Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1682: Haunted by Evil Ghosts

This is an unfamiliar female voice.

I immediately replied: "Yes, who are you?"

"Hello, I am a nurse in the city hospital. We have a patient who is very seriously ill and can't even speak, but he refuses any treatment and resists with all his strength. He only wrote down your name and address. It happens that our The ambulance just passed by and asked the store next door for your phone number. Could you please come over?"

The patient who refused treatment mentioned my name?

I calmed down and asked, "What's the patient's name?"

"When he was sent to treatment, he could no longer speak. The ID on his body said Yu Wenmeng." The nurse said.

This time I felt a little strange.

Didn't I give that fake Japanese amulet? I guarantee that I will not be harassed by Qianhunsha within seven days, but what is going on.

Is there any new change?

"Okay, tell me the specific room number and I'll be there right away," I said.

By the time I arrived at the hospital, Yu Wenmeng was pale, huddled up with the quilt in his arms, his eyes closed tightly, and he was already unconscious.

Several doctors and nurses are trying their best to save her.

As soon as I entered the house, I felt something was wrong. It was surprisingly cold in the house!

A whooshing cold wind kept hovering over the roof, and the lamp hanging on the ceiling was blown left and right, and flickered, as if it was about to go out.

"Sir, please don't come in yet. We are rescuing the patient." A nurse hurriedly ran out as if to get some equipment. When she saw me entering the ward, she said politely and seriously.

"You asked me to do this." I replied.

"Are you... Zhang Jiulin?" the nurse asked in surprise.

"Yes." I nodded.

"I'm sorry. When we called you, the patient was still conscious. He was unwilling to cooperate with us and had to see you. But you have also seen the current situation. He is suspected of respiratory tract obstruction and is dying. He must be rescued immediately. Please ...What are you going to do?"

Before she could finish her words, I suddenly took out a paper charm and lit it with a lighter.

The nurse was stunned for a moment and took a step back subconsciously.


The hanging lamp on the roof shattered, broken glass shards flew everywhere, and the whole room suddenly fell into darkness.

The two nurses screamed, but the doctor said calmly: "Quick! Get your mobile phone for lighting first. Xiao Zhang, you report to the director and arrange for another room immediately..."

"Ah! Save me, save me." At this moment, Yu Wenmeng, who was lying on the bed and unconscious, suddenly shouted loudly.

He moved his hands and feet wildly, grabbed the doctor in front of him and shook him violently, almost knocking him over.

"Huh?" The doctor was stunned, took out his hand, felt the pulse under his neck, and checked his eyelids with the nurse's illuminated mobile phone, and said in surprise: "That's really weird! Why? Breathing is normal again.”

"Doctor Wang, do you still need to get the instruments?" The nurse standing in front of me turned around and asked a little strangely.

"No need." The doctor waved his hand: "Inform the logistics and just change a lamp." After saying that, he still shook his head in confusion, then broke away from Yu Wenmeng's pull and walked out of the ward.

"Save me, save me! There is a ghost, there is a ghost trying to harm me! Master Zhang, where is Master Zhang? Please invite him over quickly." Yu Wenmeng cried loudly, still trying to pull the nurse next to him.

The little nurse was so frightened that she shrank back and ran out.

The nurse standing in front of me looked at him, then at me and said, "The patient may be a little frightened. Please comfort him." She then walked out.

In an instant, this fake devil and I were the only ones left in the room.

"What's going on?" I walked to the bed and asked coldly.

Yu Wenmeng had regained consciousness at this time. When he heard my voice, he immediately felt relieved, but he was still frightened. He said in a trembling voice: "Master Zhang, there is a ghost, there is a ghost! There is a ghost who wants to harm me. !”

"Tell me slowly, what is going on?"

Yu Wenmeng felt much relieved when he saw me by his side. He took a few breaths and gradually calmed down. He said incoherently: "The talisman you gave me is indeed very effective. I have been safe and sound these past few days. I was originally I thought the disaster was over and was going to celebrate, so I found a Japanese restaurant that night. But just as I was about to go in, a man in a raincoat rushed towards me, his head and face were covered tightly, and I couldn't see him clearly. He threw something on me, and then I saw a ghost!"

"It's really a ghost! It's all covered in blood, and only half of the head is left, but the eyes are still staring, staring at me so fiercely! He stretched out his hands and grabbed my neck."

"I fell to the ground, and the ghost was riding on me. Blood was all over my body and face. He wanted to strangle me! He wanted to kill me!"

"I shouted for help, and people on the road gathered around me, but they couldn't seem to see the ghost riding on me. They just kept asking me what was wrong. I couldn't speak at that time..."

"They called 120 and called an ambulance, but the ghost kept squeezing me in the ambulance! I kept struggling with it, but the doctors held me down firmly."

"I'm so choked that I'm going to die soon!"

"In the waiting hall leading to the emergency room, the news was playing. Your Chinese flag appeared and your Chinese national anthem sounded. The ghost inexplicably let go of his hand and saluted the screen. Only then did I gasp. After taking a breath, I asked the nurse for a pen and paper and wrote down your name and address."

"As soon as the national anthem ended, the ghost rushed up again and held me down. His strength was several times stronger than before! I really couldn't fight it. Seeing those big bloody hands strangling my neck, I became more and more nervous. The harder I pushed, the more I lost consciousness and didn’t know anything anymore.”

"Master Zhang, thank you so much! You saved me again." Yu Wenmeng didn't know whether he was frightened or moved, but he started crying.

But I threw his hand away and said with a sneer: "Don't touch me, I think you are dirty."

"Returning China's flag and national anthem to you, aren't you Chinese? Isn't the blood of Chinese people flowing on your body? When I heard the news, I couldn't believe it. There should be no such scum among the Chinese. Now I I really regret it, I shouldn’t have come to save you at all!”

When Yu Wenmeng heard this, he immediately choked.

"Do you know who those ghosts you are afraid of are? Now I can tell you that they are all martyrs, Chinese soldiers who fought against the Japanese. Their hearts of serving the country cannot tolerate traitors like you. ! I can’t see a bastard like you groveling to the Japanese. Not to mention that you don’t regard yourself as a Chinese, even if you think of yourself as a Chinese, you don’t deserve it! A bastard like you deserves to be strangled to death by the evil spirit, and you all deserve it.” I don’t deserve it at all. He cursed unceremoniously in pain.

Then he ignored him and walked out of the ward.

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