Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1675 When time stops

The long period of darkness made me very unaccustomed to such light, and I couldn't help but cover my eyes with my hands. After calming down for a moment, I slowly moved my hand away and saw the majestic building in front of me.

Although the entire Yarkand City is built with sand and stone, there are signs of weathering, not to mention that it has experienced wars and the famous fire. Nowadays, the city is showing a black light, and there are ruin-like charcoal everywhere, but this does not affect its size and magnificence!

The surviving buildings are not only exquisite in style, but also unique in shape. If I hadn't been preconceived, it would be difficult for me to imagine that this was an ancient city that appeared hundreds of years ago.

What surprised me the most was the light in front of me, because I was sure that we were already hundreds of meters below the yellow sand, or even deeper, but this dazzling light came out from nowhere, making it dazzling.

Li Mazi even thought that the cave we passed through was an underground tunnel, and at this moment we had arrived in another world.

All the dark wind in the cave comes from this, and you can even smell the burning smell in your nose, but all the shrill howls in the wind are gone.

The city gate is right in front of you, but no one dares to walk in rashly.

Suddenly, a woman's weak scream came from the city, and this voice was extremely familiar, it was Leng Rushuang. She has indeed arrived here.

After hearing this voice, Gur didn't hesitate at all. He rushed into the legendary city of death first, looking for the voice to find the whereabouts of Leng Rushuang, and we followed closely.

Today's Yarkand City is deserted. Except for the sound of our footsteps, the surroundings are almost eerily quiet. Seeing the empty streets and imagining the prosperous scene here a hundred years ago, I couldn't help but feel the horror of war.

To this day, wars still exist, and no matter for various purposes, innocent people always suffer from this unreasonable disaster and become victims of war. How desperate must it have been for the women and children who died in this city to be buried in the sea of ​​fire?

I lowered my head and suddenly realized that there was no shadow under us.

Thinking of what Leng Rushuang told me before, I squatted down and studied it carefully. It turned out that the ground was coated with something similar to tung oil. It was as bright as a mirror, reflecting our reflections, but there was no shadow.

I looked at the watch on my wrist again and found that since the moment I stepped into the gate of Yarkand City, the hour and minute hands have not moved even half a second. Has time really stopped here?

Yarkand City is very big, but apart from the first scream, there was no second sound, so we searched for a long time and still found no trace of Leng Rushuang. Everyone was hungry and tired, so they had to find a place to rest first. Fortunately, although this city has been empty for a long time, several wells in the city are still in use, and the water in them is sweet and clear, and it is actually underground spring water.

We had a good drink and everyone rested where they were. Perhaps it was because I was extremely tired, but I actually felt that my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and I quickly fell asleep.

I don’t know how long it took, but when I woke up again, I found that I was no longer in the previous place, but in an empty house, and there was no one else around.

I quickly sat up from the ground, walked out of the room and looked around, and saw that the streets were empty and there was no one around. I hurriedly shouted: "Li Mazi! Gur! Leng Ruyun! Leng Wu! Are you there?"

I shouted for a long time, but still no one answered.

What happened?

Although I have rich experience, I couldn't help but panic at this time, and I was busy searching around. Although there was no trace of Li Mazi and others, I found a piece of cloth in a house. It was obviously torn from clothes and placed here. The style of this clothes is a bit familiar. I always feel I seem to have seen it somewhere.

This feeling of suddenly being alone in the world still made me a little panicked, so I could only tell myself to calm down while looking around for someone.

It's just that after walking around most of the city, I didn't see a single human figure, let alone a ghost figure. I feel more and more something is wrong. Since the sand ghost placed Leng Rushuang's things at Leng's house, it was obviously to lure us to Yarkand City. But when we came, it took us there without anyone noticing. It's so weird that we are separated...

Then I found a man's shoes in a house again. This time I didn't have any doubt that the shoes were Leng Rulei's.

It seems that Leng Dou and Leng Rulei have also arrived here.

This is an unexpected bonus!

I was a little nervous and worried at first, but after a few rounds I found nothing unusual, so I slowly relaxed my vigilance. While looking for clues, I paid close attention to these buildings that were supposed to be wonderful but were ultimately destroyed in the war.

Because the watch stopped running, I was not sure how long I had been walking. I finally got tired and found a well to drink some water and rest for a while.

Because there is no distinction between day and night in Yarkand City, I am not sure what time it is outside. Thinking about this magical encounter, I couldn't help but cry and laugh. Who knows, I fell asleep again just thinking about it.

I've probably been really tired lately.

When I woke up again, I found that I had changed places again without realizing it. I quickly sat up from the ground and ran out of the room. Soon I heard someone shouting: "Is anyone there? Is anyone there?"

I heard the voice and hurriedly agreed: "I'm here!" As I said that, I also looked for the voice.

It was Gul. When he saw me, he rushed over excitedly: "Mr. Zhang, are you okay? You...where did you go before? I can't find you anywhere."

What's the meaning? Was it not just me who was alone for a moment, but Gul too? Although Yarkand City is big, it is not boundless. I shouted for a long time but no one answered. Apparently I was put in a separate space. What is going on?

Although Gur said this, his face was a little excited and he said: "But I saw the master before..."

"What?" This time I was also greatly surprised: "How is she? Is she okay?"

"Yeah! It's okay." When he mentioned his master, Gul looked particularly happy: "Although he is still a little weak, he is much better than the previous days."

I nodded, feeling greatly comforted. Just as I was about to ask her about Leng Rushuang's condition, I heard a sinister voice coming from the side: "What did you say, Leng Rushuang is here too?"

Gul and I turned our heads at the same time and found that the person speaking was actually Leng Dou.

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