Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1696 Blood Numbers

The three mummies were the three servants who left the Leng family before. They were the same as the previous corpses. The only difference was that their heads were all bent back at a ninety-degree angle, and then a thick wooden stick was inserted from the open mouth. , all the way down from the spine, and finally nailed straight into the earth.

Their skin was dark blue, and the clothes on their chests were all opened, revealing clearly visible skin, but there were several wounds on the skin with sharp weapons!

Xiao Tao's face was as pale as a trace of blood, and she looked at the scene in front of her with trembling fear. A grape-picking basin fell by her feet. Apparently she came to pick grapes early in the morning, but when she saw such a scene, she was so frightened that she screamed loudly.

And the faces of everyone present were no better than hers. Although Leng Dou pretended to be calm, his slightly trembling shoulders still betrayed the true emotions in his heart. After a brief shock, Leng Wu glanced at his eldest brother Leng Dou angrily.

Leng Rulei looked in disbelief, Leng Ruyun folded her arms and looked indifferent. Zhang Lan's body kept shaking, as if she was about to faint at any time. Aunt Wang stood farthest away and could not see clearly. The look on her face.

I slowly walked to the body to check it, but Li Mazi hurriedly shouted: "Brother, don't mess around."

I waved my hand at him, indicating that I knew what to do. I found a thin bamboo pole from the grape trellis and gently opened the corpse's clothes. With a bang, a group of small black insects flew out from inside. Fortunately, I escaped in time, otherwise I would have swallowed a few of them.

After the bugs flew away, I stepped forward to take a look, and I was shocked.

Several numbers were marked on the chests of the three corpses with sharp tools, namely: 12, 13, and 14. Because the blood in the corpse had been drained, not a drop was left, so there was no blood around the wound, but the broken flesh made people feel even more uncomfortable.

"What is that?" Leng Wu asked from a distance.

"It's three numbers." I replied without looking back.

Leng Dou also came to his senses: "Number? What number is it?"

Thinking of the number 15 that appeared in the room when the servant died, I suddenly understood the purpose of the sand ghost leaving these numbers.

I turned my head and asked Leng Wu: "How many people are there in the family now?"

As soon as I finished speaking, Leng Wu silently did some mental calculations: "If we include Xiao Ai and Wu Yi Gur who are not here, there should be ten people in the family."

"What if we add Leng Rushuang who hasn't come back?" I said as I pulled away all the clothes on the upper body of the body.

With the little black bugs flying, three numbers appeared in front of everyone.

No need for me to explain, everyone woke up instantly. If Leng Rushuang is included, there are now eleven people in the Leng family, and the four dead people are 12, 13, 14, and 15 respectively. It was obvious that the Sand Ghost committed the murder based on the number of people in the Leng family. In other words, including me and Li Mazi, the Sand Ghost didn't want to let anyone here go.

Zhang Lan, who was the first to react, screamed: "No! I'm still young, I don't want to die! I can't die here, I want to go, I want to get out of this hellish place!" She said, turned around and staggered He staggered and rushed towards the door of the mansion.

No one stopped her.

Leng Wu looked at me and asked, "What should I do with these three corpses?"

"Let's deal with it the same way we did before." After I said that, Leng Wu ordered Leng Rulei to deal with it. Because there were not enough manpower, Li Mazi, Guer, and I had no choice but to help.

While handling the corpse, Leng Rulei remained silent, seeming to be thinking about something.

When we returned to the mansion, we found that Zhang Lan had packed her things, but Aunt Wang blocked the door and refused to let her leave.

Zhang Lan's face turned red with anger, she pointed at Aunt Wang's nose and cursed: "Damn old woman, why are you stopping me?"

Aunt Wang smiled coldly and said: "You can leave if you want, but you can't take away the Leng family's things. Open all your boxes and I will carefully check them one by one before I let you go."

Zhang Lan's face flashed with panic: "Who do you think you are, and why are you checking my box?"

Aunt Wang didn't answer and looked at her expressionlessly. Zhang Lan tried to rush out several times, but was no match for Aunt Wang and was pushed back every time.

Seeing Zhang Lan's furious look, I couldn't help but said to her: "Are you sure you want to leave? Don't forget, those three servants' corpses in the vineyard also left the Leng family, and weren't they killed as a result? If you leave the Leng family now, without the protection of the Leng family, wouldn't it be a dead end?"

When Zhang Lan heard what I said, she immediately calmed down and lowered her head thoughtfully.

Aunt Wang on the side glared at me fiercely, her eyes full of nosy hatred. It seemed that Aunt Wang had already guessed what would happen if Zhang Lan left the Leng family, but she didn't say anything. She only cared about whether the Leng family's property had been stolen by Zhang Lan.

It seems that Aunt Wang cares more about the Leng family's things than a living life!

At this moment, a figure appeared at the gate. A gentle-looking man wearing glasses walked in, holding a medicine box in his hand. He greeted Aunt Wang and Zhang Lan in a friendly manner. Aunt Wang gave him a cold look: "Doctor Tang came at the right time. I remember that today is not the day to check Xiao Ai?"

Dr. Tang glanced at Zhang Lan with some embarrassment and explained hurriedly: "When I came to check on Xiao Ai last time, I found that she was in poor health, so I came here for a follow-up visit today."

Aunt Wang smiled coldly, her eyes seemed to understand everything, and she didn't say much.

Doctor Tang hurriedly bypassed several people and walked to Leng Xiaoai's room on the third floor.

Seeing that Zhang Lan gave up and left the Leng family, Aunt Wang could only sneer, glare at me a few more times, and then returned to the room. Zhang Lan was sitting in the living room in a daze, not knowing what she was planning.

Seeing that there was no good show to watch, Leng Rulei sneered and left.

Li Mazi and I returned to the room. Thinking of what had just happened and what Xiao Tao had said to me before, I understood it instantly. Zhang Lan was confused by the sand ghost and wanted to leave Leng's house. After returning to the room, she naturally contacted her lover, Dr. Tang, who rushed outside Leng's house to pick her up. But as soon as I reminded him, Zhang Lan gave up his plan to leave. Dr. Tang waited outside for a long time without anyone, so he had no choice but to give Leng Xiaoai an excuse to come for a follow-up visit to get the news.

In addition to Xiao Tao, Aunt Wang is obviously also well aware of the adultery between Zhang Lan and Dr. Tang, but since she hates Zhang Lan so much, how can she keep it a secret for her? If he had told his old master earlier, wouldn't Zhang Lan's reputation be ruined?

Unless Aunt Wang is like me and only found out the inside story after the old family leader passed away.

But how did she know?

Is it also Xiao Tao?

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