Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,686 The Four Ancient Cities (Additional Updates)

Leng Rushuang looked exhausted when she said this. She rested for a moment and continued with strength: "Xinjiang is arid and rainless, and there are sandstorms all year round. Within a few years, this Yarkand City will be destroyed." It was covered under a piece of yellow sand. After many years, many soldiers who followed General Zhaohui returned to their hometowns and spread the news about what happened in Yarkand City, especially the treasures that were so rich that the country could not be conquered. Exaggerated dozens of times..."

My eyes lit up, and I probably understood why the Leng family came to Tianshan.

Leng Rushuang glanced at me, with a slight smile on her lips: "Brother Jiulin, do you also think that the Leng family is here for the treasure?" Her voice paused slightly, with a hint of imperceptible pride: " Then you are totally wrong, if the people of the Leng family only have treasure in their eyes, wouldn’t they be just like those tomb robbers?”

I touched my nose in embarrassment: "I didn't think so. I felt that the people from the Leng family came to Xinjiang because Yarkand City was causing trouble."

Leng Rushuang's eyes lit up: "Yes, Brother Jiulin, you are right. In fact, it was very difficult for the Hui people to be squeezed by the Qing Dynasty. If they were not forced to a certain situation, how could they rebel and resist? So in fact, their treasures are not gold and silver. , but a treasure book..."

I was slightly startled: "Treasure book?"

"That's right." Leng Rushuang nodded seriously: "Hui people believe in Islam, and this treasure book is the Koran. This scripture was buried under thousands of miles of yellow sand along with Yarkand City. Over the past thousands of years, I don’t know how many people have come here after hearing the news, and I don’t know how many people’s lives have been involved in it. It is clearly written in the Leng family genealogy that all the innocent people who died in the fire were all He became a lonely ghost, attached to this "Koran", and this Yarkand City became a dead city. It is said that as long as you step into the city gate, you will definitely die, and there is no possibility of survival. "Koran" Its power is increasing year by year, and our Leng family has lived in Tianshan for generations, actually just for this ancient book."

I suddenly understood and nodded: "I see. Is it because of this book that you came to me this time?"

Leng Rushuang shook his head: "Of course it's not that simple. Between you and me, we are no match for this book. Do you know where my injuries came from? I was just a hundred miles away from Yarkand City." I felt its evil power outside, and resisted desperately, and there were loyal family members who would fight for their lives, which gave me a moment to escape. But in the end I was seriously injured, and I have been nursing for several months, but I still haven't recovered... …”

Seeing Leng Rushuang's pale face, I couldn't help being surprised: "Is this ancient book so powerful?"

Leng Rushuang shook his head again and said extremely weakly: "It's not the power of the ancient books, but the ghost city." When she said this, she suddenly coughed violently. I quickly found a water glass from the side and handed it to her. Leng Rushuang said He waved his hand at me and waited for a while before continuing: "Brother Jiulin, do you know the origin of Yarkand City?"

I shook my head blankly.

"It's not strange if I don't know. If I hadn't been from the Leng family, I wouldn't have gone out of my way to understand it." Leng Rushuang gasped and said, "Yarkant City was built in the late Tang Dynasty by a man named Anivar. Designed by people. Anivar also means the brightest in Uighur. This Hui senior is not only skilled in architecture, but also proficient in astronomy, five elements, feng shui, Yi Xue, calendar, yin and yang... He is a very remarkable person. Outstanding figure! This Yarkand City has an extremely special location in terms of Feng Shui and Yin and Yang. My grandma once told me that although Yarkand City is not named in the history books, its special location is almost as good as Beijing. It is comparable to the Forbidden City. It should be noted that the Forbidden City was built under the arrangement of Emperor Zhu Di of the Ming Dynasty. This Yarkand City was hundreds of years earlier than it. There were no modern measuring tools at that time, which shows the erudition of Anivar. "

"According to what you said, this Yarkand City can only be said to have the right time, place and people, but from your tone, it seems that it is much more than that?" I couldn't help but frown.

Leng Rushuang nodded: "Although outsiders call this city Yarkand City, we in the Leng family prefer to call it Sijue Ancient City."

"Four wonders...ancient city?" I repeated Leng Rushuang's words.

Leng Rushuang hummed softly: "Since it is called the Four Jue Ancient City, there must be four musts in the city. The first must is time. Apart from daylight, there is nothing that can tell time in the ancient city. Clocks enter the city. It will stop immediately."

This is not surprising. Since the man named Anivar chose to build the city here, it is most likely because there is some kind of strange magnetic field here. It is not new for clocks to stop working due to interference from magnetic fields.

Leng Rushuang took a breath and continued: "This second is a shadow. There are no shadows in the city, either in buildings or people..."

No shadow?

I was slightly startled, this was a bit strange.

Leng Rushuang also had a surprised look on her face when she saw me, and continued: "This third secret is the rumor that no one who enters the ancient city survives!" When she said this, she suddenly smiled bitterly and said: "This is not unusual, there are many people in the city. With so many unwilling undead souls, how could anyone come out alive?"

I smiled along with her: "Then what is the fourth secret?"

"The fourth masterpiece is of course the Koran. For thousands of years, countless people have risked their lives to enter the ancient city to search for this ancient book, but it has never appeared. Later, some people believed that there was no so-called ancient book in the city. Otherwise, how could you still be safe and sound under that fire?"

After Leng Rushuang finished speaking these words in one breath, she was exhausted. She fell gently on the bed, looked at me weakly and said: "But this ancient book does exist, and it lies quietly. In the darkness where no one cares, it is like a beast waiting for an opportunity to move, slowly accumulating its own power, until one day it reappears in the light, bringing about a disaster that will destroy the world..."

Leng Rushuang visibly shuddered at the thought of such a terrifying scene.

Although I haven't been dealing with her for long, since she was trained as the future head of the Leng family, she naturally has a strong temper and refuses to give in easily. This is the first time I have seen such a desperate and frightened look!

Leng Rushuang seemed to want to say something more to me, but after a violent cough, she was panting so hard that she couldn't say a complete sentence. Just then there was a knock on the door, Leng Rushuang signaled to me, and I had no choice but to reply for her: "Come in!"

Along with the man in sunglasses, besides the gossipy Li Mazi, there was also a young man from Xinjiang. He is twenty-four or five years old, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. Although his skin is slightly dark, he is very handsome, especially his eyes, which are like two bright gems.

He was shocked to see Leng Rushuang's appearance. He and the man in sunglasses rushed forward and asked anxiously: "Master, are you...are you okay?"


Li Mazi and I exchanged a look. Is this young man also a slave of the Leng family?

Li Mazi was even more wretched: "I suspect that he is a privately raised male favorite and is playing some kind of queen's game."

I slapped him on the head rudely.

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