Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1672: Sand soldiers dispatched

My intuition tells me that a life and death battle is about to take place in this room.

I cautiously took a step back, my nerves tense, ready to deal with Leng Dou and Leng Ru Lei coming at any time.

The sky outside the window was getting darker a little bit, and my fists were clenched tightly.

Leng Ruyun said: "Uncle, Xiao Ai is also a member of the Leng family. How could we harm her? When we entered the room, Xiao Ai was no longer here. Could it be that Xiao Tao took Xiao Ai downstairs? ?”

"Hmph!" Leng Rulei said disdainfully: "Since you dare to attack Xiao Ai, can Xiao Tao be left alive? We have already gone to find Xiao Tao just now, and she is not here either. What's more, if you don't have evil intentions, , why did you come to Xiao Ai's room?"

This sentence reached the key point, and Leng Ruyun was immediately speechless.

Her expression fell into Leng Dou's eyes, which truly confirmed Leng Rulei's speculation.

So Leng Dou rushed forward without saying a word. Frankly speaking, his ability was far superior to Leng Rulei's, but after three moves, I felt a little relieved. Although Leng Dou's ability is not small, it is not difficult to deal with it.

After dozens of moves, Leng Dou's expression also changed drastically!

He obviously didn't expect that I would take on all his moves so easily. When masters compete with each other, they often don't need to fight hard. Between the moves, the superiority and inferiority can be determined immediately.

What's more, because I have practiced the "Yin Fu Sutra", the spiritual power in my body has soared, and it has far surpassed my previous self! The strength is only slightly inferior to Bafang Mingdong.

After these moves, Leng Dou knew that he was no match for me. He gritted his teeth, took out a human bone from his arms, and released a female ghost in red.

This female ghost was the one who appeared in my room before and wanted to take my life. It turns out that she was raised by Leng Dou, and the human bones were obviously taken from an underage child.

If I guessed correctly, it should be the child of this female ghost. Leng Dou used the child as a threat to make the female ghost obey his orders.

I didn't expect that a century-old family like the Leng family would have such a thing like raising a kid.

As soon as the female ghost appeared, she immediately rushed towards me.

I showed no mercy, took out three copper coins that had been soaked in black dog blood from my pocket and shot them out. When the copper coins touched the female ghost's body, a burst of choking black smoke was immediately aroused, accompanied by the female ghost's scream. Yelling, she no longer dared to step forward rashly and kept retreating.

Leng Dou knew that he was outmatched by one person, so he immediately shouted to Leng Rulei: "You are still watching the excitement. If you want to be the head of the family, you must rely on your true ability. Become this kid first!"

When Leng Rulei heard this, he originally planned to wait for the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole behind, but now he could no longer hide aside and watch the show. Just as they were about to combine their efforts to take me down, they heard a loud bang outside the window. Along with the thunder, a bolt of lightning seemed to split the night sky, instantly reflecting the entire earth like daylight.

It was also in this brief moment that the four of us in the room discovered several more shadows on the ground at the same time, and these shadows were reflected from the window!

I looked back and saw several dark shadows creeping up outside the window at some point, and there were more and more of them, and they were about to block all the light outside.

"It's...the sand soldiers, the sand soldiers are out!" Leng Rulei shouted, turned around and ran away without thinking.

At such a critical moment, Leng Dou was no longer in the mood to confront me and stumbled out. At this moment, the fragile glass window finally couldn't withstand the weight of the gathering sand ghosts, and shattered into countless pieces with a click, while the sand ghosts poured in like a swarm.

I pulled up Leng Ruyun, who was already stunned, and rushed out of the door. Along with the flashes of lightning outside the window, I clearly saw the black figures gathering outside the Leng family's mansion. The number of sand ghosts was so large that it was almost... beyond imagination.

Leng Ruyun was so frightened that she turned pale and lost her mind. I called her several times before she reacted: "What?"

"Since you can hear the conversation between Leng Dou and Leng Rulei, do you know where he imprisoned Gur and my friends?" Hearing my question, Leng Ruyun nodded: "In the secret room in the cellar middle."

The fishy smell in the air was pungent. I pulled Leng Rushuang and rushed down the stairs. I saw the sand ghost rushing towards me. Fortunately, the Leng family is also a family that deals with negative things. In addition to calligraphy and paintings, there are also some swords and weapons hanging on the wall. Without thinking, I picked up a sword and temporarily forced them back, but Leng Ruyun had already taken advantage of the opportunity. The mechanism hidden in the dark was opened, and a secret door was opened.

Leng Ruyun and I ducked into the secret room and closed the door. Leng Ruyun turned on the switch tremblingly, and a yellow light suddenly lit up in the secret room. After walking three floors down the stairs, we came to an absolutely sealed space. What surprised me was that in addition to Gur and Li Mazi being tied up, Leng Wu was also here.

Their mouths were all taped shut, and when they saw us, they immediately whimpered in surprise.

I hurriedly stepped forward and untied the ropes for them. As soon as Leng Wu was loosened, he jumped up in anger: "This bastard! Bastard! He actually conspired with his uncle to commit treason." It seemed that he was attracted by Leng Ru. Lei and Leng Dou worked together to subdue him and then imprisoned him here.

Li Mazi cursed twice: "Gur and I just finished handling Zhang Lan's body and fell into this turtle's trap. I have followed you all over the world for many years, but I didn't expect to stumble here. Fortunately, you found it in time, otherwise we I am starved to death! Brother, how do you know we are locked up here?"

I glanced at Leng Ruyun and said casually: "Now is not the time to talk about this. There are all sand ghosts outside. We are trapped here."

"What?" Li Mazi opened his mouth in surprise.

Leng Wu asked Leng Ruyun, "How could this happen?"

Leng Ruyun shook his head blankly: "I don't know either, but there are sand ghosts everywhere outside, densely packed..."

"It's the sand soldiers!" Leng Wu's face turned pale: "The sand ghosts act alone, and only the sand soldiers will form groups. It seems that someone has obtained the Koran in Yarkand City."

Leng Ruyun was confused: "Dad, didn't you tell me that the most precious treasure in Yarkand City is the Koran? Now that this person has obtained it, why does he still have trouble with the Leng family?"

"What do you know? Do you think the Leng family has lived in Tianshan for generations just to protect Yarkand City? That's because the ancestors of the Leng family once wrote a paper talisman with their own blood, sealing the power of the Koran. To undo this spell, the blood of descendants of the Leng family must be used."

As soon as Leng Wu finished speaking, Leng Ruyun shouted: "What do you mean? Now that the "Koran" is still sealed, it can release such a great power? If it is unsealed, wouldn't it..."

Leng Wu sighed: "That would be a disaster for the entire world."

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