Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1687: Civil strife in the Leng family

Seeing Leng Rushuang's painful expression, the man in sunglasses broke out in a cold sweat. He rushed to the bedside table and quickly took out a very delicate box from the drawer.

Opening the lid of the box, there was an almost transparent pill inside. The pill exuded a strange fragrance of flowers and fruits. He handed it to Leng Rushuang's lips almost without thinking.

Leng Rushuang opened her mouth with difficulty, swallowed the pills, and rested for a moment before introducing us to the Xinjiang youth: "Gul, this is the Zhang Jiulin I mentioned to you before. Although you have not left Xinjiang, his You must have heard of the name, right?"

It turns out that this young man is Wu Yigul who Leng Rushuang asked the man in sunglasses to invite.

Wu Yigul glanced at me and nodded slightly.

Leng Rushuang continued: "Now that such a big thing has happened to the Leng family, I have been hit hard again. I can't even say a complete sentence. You and Brother Jiulin will tell you what happened before. There is no need to hide anything. Just tell the truth. If he needs it, just listen to his orders..."

Wu Yigur agreed extremely obediently: "Yes, Master."

After Leng Rushuang said these words, she could no longer hold on and fell on the bed tiredly. There was no sound except her extremely weak breathing. In order not to delay her rest, I had no choice but to pull Li Mazi and follow the man in sunglasses and Wu Yigul out of her room.

The man in sunglasses stood silently at the door, guarding him as quietly as a mountain. However, looking at his face, there was a bit of sadness, and it was obvious that he was extremely worried.

Wuyigul invited Li Mazi and me to the backyard and sat on a bench under some grape trees. There were also fresh fruits and vegetables brought by the maid. After they left, Wu Yigul sighed softly: "Mr. Zhang, you can come from a thousand miles away, which shows that you are a righteous man. No wonder my master trusts you so much! That being the case, I dare not hide it from you..." Wu Yigur's Chinese is very fluent, and he has a bit of simple politeness, which makes people like Li Mazi, who love to find faults, unable to help but nod with satisfaction.

I smiled at him: "I have some friendship with Leng Rushuang. Since she asked me to ask for her help, I have to come, whether it's moral or personal. So you don't have to be polite, just tell the truth straight to the point. What's the matter? Why did she call me here?"

Wu Yigur was stunned for a moment, but quickly calmed down and said: "There is civil strife in the Leng family..."

Leng family? Civil unrest?

Li Mazi was also startled by his words: "Boy, these words are not nonsense. The Leng family is one of the four major sects. It is a century-old family with strict rules. How could there be civil strife?"

Wu Yigul lowered his eyelids and smiled bitterly: "Just because it is a century-old house, the shortcomings accumulated over the years suddenly broke out, and troubles occurred."

I can probably understand what he said. As the saying goes, a thousand-mile embankment is destroyed by an ant nest. How can a family that has been inherited for so many years be the best among people for generations? There must be some scumbag or something, and if these scumbags come together, big problems will arise.

Wu Yigur continued: "Although the Leng family has been famous for a long time, because they live in a remote place and rarely interact with people in the circle, they have always given people a mysterious illusion. In fact, the Leng family is just a very ordinary big family. , everyone strictly abides by the rules set by their ancestors and lives without any change." At this point, he suddenly raised his head, with a dark look in his eyes: "Perhaps it is because of this that the trouble occurred."

Li Mazi asked impatiently: "You've been going around in circles for a long time, but you haven't mentioned a word about what the trouble is. Are you trying to scare people to death?"

Wu Yigul was startled by his appearance, lowered his head hurriedly and said: "I'm not talking in circles... I just..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and get to the point!" The cool fruit could not lower the hot temperature in Xinjiang, so Li Mazi's temper also seemed very irritable.

Wu Yigur nodded: "The Leng family has strict rules, and the inheritance of the patriarch is the most important thing! When the previous patriarch reaches a certain age, he will choose the three most senior young people in the family to go on a long trip. , each of them will carry a family treasure. While increasing their knowledge during the journey, they must also conquer certain yin objects. Of course, the more yin objects they collect, the greater the power of the treasures they carry will be. The person who returns within the agreed time and has conquered the most feminin objects will accept the test of the family as the successor. The test consists of thirteen levels, and only those who pass all the levels will be considered qualified."

During the time when Leng Rushuang and I met, she was traveling outside. It turned out that she was completing the tasks that she had to face as the successor to the clan leader. I hummed and asked Wu Yigur: "So, has Leng Rushuang passed the test as the successor?"

Wuyi Gur's face changed slightly: "My master was seriously injured at the last level. If Uncle Tian hadn't fought to protect him at that time, the master doesn't know what would have happened..."

The Uncle Tian he was talking about was probably the family general that Leng Rushuang mentioned to me before who sacrificed his life to protect her.

The problem seemed to be more serious than I thought, and I couldn't help but feel hesitant. Li Mazi glanced at me and said to Wu Yigul with understanding: "It's so hot here. We've been working all the way and we're really tired. Could you please bring us some ice water?"

Because he had been told by Leng Rushuang before, Wu Yigur immediately nodded, stood up and left.

Li Mazi immediately leaned into my ear and said: "Brother, this matter is a bit tricky. I think you should stop meddling in other people's business! Not only is it troublesome, it also involves the position of the head of the Leng family. I'm afraid you didn't catch the fox." Come, let’s get into trouble again.”

"Shut up if you can't speak!" I sneered at his random use of words.

This matter is indeed a bit troublesome. Not only does it involve the Leng family, but the vagina is also very powerful. I am very worried that I will not be able to help Leng Rushuang, but will cause trouble for her.

Just when I frowned and hesitated, Wu Yigur had already walked back quickly. He respectfully brought ice water and sat down in silence. I drank some water to moisten my throat and asked him: "Leng Rushuang was in a bad situation just now, so I didn't ask any more questions. Do you know why she invited me here?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Gur's eyes. He probably thought that Leng Rushuang and I had already talked about everything since we had been in the room for so long. He thought for a while and explained very sensibly: "I know something. The previous patriarch of the Leng family, the master's grandfather, passed away half a month ago. At that time, the master was outside to accept the test of the level, waiting for her to receive the message. When he rushed back to the Leng family, he found that the previous head of the family had been buried in a hurry, but all the servants who had served him were missing. The master felt that there must be something fishy, ​​so he finally found a servant through many methods. This servant had secretly stolen something before. He was found using the owner's possessions, so he was put in solitary confinement by the owner, and it was because of this that he escaped..."

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