Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,679 Japanese executives

After many twists and turns, I finally returned to Wuhan.

As soon as I walked out of the airport lobby, Li Mazi rushed out of the crowd picking me up and hugged me tightly. He shouted extremely excitedly: "Hey, little brother, where have you been these past few days? But you fucking miss me."

"Mazi, when did you become so disgusting?" I pushed him away in disgust, but my heart was warm.

Maybe it’s because of my personality, or maybe it’s because of my career as a fetish merchant, that I don’t have many real close friends in my life, but Li Mazi definitely is!

Li Mazi took me to the hotel, where Boss Bai was already waiting.

They all know that I don't like liveliness, and I don't want to be polite to others, so this dinner is just for the two of them.

During the dinner, Li Mazi asked me where I went this time and what I had experienced.

I also mentioned it briefly, saying that I followed Liu Laoliu to the Northeast to handle some minor matters, but that place was a bit special and it was not convenient to answer the phone. Then he changed the topic and asked him how the business on the antique street was these days.

When asked about this, Li Mazi said drunkenly: "It's strange to say that there may not be anything happening in January or February on weekdays, but in the past few days when you have been away, the business has been coming one after another, and everyone is in a hurry, until There is a guy living in front of the store now."

"Live in front of the store?" I asked a little strangely.

"Yes!" Li Mazi replied: "That guy didn't know what happened to him. He was so scared that he couldn't find you. He simply stayed in front of your door for several days. I didn't even chase him away. He didn't say anything when I asked him. He cried and told me that he seemed to be entangled by a strange thing. If he leaves here, he may die. The only way to be safe is to sleep here. No matter what, I have to wait for your return."

I was very surprised when I heard it. After dinner and dinner, I asked Li Mazi to take me directly to an antique store.

Sure enough, I saw a person lying on the front steps from a long way away!

Although the weather in Wuhan is not as cold as in Northeast China, it is winter after all, and the temperature outside is still very low.

This guy is really weird. He actually bought a bedding, spread it flat and covered with a thick down jacket, and he lay down as smoothly as at home.

Under the steps, there are buckets, toothbrushes, towels and trash cans for temporary waste storage.

All items were arranged in an orderly manner without any mess, even the towels were folded squarely.

What's even more strange is that there are brooms and mops placed in the corner next to the door. The entire store door and even the stone lions have been cleaned spotlessly, and the steps on several floors have been polished with a bright green light. He has lived here for several days, and not only did he not There's not a bit of rubbish, but it's actually neater and cleaner than when I was there.

It really seems like I have made this place my home and want to live here for a long time.

This guy may have heard our approaching footsteps. He stuck his head out and took a look outside. Then he quickly got up, trotted all the way to us, bowed deeply to Mazi Li and said, "I'm sorry." , Mr. Li, I’m causing you trouble.”

Now I finally understood why Mazi didn't kick him out and let him live here. It was because this guy was too polite.

Not to mention anything else, the bow he just made was the most standard and impeccable I have ever seen——

Lower your head and look at your toes, keep your arms close to your thighs, and bend your waist to a very standard ninety degrees. Even if you use a caliper to measure it, it's almost the same!

Li Mazi didn't answer. He just remained motionless, maintaining this extremely humble posture, just like an obedient slave.

Li Mazi glanced at me sideways, raised his chin at the man, and said, "Look, it's this guy."

How could Li Mazi be so hard-hearted in the face of such a person?

"Get up, don't be so polite. What happened?" I asked.

The man raised his head and looked at me, then looked at Li Mazi in confusion.

"Aren't you here for help? This is Master Zhang Jiulin you are looking for." Li Mazi introduced.

"Master Zhang, you must save me!" When the man heard that I was the Master Zhang he was looking for, he was inexplicably surprised. Then he knelt down with an even more exaggerated plop. His movements were standard and speechless. , as if he had received special training.

Since I took over this antique shop, I have received countless customers, ranging from high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen to poor people. But this is the first time I have encountered a customer who is so pious and polite that makes you feel a little embarrassed.

I hurriedly walked forward, helped him up calmly and said, "If you have anything to do, let's talk about it in the house."

"Yes, thank you Master Zhang." The man responded obediently, and then ran back quickly with his socks bare, and quickly rolled up his bed to make a passage.

I opened the door and invited him in, but this man lowered his waist and said respectfully: "Please go first!"

I had no choice but to enter first, and then this man ran in quickly, wiped the chair with a towel, and asked me to sit down. Then I wiped the dust off the table, took the tea cup, went to the water dispenser to rinse it, made a cup of tea, and handed it to me respectfully.

This series of actions was so swift and skillful that I was so surprised that I even forgot to stop him.

How does this look like a customer coming to ask for help? She is simply my full-time servant, even a slave.

Li Mazi and I were both a little surprised. We watched blankly as he finished all this work and then stood in front of us in an orderly manner: with his middle fingers close to the trousers line, his head bowed and looking at the ground, he said something. Not sent.

This guy was too polite, which made me very uncomfortable. I paused for dozens of seconds, and then asked: "What do you call him, and what happened to him?"

"Hello, Master Zhang. It's our first time meeting you. Please take care of me." The man lowered his head a little lower and said very politely: "My name is Yu Wenmeng. I am a senior manager of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. in China. I have been with you recently. I encountered a strange thing, and I had no choice but to come to the door for help. I would like to ask Master Zhang to help, thank you very much!"

Oh, it turns out this guy is a Japanese company executive.

Why is this guy so skilled in bowing and kneeling? It turns out that these are his daily routines.

"Then what strange thing happened to you?"

"This is what happened..." Yu Wenmeng still didn't raise his head, but he told the whole story clearly and concisely.

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