Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,680 The ghost chokes the neck

It turned out that he suddenly felt a sore throat a few days ago and it was difficult to speak.

At first I just thought I had an inflamed throat, but even taking some medicine didn't work. The condition got worse and worse, and I couldn't even eat. It was even more uncomfortable when he was sleeping, as if someone was strangling his neck. He had difficulty breathing and was awakened from his sleep several times!

He went to the hospital for a checkup, but nothing was found. However, his symptoms became more and more serious, making him unable to eat, sleep, and have no energy. He frequently made mistakes at work and was criticized by his superiors several times. .

In desperation, he just took a long vacation and sought medical treatment everywhere.

But after going to many major hospitals, there was still no result, and I didn’t even know what the cause was!

Someone heard him say that there seemed to be ghosts pinching him in the middle of the night. They thought he was under too much pressure at work and had persecution hallucinations, so they suggested that he see a psychiatrist.

But after being diagnosed by a psychiatrist, everything turned out to be normal.

In fact, he knew better that this was by no means a psychological problem. It was really a ghost that was strangling him and wanting his life!

He thought he might have hit something dirty.

For the next period of time, he didn't even dare to go back home, so he stayed in some temples and Taoist temples.

At first, it worked quite well.

But then, living in the temple was no longer enough. Whenever he fell asleep, his neck would become tight, and he would wake up every time and gasp for breath for a long time...

It was not an option to continue like this. Later, he heard from a pilgrim that there was a Master Zhang in Wuhan who was good at handling all kinds of negative things, so he hurried over.

Originally, during these days, he also found many so-called exorcism monks, ghost-hunting Taoist priests, etc., but he spent a lot of money, but the problem was still not solved. He spent a lot of money to buy all kinds of spiritual jades and peach wood swords. It's of no use.

When he found me, he just sought medical treatment for a sudden illness, with the attitude of giving it a try.

But who would have thought that as soon as I arrived in front of my store, the tight pain in my neck would immediately disappear!

It was almost evening when he came that day. He couldn't find me and didn't dare to stay in a hotel, so he simply slept in front of the antique shop.

Who knew, I would sleep so sweetly that night.

The strange neck strangulation syndrome that appeared every midnight did not occur. On such a cold winter night, he slept peacefully until dawn, until he was woken up by Li Mazi.

At first, he thought Li Mazi was Master Zhang and kowtowed to ask him for help.

Li Mazi told him that Master Zhang has gone out and I can't find him yet. Please come back in a few days.

But how could this guy be willing?

He was afraid that once he left here, he would be strangled to death by that strange thing and never wake up again. So he begged and asked Li Mazi to agree to let him stay in front of the store.

Seeing how polite he was, Li Mazi felt helpless and had no choice but to nod in agreement.

So he stayed in front of the door for four or five days, until I came back just now, and this is what happened.

After listening to his narration, I also felt very strange.

If a ghost strangles you in your sleep and demands your life, this is obviously a sign of being possessed, and it is very common and easy to deal with.

Not to mention the masters, even some witches and wizards who have just entered the industry, there are many folk methods that can solve it, but he has found so many people one after another, how come it has no effect at all?

Could it be that what he provoked was not just ordinary ghosts?

Those so-called exorcism masters and ghost-hunting priests couldn't control it at all, but my grandfather set up a formation in my shop. No matter what kind of evil ghost dared to approach, he was able to live in peace.

That being said, this is really troublesome.

But it just so happens that I can also practice my skills and improve my cultivation level as soon as possible.

I asked him to wait here first, then returned to the back room and drew some charms based on the "Yin Fu Jing".

I put the talisman on his chest and back, pinched my fingers and shouted loudly, and the eight talismans lit up a beam of golden light at the same time, shining towards him.

Suddenly, wisps of black smoke as fine as cow hair emerged from the sweat pores on his body, as if his whole body was on fire.

Of course, neither Yu Wenmeng nor Li Mazi could see this change.

Seeing that my expression was getting more and more solemn, neither of them dared to interrupt.

After each wisp of black smoke came out, it turned into a human face, hundreds or thousands of them!

The formation set up by grandpa was very fierce. Once the black smoke was released, it was immediately obliterated and became invisible.

But these wisps of black smoke are not the Yin Spirit itself, but the Yin Qi that remains on its body. It has no consciousness at all, and is completely unaware of the existence of the formation. It still keeps coming out one after another, and disappears without a trace in an instant. trace.

The black smoke disappeared in an instant, but I have already learned the cause of his illness. What he provoked was not an ordinary thing, but Thousand Soul Evil!

In other words, it was not just one evil ghost that harmed him, but thousands of them! It's no wonder that the people he was looking for earlier couldn't be resolved.

These ghosts have one thing in common, that is, there are no old, weak, women or children among them, they are all young and strong men! Moreover, each of them carries a murderous aura, and they were probably soldiers in the army during their lifetime.

According to the records in the "Yin Fu Jing", there are many types of Qianhun evil spirits. Such evil spirits, which are all composed of martial soldiers, are not only extremely difficult to refine, but also difficult to control.

Because although these soldiers were killed long ago, their last resentment during their lives was exactly the same. The mountains and rivers were broken, and they sacrificed their lives for the country.

It can also be said that this is a true thought of a thousand souls!

Even if the Thousand Souls Evil is made, it will never go against the dying wishes of these dead souls unless... it is used on the person they both hate.

If this is the case, it is even more strange.

Yu Wenmeng is about the same age as me, so why did he become the enemy of these dead souls?

Where does this thousand souls and one hatred come from? Why did it fall on him?

"Brother Zhang, what's wrong?" Li Mazi asked worriedly when he saw that I was stunned for a long time without saying a word. He thought I had an accident.

"It's okay." I replied lightly, then turned to Yuwenmeng and said: "Your symptoms are very common and easy to deal with. I have a spell here. Take it back and stick it next to your pillow to ensure that you have no symptoms for seven days." It's a problem. In these seven days, I will do something else to help you resolve it."

When Yu Wenmeng heard this, he took two steps in surprise, took the spell with both hands, and kneeled down again while saying thank you.

I held him up and said, "It's not wrong to repay a favor, but it's not a good habit for you to kneel down every now and then. You should also reflect on why you provoked this dirty thing!"

My tone changed from the previous calmness, revealing an infinite aura, as if I wanted to see through his heart.

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