Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1697 Leng Rushuang is missing

There was so much confusion that I couldn't figure it out, and then Gul, who delivered lunch, told me another piece of news.

Because Leng Xiaoai suddenly fell ill and had a fever, Dr. Tang decided to stay at Leng's house to take care of her.

This was obviously an unsuccessful excuse. Dr. Tang must have stayed after seeing Zhang Lan refused to leave and wanted to talk to her.

Xiaotao once told me that she saw Zhang Lan putting something into the soup of her old family boss. As a doctor, Dr. Tang must be able to get some medicines that ordinary people cannot get. If it was Zhang Lan who poisoned the old family owner, then Dr. Tang must know the inside story!

After lunch, I asked Gur to call Xiaotao to my room. Because she witnessed such a horrific scene in the morning, Xiao Tao was in a bad state of mind and was a little confused. Even the slightest sound would startle her.

I comforted her a few words and asked her: "Have you told anyone else besides me about the new wife and Dr. Tang?"

Xiao Tao thought for a while, shook her head and said, "No. But Aunt Wang came to inquire about it once, and asked me what Dr. Tang said and did every time he came. Was there ever a time when he was away for a particularly long time, and where did he go?"

It seems that Aunt Wang is smarter than I thought. She also discovered the affair between Dr. Tang and Zhang Lan. It's just that she has been keeping the secret for Zhang Lan. Why?

Because of those blood numbers, everyone in the Leng family was obviously in danger. Aunt Wang, who was used to shooting voles in the grape fields after lunch, also chose to stay behind closed doors, while several experts from the Leng family even They all took out their own negative possessions in order to seek peace.

For a time, the Leng family's Yin Qi flourished and their power was surprisingly strong.

But even so, something happened. I had just fallen asleep in the evening when I heard a loud noise. After a while, Li Mazi came to knock on my door: "Brother, are you asleep? Get up quickly, something happened to the Leng family again."

I hurriedly opened the door: "What happened?"

"It seems that Dr. Tang died..." At this point, Li Mazi suddenly came to my ear and whispered in a low voice: "I heard that he died in my wife's room. It's so charming."

Dr. Tang died in Zhang Lan's room?

Although Zhang Lan is the newly married wife of the old family owner, she sleeps in a corner room on the third floor. The room is not very big. I have great sympathy for the status of this new lady. At this moment, her room was full of blood. Zhang Lan was kneeling beside the bed, covered in blood, and there was a naked mummy lying on the bed. It was Dr. Tang.

Zhang Lan seemed to be frightened out of his wits. He was completely unresponsive at this moment and looked around blankly with a dull look on his face.

And next to her hand, a bright red blood number appeared again.


The people who came after hearing the news did not pay too much attention to this number that surprised me. Instead, they focused their attention on the fact that Dr. Tang and Zhang Lan were in the same room.

Leng Dou had a stern look on his face, Leng Wu gritted his teeth, Leng Rulei and Leng Ruyun had gossipy looks on their faces, and Aunt Wang who came last had a satisfied look on her face.

"This... what is going on?" Leng Dou held it in for a long time before asking in a forced voice: "Zhang Lan, explain it to me clearly! Isn't Dr. Tang here to examine Xiao Ai? Why did he run away? Come to your room."

Leng Ruyun said with a smile: "Maybe Zhang Lan is not feeling well, and Doctor Tang also came to see her. To check her body, of course she has to take off her clothes. This lonely man and widow are in the same room, so naturally they will have sex. I couldn’t control myself and checked myself into bed.”

"Shut up!" Leng Wu shouted loudly: "When will it be your turn to speak in this family?"

Leng Ruyun was startled by her father's words and wisely shut her mouth.

Leng Wu ordered: "Keep Zhang Lan under guard first and ask her again tomorrow morning. Ru Lei, get rid of the body first."

Leng Rulei glanced at his sister Leng Ruyun proudly, and then acted as instructed.

And we couldn’t stay anymore, so we had to leave one after another. But along the way, I was thinking about something else entirely. When the three mummies appeared this morning, we counted the number of people in the Leng family. Dr. Tang was not there at that time, so he was not included in the calculation. But now after his death, a number like 11 appeared next to the body. Obviously, he was also included, so the number was wrong...

Could it be that I thought wrongly, and Leng Rushuang is the one who was excluded?

Thinking of this, I hurriedly found Gul and whispered to him to rush back to the place where Leng Rushuang lived overnight to see if she was safe and tell her everything that happened in the Leng family.

Gul didn't ask any more questions, but left quickly.

This night was destined to be sleepless. I almost watched the sky outside the window getting brighter little by little. Just when the dawn in the east was about to break through all the darkness, Gur rushed back sweating profusely. His face was very ugly. When he saw me, he knelt down with a plop.

My heart also skipped a beat: "What's wrong?"

"Mr. Zhang!" Gur said with a hint of crying in his tone: "You are the only one who can help my master now. When I rushed there, the master and Yan Ruhuo were gone, and the room was full of people after the fight. Traces, all the servants turned into mummies..."

It seems that the sand ghosts in Yarkand City had already attacked Leng Rushuang not long after we left! I was really careless. Since Sand Ghost could find Leng Rushuang that night, it proved that the place had been leaked, but I didn't remind the man in sunglasses to find another place for Leng Rushuang to recover.

However, since there are traces of a fight at the scene, it means that the sand ghost did not directly seek any benefits. Maybe Leng Rushuang has gone elsewhere under the protection of the man in sunglasses.

Even though I comforted myself in this way, my heartbeat was still beating extremely hard, and a bad premonition gradually came to my mind.

The Leng family's troubles are obviously more serious than I expected.

It was completely dawn. Naturally, Leng Dou and Leng Wu would not turn a blind eye to Zhang Lan's unruly behavior. After all, they had cuckolded their own father. The two of them took Zhang Lan to the living room early in the morning and questioned her. The reason came up.

After Li Mazi heard about it, he naturally dragged me over to watch the excitement. When I rushed over, I found that everyone from the Leng family was actually there.

Zhang Lan was still a little sluggish at first, until Leng Dou gritted his teeth and asked her when she and Dr. Tang started to have an affair, she gradually regained some consciousness: "When? From the very beginning, when I was still I’ve known him since I was a dancer! We were originally lovers. If the old master hadn’t stepped in, we would have been married by now. It’s all him! It’s all him! I don’t like him at all, he forced me to Marry him."

"So you and Dr. Tang colluded and conspired to kill my grandfather?" Leng Ruyun looked at Zhang Lan sarcastically.

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