can’t even guess what I’m doing, what exactly do I want to do?

"Don't worry about it, just do it." As I walked forward, I asked seemingly unintentionally: "By the way, have you heard of Zhang Junbao, right?"

"Zhang Junbao?" The fat boss was confused.

"Oh, he runs an underground casino in this area. Outsiders usually call him Brother Bao."

"Ah! It turns out to be Brother Bao." The fat boss said in shock: "Then you are... Brother Bao's person?"

It seems that the little fat guy who is so obedient in front of Liu Laoliu and doesn't even dare to fart is still very powerful in this area! This guy actually thought that I was one of his subordinates. His face was full of fear, and even his waist unconsciously bent down.

"That damn fat guy is not worthy!" I deliberately pretended to be contemptuous: "But I will let him take care of you. You must also take good care of the piano girl in this town, if anything happens."

"No, no, don't worry, brother, I will make sure that no one dares to get even close to her..."

"What is this for?" I glared at him and said, "She is not a bird in a cage. I just hope she can live a peaceful life. As long as she is not hurt or violated, you don't have to worry about anything else. Including her love, understand?"

The fat boss nodded repeatedly, but I could tell that he still didn't understand, and he didn't understand the purpose of my doing this.

Of course, there is no need for me to explain to him.

After returning to my residence, I picked up my packed luggage and got on the bus heading into the city.

The moment before the car started, I saw Sun Shiqi running into the station in a hurry. The gloomy look on her face had dissipated a lot, but her eyes were red and there were still tears on her cheeks.

I glanced at the beauty who gradually disappeared behind me, and said silently in my heart: "Goodbye, piano girl, goodbye Blackstone Town!"

After putting on the headphones, a melodious melody slowly flowed in my ears. It was the song "June Barcarolle".

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