Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1673 Underground Fortress

I quickly asked about the situation of Li Mazi and Gur. It turned out that they had just returned from placing Zhang Lan's body, and they were tricked by Leng Dou and Leng Rulei, and were tied up and locked up here.

Li Mazi became very angry when he mentioned this, and even took it out on me: "I said you should stay out of the Leng family's affairs, but you didn't listen. Now, we are all left here. What do you think we should do?" ?”

On the side, Leng Ruyun didn't know whether it was true or false, but she was caring about her father Leng Wu.

Leng Wu could still understand Leng Dou's actions, but his son, whom he had always supported, was actually behind the scenes, which made him somewhat unexpected! But he was only very excited at the beginning. Now he lowered his head in silence, not knowing what he was thinking about. Hearing Leng Ruyun's concerned words, he just frowned and glanced at her with a complicated expression.

The situation outside is still unknown, so I didn’t have time to pay attention to Li Mazi’s nagging. I looked at Leng Wu and his daughter with some worry: “Is this secret room safe and reliable?”

"Absolutely reliable!" Leng Wu said: "The purpose of building this secret room was to be the last line of defense for the Leng family. However, there is no food and water here. Even if the secret room is safe, we cannot stay here for a long time, otherwise we will be killed alive. Tired to death."

"But going out now is tantamount to death. There are sand ghosts everywhere outside. We are no match at all." Leng Ruyun said with some annoyance: "I wonder how uncle and brother are doing? And Aunt Wang..."

Leng Wu snorted: "Now that things have happened, do you still have the heart to care about them?"

I shook my head, ignored the argument between their father and daughter, and discussed with Li Mazi and Gur: "The strength of those sand ghosts all surpasses the ghost king. It is definitely not the best idea to go out at the moment. Let's go there first." Let’s talk here after tonight.”

Li Mazi mumbled in agreement. Gur had a worried look on his face. The situation outside was so chaotic, and what happened to Leng Rushuang whose whereabouts were unknown was what he was most concerned about at the moment.

When I came down to the secret room with Leng Ruyun just now, I roughly counted the steps on each floor. There were twenty-seven steps. We went down five floors in total. By calculation, the secret room should have been a hundred meters deep. It is obvious that the Leng family's mansion was just built in recent years and is not an old house that has been lived in for generations. Therefore, the original intention of building this secret room was most likely to ward off sand ghosts.

Because the location was too deep, I had no idea what was going on up there, so I was destined to have a sleepless night. However, there were exceptions. Li Mazi slept particularly soundly, even snoring loudly. Gur and I looked at each other, and we both truly admired his ability!

I looked at my watch and saw that it was already the next morning, so I woke up Li Mazi and led everyone up the stairs. The further up we went, the stronger the smell became. Li Mazi, who was walking at the front, pretended to be calm and moved to the back.

Gur is a very reliable kid, rushing to the front without hesitation. Seeing his cute expression of perseverance and readiness to die at any time, I couldn't help but laugh and cry. When asked why, his answer was unusually cheerful: "The master has entrusted Mr. Zhang's safety to me, and I must do it! Even if it means death, I must die first."

I was slightly startled. I couldn't imagine that such a young man from Xinjiang would be completely devoted to Leng Rushuang.

Leng Wu sighed quietly and said to Leng Ruyun earnestly: "Did you see it? Even with this ability to control your subordinates, you are not as good as Rushuang. Are you convinced now?"

Leng Ruyun surprisingly did not reply, but just stared at Gul's back. The expression on his face was unusually calm, showing no emotion or anger.

When he reached the top floor, the fishy smell was already nauseating. Gul covered his nose, walked slowly to the mechanism, opened the mechanism carefully, and jumped outside first. After a while, he shouted loudly: "Mr. Zhang, come out, the sand ghosts are gone!"

In fact, before he could speak, I had already followed him out.

I saw that the Leng family was in a mess at the moment. There were black sand particles on the walls and on the floor, accompanied by thick liquid, which was very disgusting. Now that the Sand Ghost is gone, we immediately searched around to see if we could find anything.

Leng Wu stayed up all night last night, thinking of being betrayed by his own son, one can imagine his resentment! So after hearing my suggestion, I immediately took Leng Ruyun to find Leng Rulei's whereabouts. Looking at his posture, it seemed that he wanted to kill this traitor.

I went to Aunt Wang's room and saw that she was not in the room. I just breathed a sigh of relief. When I got to the weeding room where she often hung out, I was shocked. I saw Aunt Wang's body lying twisted on the ground, already a shriveled corpse, and even at the last moment of her life, she was still holding her shotgun tightly in her hand.

Not long after, Li Mazi came to join me and said: "These sand ghosts are simply perverted. They didn't even let Zhang Lan's body go..."

Li Mazi and I were about to leave, but we felt like we had left something behind. I turned my head and sure enough I found a number written in blood on the dirty wall.


It seems that Aunt Wang is the ninth person to be killed.

Not long after, Leng Wu and Leng Ruyun rushed back. Leng Ruyun said: "No trace of my uncle and my brother was found. It seems they survived."

Leng Wu snorted and said nothing.

At this moment, I heard Gul's scream. Did something happen to Gul? Without thinking, I looked for the sound and found Gur in the living room. When he saw me coming, he pointed at something on the coffee table and shouted: "This... this belongs to the master!"

I followed his fingers and saw a golden bell placed on the table. It was Leng Rushuang's personal possession: Wuyi Divine Bell, why is it here?

Let’s not mention why Leng Rushuang’s things appeared in the living room. It was a massacre last night. How could something be placed here intact?

This can only mean that the Wuyi Divine Bell was placed here intentionally by Sand Ghost.

Leng Rushuang is already in Sand Ghost's hands.

The Sand Ghost's purpose for doing this is very clear, which is to ask us to take the initiative to deliver it to our door. I looked at the devastated Leng family and sighed softly: "It seems... we are going to Yarkand City!"

"What, are you crazy?" Li Mazi shook his head and said, "You have to go, I won't go!"

Leng Wu also said: "Yarkand City is a forbidden area, and it is a dead city. No one who enters will be spared. It is better not to take risks."

I smiled slightly and said confidently: "The predecessors could not come out alive because they were not strong enough. I, Zhang Jiulin, have been to everywhere. I always come and leave whenever I want! This dead city wants to My life depends on whether it is capable enough."

Gur knew that Leng Rushuang's safety was at stake. Even if I didn't go, he would still risk his life. Hearing what I said, he was quietly relieved.

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