Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,688 Sand Ghost

The matter was actually related to the head of the Leng family, and even Li Mazi listened carefully. After all, such a big piece of gossip news is enough for him to take out and brag about.

Gul continued: "The master went through a lot of trouble to find that servant. According to what he told the master to complete the thirteen levels, not long after the master had a stroke, he became bedridden. The servant had already been killed at that time. He was in solitary confinement, so he didn’t know the specific situation, but suddenly one day, all the servants who were serving the master were kicked out of the Leng family. One of them was his friend for many years. Before leaving, he paid a special visit to him and secretly Tell him that the old master did not suffer a stroke and was in a coma, but was poisoned."


I couldn't help but be stunned. Could it be that Leng Rushuang invited me here to find out the murderer who caused harm to the Leng family? I'm good at dealing with vaginal objects, but not so good at dealing with interpersonal relationships.

Gul, however, thought to himself and said: "The master also ordered us to find the private doctor who treated the old family master. We found that the doctor was also empty. At first glance, he left in a hurry. It was clear that someone wanted to cover up the death of the old family master. The truth. Not only that, even the servant who revealed the news before disappeared. Later, Yan Ruhuo worked hard to find him. Unfortunately, his limbs had been chopped off, he was blind and deaf, and even his voice was mute due to poison. , was sold to a begging gang..."

Li Mazi was startled: "Who could be so cruel?"

When Gul heard this question, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said: "Who else could it be? It must have been the second master! He couldn't be the head of the family himself, and he also wanted to find positions for his son and daughter, so he ruthlessly killed his family. Lord, it also caused the master to be severely injured."

Because I don’t know much about the interpersonal relationships of the Leng family, I can’t be sure who the second master Gul mentioned is.

This matter was personally requested by Leng Rushuang. Since I got involved, I definitely hope to be able to help her. Therefore, the top priority is to have a general understanding of the Leng family. Fortunately, Gur is a careful young man, which saved me a lot of trouble. Before dinner, I had a certain understanding of the current situation of the Leng family.

The old head of the Leng family has been in office for more than sixty years and has two sons. The eldest son is named Leng Dou and the second son is named Leng Wu. The two sons each gave birth to a son and a daughter. Leng Dou's son, Leng Ruting, died due to carelessness when handling vaginal objects in his early years, leaving behind a posthumous daughter. Because of the news of his death, his wife was so sad during pregnancy that the child was injured. Leng Xiaoai was also affected. Leng Xiaoai's legs were paralyzed since she was born. She can only lie in bed on weekdays and rely on a wheelchair even to go to the ground. Leng Ruting's wife had remarried and left the Leng family many years ago. Over the years, his sister Leng Rushuang has been taking care of Leng Xiaoai. Although she is said to be an aunt, she is actually more dedicated than his mother.

Thinking of how Leng Rushuang, at such a young age, not only has to bear the burden of the family, but also has to take care of her niece, only she herself can understand the hardship.

Leng Wu's son is named Leng Rulei and his daughter is named Leng Ruyun. According to Gur, although they are very talented, they are not decent people. It is precisely because of this that although both of them traveled as team leader candidates, it was Leng Rushuang who was finally recognized by the old patriarch. Therefore, Leng Wu refused to do anything and even poisoned the old patriarch.

When Gur said this, he already had an expression of resentment and wanted to fight the person desperately.

But Li Mazi ignored him and even joked with me: "The Leng family is also interesting. The names of the previous generation all have two characters, and the names of the next generation all have three characters with the prefix rain."

According to Gul's words, in addition to a few of them, there are also the younger wife of the old patriarch and his ex-wife's sister. The old patriarch's wife passed away young, and her sister never married, and had been helping to take care of the children in the Leng family. The old patriarch also got into trouble a few years ago and married a young wife with a very different age. Gur frowned and said, "I heard from others that this new lady was just a dancer before..."

Such complicated interpersonal relationships make my head spin.

It's getting dark, and the temperature difference between day and night in Xinjiang is huge. It's so hot during the day that it's almost crazy, but at night the wind blows on you, and it's actually a bit cool. Gur took us to the restaurant, and the dinner was just as Li Mazi expected, especially sumptuous. Li Mazi had a great appetite, but because I had something on my mind, I just ate some food.

After a busy day, Li Mazi and I took a rest very early. Li Mazi soon began to snore, but I couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

The mysterious death of the old head of the Leng family, the "Koran" in the ancient city of Sijue, Leng Rushuang's injury... why did these seemingly unrelated things happen when the family changed hands.

Is it a coincidence, or is it a conspiracy?

By midnight, I was extremely tired and finally felt a little sleepy. Just when I closed my eyes and turned over to go to bed, I suddenly felt a cold air coming from all around me.

I even sensed a hint of danger in this yin energy.

I almost didn't have time to think about it. I rolled over from the bed with bare feet, but I noticed that this yin energy seemed to be coming prepared.

I felt that it seemed to be deliberately targeting Leng Rushuang, so I hurriedly opened the door, and sure enough I saw a black shadow in the corridor quickly flashing into Leng Rushuang's room.

Leng Rushuang was in danger, so I rushed over and arrived at the door of Leng Rushuang's room almost at the same time as the man in sunglasses and Wu Yigul. There was no time to think about it, so he hurriedly opened the door, and saw a dark figure in front of Leng Rushuang's bed in the dim room, opening his big mouth, trying to suck in Leng Rushuang's yang energy.

Before I could take action, the man in sunglasses had already jumped up. I felt a golden light flash before my eyes, and the figure had disappeared. Gur on the side quickly turned on the light and saw thick black sand falling on the ground.

I walked forward, squatted down, and studied the black sand carefully. The sand looked a little sticky, and a strong fishy smell hit my nostrils.

"What is this?" I asked with some confusion.

"It's a sand ghost." Gul whispered: "It is said that the sand ghost only appears in Yarkand did it find it here..."

Gul looked confused, while the man in sunglasses looked even more grim.

Leng Rushuang was still asleep. We had such a big fight, but she didn't react at all. I stepped forward to look at her and saw that although her breathing was weak, it was very regular. I breathed a sigh of relief, turned off the lights and went out together with the man in sunglasses and Gul. Gur seemed a little panicked and murmured: "Why did the sand ghost come here? Could it be that the Koran has recognized its master?"

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