Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1674 City of Death (Additional update)

Even though Li Mazi was reluctant in every possible way, he followed me in the end.

According to what he said, he was more worried about staying alone in the Leng family where there were dead bodies everywhere. He might as well come with me and get to know him better. At worst, he would be a good man again in thirty years!

Yarkand City is covered in a desert. We first drove, and then had to ride camels. Fortunately, the Leng family is well-known in the Tianshan area, so the camel owner did not ask for a deposit and gave us some roasted naan and water to satisfy our hunger.

The camels don't move very fast. We walked for a whole day and still didn't reach Yarkand City. I couldn't help but wonder, from this distance, how could the sand ghost come and go freely in Leng's house?

Leng Ruyun explained to me: "The sand ghosts you see now actually have another name - Shan Nu. They all died at the hands of sand ghosts. Their bodies were not properly disposed of, so they transformed into corpses. We have become new sand ghosts and listened to the instructions of the Koran. The real sand ghosts cannot leave Yarkand City. They are the undead in the city, and their power is much stronger than those outside! If what we saw last night was The sand ghosts in Yarkand City, we are already dead."

So that's it.

We stayed in the desert that night, because I didn't sleep the night before, and Yarkand City was right in front of me. I knew there was a tough battle to be fought. Although there were many thoughts in my mind, I still forced myself to sleep. The night in the desert was very cold. Because we were walking in such a hurry, we didn’t bring anything to keep warm. We had to cling to the camel’s belly to keep warm. We slept until the middle of the night. The night wind quietly brought a strange smell, which made us sleepless. Feeling very at ease, I stood up.

Leng Wu also got up with me. He looked around and quickly woke everyone up: "The sand ghost is coming!"

"Come again?" Li Mazi wailed and said angrily: "Come here every day, every night, and you can't let anyone live." He thought for a while, then said to Leng Wu and Leng Ruyun: "You guys are cold After all, our family is as famous as Longquan Villa, is it so depressing that we have no magic weapon left?"

Leng Wu rolled his eyes at him and nodded to Leng Ruyun.

Then Leng Ruyun took out a Bagua bronze mirror from his pocket, but there were black bats flapping their wings on each side of the mirror.

"Eight Bat Mirror?" As soon as I finished speaking, Leng Ruyun gave me a weird expression of "You know what you're doing".

At this time, hundreds of dark ghost figures were running one after another in the dark sand dunes, moving at an unusually fast speed, and they were in front of them in the blink of an eye.

Leng Ruyun was seen shaking the eight-bat treasure mirror against the moonlight, and then shining it on the sand ghost who was running nearby. A straight beam of light shot out from the mirror, like a sharp sword. The sand ghost was swept by the light and immediately fell apart. However, the Sand Ghost that followed closely behind did not stop at all, and continued to rush forward. Leng Ruyun's eyes shot out a cold light. He held both sides of the mirror with both hands and made seals with his fingers quickly. He saw the white light emitted from the mirror as if it had sprouted wings. Bats flew out of the light and met the sand ghost. entangled together.

I see that there are still endless sand ghosts behind us. If this trend continues, even if the five of us have the power to reach heaven and earth, we will not be able to defeat each other in a wheel battle.

Sun Tzu's Art of War goes like this: If you can't defeat him, run away!

So I immediately gave the order: "After Leng Ruyun breaks, we get on the camels and run, rushing to Yarkand City overnight!"

Leng Ruyun glared at me flatly.

The four of us got on the camel first, and Li Mazi had already taken the lead and ran away. I was worried that Leng Ruyun would be defeated by herself, so I waited for her for a while. I saw Leng Ruyun's eight-bat treasure mirror thrown into the air. The mirror reflected the silver moonlight. Countless rays of light fell in the air like sharp blades cutting iron and mud. The sand ghosts on the ground were suddenly cut into pieces by the light like tofu. It turned into countless pieces. Leng Ruyun also took the opportunity to get on the camel, reached out and took the Eight Bat Mirror, and galloped to my side.

"Let's go!" I grabbed her waist and carried her onto a camel.

The camel was also given face, and he threw away his stride and rushed forward. Sand ghosts tried to pounce on them, but they were killed one by one by Leng Ruyun's precious mirror.

I couldn't help but smile: "I didn't expect you to be much more capable than your brother. I looked down on you before!"

Leng Ruyun said: "I am also one of the successors of the Leng family in Tianshan."

Although the camels were walking as fast as flying, they were still no match for the sand ghosts. Soon the dark sand ghosts were chasing after them. I looked back and saw that there were really thousands of troops.

If this continues, all five of us will be caught up.

I thought about it and immediately pulled Leng Ruyun over, and the two of them rode together. Leng Ruyun's camel lost its owner and slowly slowed down. In an instant, it was entangled by the sand ghost that caught up.

This at least bought us time, and upon seeing this, Gur in front immediately jumped onto the back of Li Mazi's camel, leaving his own camel with the sand ghost.

But it was difficult for the camel to carry two people, and the speed gradually dropped. I saw the sand ghosts chasing after me one after another, and I was thinking about what to do. A ray of white dawn finally appeared on the horizon, and with the appearance of this ray of light, the speed of the chasing sand ghost slowed down little by little.

The dawn shone on the sand, and the sand ghosts seemed to be frightened. They burrowed under the sand one by one and disappeared in an instant.

I witnessed this situation with my own eyes and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "How many evil spirits are there under this desert?"

We arrived at Yarkand City at dawn. It was said to be a city, but in fact it was hidden in front of a patch of yellow sand. At a glance, it looked no different from the surrounding scenery.

But here there is nothing but a cave entrance.

Not just me, Li Mazi also looked suspicious: "Didn't you say a city? This is obviously a hole!"

Leng Wu explained: "The desert is full of wind and sand, and Yarkand City is a hundred years old and has long been covered under a piece of yellow sand. This cave entrance was dug out by later tomb robbers. Don't worry! Our Leng family I have lived here for a long time, just to protect this place, how can I go wrong?"

He was afraid that others would not believe it, so he walked in first.

Leng Ruyun followed closely, followed by Gul. Li Mazi thought for a while and hurriedly followed. I shook my head helplessly and walked at the end.

The cave was dug very narrowly, and at first it could only allow one person to walk with difficulty, and it was so dark inside that there was no light. The air gradually became very difficult, and the space slowly widened, and the sound of wind could be heard in the ears.

It's just that there is a bit of a chilling atmosphere in this wind! The wind was gusting, and the sound of the wind was mixed with the cries of women and the screams of children. It seemed that they were far away, but suddenly there was a sound exploding in your ears, scaring you to the point of breaking into a cold sweat.

Li Mazi was so disturbed by the sound that he finally hugged my arm tightly.

After walking like this for about half an hour, the surroundings had become extraordinarily spacious. Apart from the darkness that blinded everyone, breathing became normal.

As I walked, a light spot suddenly appeared in front of me.

The light spot turned out to be bigger, and when I got closer, I realized that it seemed to be the exit of a cave, and outside, there was a light hidden under the breath of death.

City of Death - Yarkand City, we are here!

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