Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1671 Cooperation (additional update)

Leng Ruyun's words made me even more confused, who was already trapped in the mystery.

Whose words are true?

Xiao Tao said that the person who forced her to frame Zhang Lan was Leng Ruyun, so Leng Ruyun himself was the most suspected of killing the old family leader. Aunt Wang took out the poison and told me that everyone could get the poison. Leng Ruyun confessed to me at this point in time that Leng Dou and Leng Rulei were colluding with each other and wanted to plot against Leng Rushuang...

Too complicated.

I rubbed my temples with a headache: "Why should I believe you?"

"Of course you don't have to believe it." Leng Ruyun shrugged, not minding my suspicion at all: "It's just that you have no one you can trust now! In a while, the uncle and my brother will discuss the countermeasures and they will take action against you. ”

"How do you know?" I still looked at her with doubt on my face: "And how did you hear their conversation."

Leng Ruyun didn't hide it at all. She raised her wrist and showed me her gold bracelet: "This is a femininity that I once conquered. It allows the clone to penetrate into other people's bodies, so that I can hear their conversations... …”

No wonder Leng Ruyun once wanted it to penetrate into my body.

If it's true what she said, what should I do next? Li Mazi and Gur are controlled by Leng Dou, and Leng Rushuang's whereabouts are unknown. Who should I trust in the entire Leng family?

I began to secretly regret that I got involved in such a complicated whirlpool.

Leng Ruyun stood up: "You have no choice, you must cooperate with me. But if you want me to keep you safe, you must agree to one condition."

"What are the conditions?" I looked at her and asked, "I will not get involved in the dispute over the head of your Leng family..."

"I want to have a baby with you..." Before Leng Ruyun could finish her words, I jumped up with an 'ah' sound. Leng Ruyun chuckled: "I was just kidding, to ease the tense atmosphere!"

Calm down your sister!

It's not funny at all, okay?

"My conditions are actually very simple. I want you to ensure that I live." Leng Ruyun put away her smile and said to me seriously.

What kind of condition is this?

Leng Ruyun said: "Since the sand ghost comes out, it must be controlled by someone, and this person is hiding in the Leng family. I can't guess what connection this person has with Yarkand City? But with my power, it is definitely not Opponent of the "Koran", so I guarantee that you are safe in the Leng family, and you must also guarantee that my life is safe."

At this moment, I have to admit that my impression of Leng Ruyun has greatly changed.

In the face of life, all power and wealth are like passing clouds. It is not easy for her to see through it. Could it be that her charming appearance before was actually all a disguise to protect herself? In order to live well in the Leng family.

"Why do you trust me to ensure your safety?" I was really confused. She didn't understand me, so why would she trust me with her life?

Leng Ruyun snorted: "I don't believe you, I believe Leng Rushuang's vision!"

I see!

No wonder Leng Dou and Leng Rulei cooperated to plot against Leng Rushuang. It turns out that the little girl's status in the Leng family is so high.

The sky was getting dark, and Leng Ruyun asked me impatiently: "How is it? Have you thought about it?"

"Deal!" There was no better way at the moment, so I nodded happily and agreed.

Leng Ruyun smiled happily: "Then follow me."

I followed her footsteps, but couldn't help but ask: "Does the death of the old master have anything to do with you?"

"If I say no, will you believe it?" Leng Ruyun winked at me slyly: "Who do you think my grandfather is? It's not easy for him to be in charge of the Leng family for so many years. Even though he was seriously ill at the time He was physically weak, but he was not stupid. I have been thinking about this after he died. The person who can poison his food must be someone he completely trusts and is unprepared. Who can do this? In fact, Before you came, I always suspected that it was Leng Rushuang's hand. It wasn't until you came that I gave up the idea. If it was really her who did it, she would never bother to ask you to investigate, otherwise it would just be a slap in the face. ?"

"Then why did you ask Xiao Tao to bring me a message?" I asked again.

"Xiao Tao?" Leng Ruyun was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Don't believe what that little liar says. She knows how to survive in the cracks at a young age. She talks nonsense to people and to ghosts. If you believe her, , that would be stupid."

Well, until now I am finally sure that everyone in the entire Leng family, from the adults to the children, can believe it.

I still believe in myself!

Leng Ruyun took me upstairs from a hidden side door, and then twisted around to reach the door of a room. She didn't knock on the door, just opened the door and pulled me in.

The room is very spacious and decorated very girlishly. It seems that the owner is not too old, but at this moment it is empty and there is no one around.

Leng Ruyun's expression changed and he said in surprise: "Where are the people?"

"Who?" I looked at her puzzled.

Leng Ruyun's eyes rolled rapidly: "This is Leng Xiaoai's room. She is the uncle's granddaughter and the person he values ​​the most! I was thinking just now that if the uncle dares to do anything bad to you, we will kidnap Xiaoai first. , using her as a hostage, forcing the uncle to let your friend go, but Xiao Ai is not here. Could it be that the uncle had thought of this situation a long time ago, so he transferred Xiao Ai in advance? "

After listening to Leng Ruyun's words, I quickly walked to the window, reached out and touched the quilt on the bed, and the tentacles were cold: "Leng Xiaoai is paralyzed in bed and cannot get off the ground, but the bed is cold, which proves that she has been gone for a long time. ." And I also smelled a fishy smell keenly in this room. This smell is still fresh in my memory. It clearly came from the sand ghost.

I squatted down and examined the ground carefully, and sure enough I found black sand in the gaps. Leng Ruyun came over and took a look: "Sand Ghost...Has Sand Ghost been here?"

At this moment, the door was pushed open from the outside, and Leng Dou and Leng Rulei walked in together. They were also surprised to see us. Leng Dou even blurted out and asked: "Why are you here?" His eyes swept over the empty bed: "Where is Xiao Ai?"

I answered frankly: "Leng Xiaoai disappeared when we arrived."

"Gone? Where did he go?" Leng Dou asked nervously.

Without waiting for my answer, Leng Rulei said angrily from the side: "Uncle, are you still listening to his nonsense at this time? Xiao Ai can't walk, how could he leave the room? He must have been killed by him and my sister. Got it!"

In Leng Rulei's eyes, the life and death of Leng Xiaoai or me was never the priority. Seeing Leng Xiaoai missing, and Leng Rushuang and I appearing here again, how could he easily let go of this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone?

Leng Dou gritted his teeth and looked at me: "Zhang! How dare you make trouble in my Leng family? You don't take the Leng family seriously!"

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