Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1684 Tianshan asks for help

After dealing with the matter of Waiyu Wenmeng, I felt very complicated.

Prepare to be temporarily closed for a week, bathe and fast every day, light cypress incense under the altar, and pray to the gods enshrined in the shop.

Although Yu Wenmeng deserves to die, I have violated the rules of the ghost merchant! You will definitely have to bear a huge debt.

During this period, I did four things. First, I bought thousands of small animals and released them into the wild. Second, I donated five million to the Anti-Japanese War Veterans Foundation. Third, I quietly asked Li Mazi to bring Yu Wenlie a sum of money. After all, the old man wanted to To take care of your grandson, you need money no matter what. Si Si reported to Yin Xinyue that she was safe and promised to go out with her to relax after a while.

This day happened to be the seventh day of my cross-legged meditation. The door of the store was suddenly pushed open by Li Mazi. I was so angry that I cursed: "Damn Mazi, didn't I tell you that I was in retreat? That pile of yours I won’t accept broken business for the time being.”

"No, no, no, it's not my business." Li Mazi said with a sneer: "Didn't you give me your cell phone for safekeeping while you were in seclusion? Your phone rang just now. It was a call from Xinjiang. I originally wanted to hang up. But the other person said he was your friend, and his tone was very urgent, so I must find you as soon as possible."

After saying that, Li Mazi took out his mobile phone and found an unfamiliar number.

Looking at the 147 number on the screen, I was in a daze for a moment. If I remember correctly, I don't seem to have any friends in Xinjiang?

I pressed the phone out of curiosity and heard a familiar voice, it was Leng Rushuang.

By the way, she is from the Leng family in Tianshan. How could I forget? Thinking of the last time I worked with her to rescue a kidnapped girl and solve the mystery of the Immortal Village, I felt a little nostalgic.

"What kind of evil wind is blowing, that the future heir of Tianshan Leng family is looking for me in such a hurry?" I said with a smile.

Leng Rushuang's performance was not as enthusiastic as I expected. There was even a bit of anxiety in her tone: "Brother Jiulin, can you take time to visit Xinjiang recently? I have a very difficult matter that needs your help. .”

Based on my understanding of Leng Rushuang, if she wasn't in desperate need, such a proud little girl would never have asked me for help. I quickly straightened my expression: "Is it related to vaginal objects?"

"Yeah." Leng Rushuang didn't say much and gave me a brief affirmative reply.

"It's difficult?"

"It's very troublesome." Leng Rushuang finished speaking and sighed softly.

"Okay, then I'll buy a plane ticket and leave. You can arrange for someone to pick me up at the airport." I explained a few words, and Leng Rushuang agreed. After hanging up the phone, I ordered Li Mazi to pack his luggage immediately and set off with me.

Li Mazi was shocked: "The Leng family of Tianshan? Is it the Leng family I know? Aren't all of their families experts from this world? How do you know each other? You have never mentioned it to me..."

"Didn't I mention this to you?" I didn't bother to talk to him, and said decisively: "I'm going to book the flight now. You go get a few changes of clothes from home, and then meet me at the airport."

"The few businesses that are pressing in the store..."

"We'll deal with it when we get back!" I shouted.

What surprised me was that this time Li Mazi didn't say much, but just walked away.

After Li Mazi and I met at the airport, Li Mazi solved my doubts: "That's the Leng family in Tianshan. They are as famous as Longquan Villa and the Zhang family in Jiangbei. If I can have some contact with them, I, Li Mazi, will I have something to brag about to others..."

I rolled my eyes: "It will be a lifetime honor for you to have contact with me."

After the plane landed at Urumqi Airport, I saw a particularly familiar figure. It was Leng Rushuang's follower, the man in sunglasses, who came to pick me up in person. He still had the same attitude of keeping strangers away from him. There were many people coming to greet relatives and friends at the exit, but they all tacitly avoided him, making him stand out among the crowd. I walked over quickly and smiled at him: "Where is Leng Rushuang?"

The man in sunglasses was still reluctant to speak. He took the luggage from my hand and took me out of the airport without saying a word.

Li Mazi pursed his lips at his back, lowered his voice and whispered to me: "Is the Leng family in Tianshan so depressed now? It seems that the legend is indeed unbelievable. Look, it's rare to send someone to pick up the plane, and he is still mute. …”

I slapped him on the back: "Speak down, do you know this guy's skills? I've seen it with my own eyes. He doesn't even need a second skill to kill you instantly."

After Li Mazi heard what I said, he obediently shut his noisy mouth.

Although the Tianshan Leng family has been famous in the industry for a long time, their family style is extremely mysterious and unknown to outsiders. The weather outside the airport was hot and dry. The man in sunglasses drove a black Audi and was thoughtfully placing his luggage in the trunk. Li Mazi said in my ear: "This car isn't that good either..."

I glared at him, just as the man in sunglasses closed the trunk and came over. I don’t know if he heard what Li Mazi said. He just opened the back door with a poker face and respectfully asked Li Mazi and me to get in. .

As the car drove smoothly from the airport to the city, I couldn't help but ask the man in sunglasses: "What is so difficult? Leng Rushuang's tone on the phone seemed very nervous."

"Yeah!" The man in sunglasses surprisingly answered me with one word, but he didn't say anything next. He just tightened his grip on the steering wheel, with veins popping out on it. It was obvious that he was in a very complicated mood. Because I knew his character so well, I didn't ask any more questions. I just waited to understand everything after meeting Leng Rushuang.

What surprised me was that the car did not drive directly into the city. Instead, it turned onto a small road after getting off the airport expressway, obviously heading in a remote direction.

Li Mazi immediately grabbed my arm nervously: "Brother Zhang, are we... not being abducted?"

After hearing this, even a guy like the man in sunglasses, who could express his emotions and anger, couldn't help but cast an indifferent glance at Li Mazi from the rearview mirror. Although his expression did not change, I still saw the expression in his eyes. I saw a hint of sarcasm.

I was also very embarrassed when the person I brought out had such a low price. I couldn't help but glared at Li Mazi fiercely: "Who is kidnapping someone like you?"

Li Mazi snorted and said arrogantly: "That's because you don't know the goods!"

I had no intention of arguing with him, and felt slightly uneasy about what was about to happen. Due to Li Mazi's jokes along the way, I didn't have time to calm down and think carefully. Now looking at the scenery outside the window, I couldn't help but think about it. It stands to reason that the Leng family has been well-known in the industry for many years, and there must be countless elites in the family. What kind of trouble has it encountered that requires me to take over and solve it?

Just when I was hesitating, the car had already driven to a small place that looked like a countryside. Cotton in good supply and rows of grape trellises can be seen everywhere on both sides of the road. Although it is noon, there are still farmers busy in the fields.

The man in sunglasses parked his car in front of a two-story building that looked simple and clean.

The design of the small building is very Islamic, with beautiful totems painted with blue paint on the white walls. Two middle-aged women were cleaning the yard. When they saw the man in sunglasses getting out of the car, they quickly and respectfully retreated. On the other hand, he seems to know the rules.

The man in sunglasses waved to someone and said a few words to her in Uyghur. The Uyghur woman nodded immediately, obviously understanding. Li Mazi and I looked at each other, and the man in sunglasses made a neat gesture of invitation to me. I had no choice but to smile bitterly and follow his footsteps through the door.

Although the weather outside is still quite hot, once you enter, you feel like you have entered another space. Not only is the air cool, but it even has a refreshing aroma.

Li Mazi came over and said: "This Leng family is different, the air conditioner is very powerful!"

But I felt something was wrong, and couldn't help but raise my head. I saw a circle of transparent jade beads on the ceiling of the room. The beads exuded a blue luster, and the slightest bit of cold air emanated from here.

If I guessed correctly, this should be a green ray bead from the Han Dynasty!

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Zhang Qian as an envoy to the Western Regions to connect the two places for trade, which was known as the Silk Road in history. These green beads are the treasure of the Western Regions. Zhang Qian got seven of them and presented them to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty after returning home. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty rewarded his sister Princess Pingyang. After Princess Pingyang died, she was buried in Maoling. These seven beads were put into the coffin as funerary objects.

Later, Dong Zhuo broke into Maoling and looted all the gold, silver and jewelry. Except for a brief record in ancient books, the whereabouts of these seven green beads disappeared. Unexpectedly, they actually appeared in the Leng family, and they were inlaid in the Leng family as decorations. on the wall.

Are you really not afraid of being missed by thieves?

Such a priceless treasure is handled so casually, which shows the wealth of the Leng family.

This also makes me more and more uneasy. I always feel that I am about to face a huge storm, and if I am not careful, I will be swept into the darkness...

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