Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1681 Traitor Yu Wenmeng

Yu Wenmeng also noticed something strange. He was afraid that he would make me angry and ask for the charm back, so he quickly put it in his arms and asked me in a low voice how much remuneration I should pay.

Li Mazi was just about to talk, ready to make a big deal, but I said first, "We'll talk about it in seven days. You go back first."

Yu Wenmeng saw that something was wrong with my expression, so he quickly stepped out with gratitude and gently closed the store door.

I saw a rustling sound coming from outside the door. It must be that he was packing up the miscellaneous daily necessities.

Then his footsteps became farther and farther away, and Li Mazi asked me: "Brother Zhang, why are you so abnormal?"

Li Mazi knows me very well. He knows that although my abilities are getting better and better, my temperament is getting closer and closer to Taoism. I am quiet and inactive, especially when I come to ask for help. I never put on any big airs.

But why did I suddenly lower my face just now and put on a cold face towards Yu Wenmeng, especially the last sentence, which was even more scolding, which I had never seen before.

"Mazi, please go and check this guy's background! I'm a little undecided now, whether I should save this guy or not."

"Ah, what's wrong with this guy?" Li Mazi was a little confused.

"What he possessed was the rare Thousand Soul Evil, which was condensed from many military souls who died in battle. Now is the time of peace. There has been no war for decades. Where can we gather so many military souls? "I asked back.

Li Mazi thought for a while and said, "The only ones are the Martyrs Cemetery and the Ancient Battlefield."

"Yes!" I nodded: "Then who can make hundreds of military souls gnash their teeth at him and hate him to the bone?"

"It goes without saying that we are enemies!"

"There are traitors!" I added gloomily.

"Traitor?" Li Mazi was surprised for a moment, then slapped his forehead: "I know! Are you saying that this kid is probably the descendant of a traitor? And the ghost that haunts him is an anti-Japanese martyr."

"I don't know if he is a descendant of a traitor, but judging from the groveling look on his face, he must be used to being a slave to the Japs! A few decades earlier, this guy would have definitely been a traitor." I answered. road.

"Then you save him!" Li Mazi was furious when he heard this and shouted, "He should be left to fend for himself! He brought this on himself and deserves it."

"We can't draw any conclusions before we find out the truth. Besides, this guy came to my door, lived in front of the store for several days, and died inexplicably. Not only will he smash my sign , and it will also arouse the suspicion of the police..."

"My talisman can protect him from the evil spirits for seven days. You can take advantage of this time to investigate and dig out all the gossip about him. It's clear, including the knowledge of several generations of his ancestors. What does it do?" I told Li Mazi: "Although I am just a trader of nefarious goods, I also have my own principles. I will not let innocent people be harmed by nefarious goods, let alone let evil people go unpunished."

"Okay! I'll go tomorrow!" Li Mazi nodded.

At sunset three days later, I just woke up when I received a call from Li Mazi thousands of miles away.

"Brother, leave that bastard alone! Just let him die! Damn, it's a disgrace to the Chinese people! He deserves it." This guy cursed fiercely on the phone with a loud voice.

"What, what did you find?" I was slightly surprised.

"What did you find? If I tell you, I will make you angry to death!" Li Mazi said angrily, and then stated Yu Wenmeng's crimes to me one by one.

Although this guy is Chinese and was born in Liaoning, which is supposed to hate the Japanese the most, he loves Japanese culture the most, even to the point of obsession.

He has been studying Japanese hard and tried his best to imitate everything in Japan. After graduating from Yanagisawa University in Japan, he joined Honda Motor.

In order to make himself more Japanese, he specially named himself Honda Saburo!

He is usually flattering, trying his best to please his superiors and colleagues, and treats almost every Japanese soldier as if he is his own father. He has always regarded himself as Japanese in public, and even sent his Chinese female colleague to the Japanese room in a daze...

He also claimed everywhere that the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere was a great decision, but it was ruined by those idiots in China!

The Chinese are an inferior nation and should have no descendants. All women should be slept with by the Japanese and used as slaves by the Japanese. Only in this way can the great Yamato nation be more prosperous!

The Chinese are all mentally retarded waste and should be treated like cows and horses, toiling away in Japanese factories and being dominated by the Japanese.

The Nanjing Massacre is bullshit! Even if there is, he deserves it! Keeping such a large waste population is a waste of resources!

"Damn it! This kind of thing is something that both humans and gods are angry about. Even if others don't harm him, I still want to kill him." After Li Mazi finished telling me, he was still very angry.

"What about his family members? Are they all the same as him?" I asked.

"That's not true." Li Mazi replied: "It is said that after he was sent to the Chinese branch of Honda Motor, he wanted to return home in glory, but his grandfather chased him for several miles with a kitchen knife and slashed seven or eight people from behind. Big mouth, luckily he ran fast, otherwise he would have been hacked to death!"

"His grandfather burned all his old things on fire. He said that if he ever saw this little bastard again, he would kill him with his own hands. Not to mention that this kid didn't go home, he was scared when he heard someone mention his grandfather's name. I was scared to death, and even now I always take a detour whenever I see an elderly man..."

"Mazi, please work harder and go to his hometown to investigate his grandfather. I suspect that Qianhunsha may be related to this old man." I frowned.

"It's relevant as long as it's relevant." Li Mazi said very puzzledly: "Even if it's really this old man who did it, so what? Do you still want to prevent others from exterminating relatives and cleaning up the family?"

"No! The Thousand Souls Evil's ferocity is so fierce that once it is sacrificed, it is difficult to control it. It doesn't matter whether it is Yu Wenmeng or Honda Saburo, alive or dead. But if the Thousand Souls Evil loses control, it will kill innocent people indiscriminately. That’s trouble!”

"Those Yin spirits are irrational. Just imagine, all Chinese who work in Japanese companies, or those who have used Japanese products or traveled to Japan will be regarded as targets of hunting by them. How many deaths will there be?" Humans? These people are all innocent! After all, there are only a handful of bastards like Yu Wenmeng." I said.

Li Mazi was silent for a moment, said "Okay then" and then hung up the phone.

I put down my phone and was about to take a shower when the phone rang again.

When I picked it up, I saw it was an unfamiliar number.

"Are you Mr. Zhang Jiulin Zhang?"

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