Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,685 The History of the Leng Family

The man in sunglasses knocked lightly on the door inside. After a long time, an extremely weak voice came from inside: "Come in." The voice was hoarse and you couldn't tell who it was.

The man in sunglasses nodded, stood at the door and invited Li Mazi and me in.

The room was dark, with thick curtains covering the windows. There was no light in the room, and only a thin figure could be vaguely seen lying on the bed. I walked forward slowly and hesitantly, and suddenly my eyes lit up. It was the person on the bed who reached out and turned on the antique table lamp placed beside the bed.

Li Mazi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he carefully pulled my arm: "Brother, look, that lamp seems to be from the period of Empress Dowager Cixi. The colorful things on it are not ordinary glass, they are all genuine agate and jade. Like this A thing can be regarded as a family heirloom, and the Leng family just put it on the surface so casually. Do you think it is possible for me to go to the Leng family's treasure house... Then I am really worthy of it. This life.”

I had no intention of paying attention to Li Mazi's words. I couldn't help but be stunned as I looked at the beautiful figure on the bed.

After not seeing each other for a few months, Leng Rushuang actually seemed to have aged by more than ten years, with thin cheeks and dull eyes, as if she had suffered a serious illness. I walked up to her with wide eyes and looked at her puzzled: "What's going on? Are you injured?"

Leng Rushuang managed to stand up, her body was shaky, and her face was as white as a piece of paper: "It's a long story, let him tell you slowly later..." After saying that, he glanced at the man in sunglasses not far behind me, It seemed that she suddenly thought that this person was not good at words and it would be better not to let him convey it. Leng Rushuang couldn't help but laugh to herself.

Although she was ill, her smile was still charming, as if the snow lotus was in full bloom and the cold fragrance was pouring out. Every word she spoke was very laborious, and she waited for a moment before saying to the man in sunglasses: "Go and ask Wu Yigul to come over."

The man in sunglasses nodded silently, turned around and went out to call someone, and thoughtfully closed the door.

Leng Rushuang glanced at Li Mazi worriedly, and there seemed to be some hesitation in his eyes. I hurriedly explained: "This is a good buddy who has been with me through life and death. If you have anything to say, just say it directly without going behind his back."

After hearing what I said, Leng Rushuang's face softened slightly, and she took a moment to calm down before saying, "Brother Jiulin, I have no choice but to ask you to come here this time. Something big happened to the Leng family..."

Leng family?

Li Mazi and I looked at each other, both very puzzled.

Leng Rushuang continued: "Brother Jiulin, do you know why the Leng family lived in Tianshan?"

I shook my head, and Li Mazi interjected: "There must be a lot of valuable vaginal objects here. Your Leng family occupies this place and refuses to move."

I glared at Li Mazi: "Don't talk nonsense if you don't know! No one will think you are mute if you don't speak."

Li Mazi saw that my voice was serious, so he obediently shut his mouth.

Leng Rushuang originally had an angry look on his face. When he heard what I said, Li Mazi looked remorseful again, and then his expression improved: "It's not strange if you don't know. Originally, this was a secret in the Leng family. If it wasn't Because I know who you are and I need your help, I will never mention this to you..." At this point, Leng Rushuang coughed a few times and breathed heavily. It took her a long time to calm down. He continued: "Every member of the Leng family must swear an oath from the time they are sensible. If they reveal family secrets, they will be cursed with death."

Hearing what she said, I kicked Li Mazi, who looked interested, and said, "Go out and wait."

"Ah?" Li Mazi was dumbfounded: "Didn't you just say that I was your good brother through life and death? Why are you chasing people away now?"

"Now and then, you are unreliable, and your mouth is as loose as a cotton waistband. I can't trust you."

Li Mazi glared at me fiercely, reluctantly opened the door and walked out. Leng Rushuang saw me doing this and breathed a sigh of relief: "Brother Jiulin, it's not that I don't trust your friend, it's really about the family, so I have to be careful."

I was about to say it didn't matter, but I heard Leng Rushuang continue: "Although I haven't witnessed it with my own eyes, I heard the elders in the family mentioned that many years ago there was an aunt in the family who trusted her husband too much, so she kept the family secrets. I told him everything. It turned out that this person had an ulterior motive. Even marrying my aunt was part of the plan, just to find out this secret! This aunt was deceived by his sweet words and actually leaked the secret. , then the curse came true and she died in unspeakable misery.”

As I listened, something suddenly moved in my mind: "Then do you know who this uncle is?"

When Leng Rushuang heard my question, a satisfied smile overflowed from the corner of her mouth: "I found the right person indeed. Brother Jiulin, you are smart and courageous. You guessed it just after I mentioned it. That's right... he is from Longquan Villa."

as expected! Longquan Villa wants to dominate the family. In addition to targeting our Zhang family, it has naturally also done evil things to the Leng family.

Leng Rushuang didn't pay much attention to this past incident, but continued: "Speaking of the history of the Leng family, I don't know much about it in detail. Except for reading part of it from the family tree, the rest was dictated by my grandma. I got it. According to her old man, our Leng family has been in the femininity business since ancient times. In the past, there were many outstanding figures in the family, and they even worked for several emperors. During the prosperous Tang Dynasty, they were specially selected for the emperor. The Si Tiantai of the Mausoleum Feng Shui was created by members of my clan. It was not until the Qing Dynasty that the Leng family settled in Tianshan, and there is a huge reason for this..."

I stared at Leng Rushuang intently, only to hear her hoarse voice continue: "During the Qianlong period, General Zhaohui led a million troops with the intention of subduing the Hui tribe that was entrenched here at the time. The Hui tribe was also called Huijiang, and many Mainly composed of Uighurs, Hui and Uighurs, also known as Maotou Hui. At that time, the Qing government set up ministers in Hui territory and put heavy pressure on the Hui people. The Hui people could not bear the heavy taxes and eventually rose up in rebellion. The then emperor Qianlong We sent General Zhaohui here to quell the chaos!"

"It's just that although the number of Hui people is small, they are united and are very familiar with the terrain here, so Zhaohui didn't get much benefit at first. However, Zhaohui used soldiers like a god and used heavy money to lure many Hui people. In the end, they cooperated internally and externally. Put down the Hezhuo Rebellion! It is said that at that time, the Hui people were hit one after another and knew they were outnumbered, so they transferred the entire Hui tribe's treasures, women and children to Yarkand City, with the intention of one day making a comeback. Unexpectedly, Zhaohui was betrayed by an insider. The city of Yarkand was burned down, cutting off the way back. This battle was extremely tragic, with countless casualties. Zhaohui had experienced hundreds of battles in his life. He slaughtered unarmed women and children in this way, and destroyed countless treasures. Naturally, he had no shame to show his loyalty to Qianlong. The emperor revealed the whole story."

"Since then, Yarkand City has become a ghost town, with strong winds. Passing merchants can often hear the cries and screams of women and children coming from the ruins..."

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