Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1677 Leng Rulei was killed

Even though Leng Ruyun and Leng Rulei had been competitors since childhood, they were still from the same mother. Witnessing the tragic death of his brother, Leng Ruyun instantly turned pale with shock and rushed over without even thinking.

I also hurriedly walked over, only to see Leng Rulei's eyes widened until the last moment, with a look of reluctance and disbelief.

There was half a wooden stick stuck in his chest, and the tip of the stick was inserted into his heart accurately, and blood covered his body. On the wall next to it, there was indeed another bloody '8'.

This is already the eighth time. The murderer behind the scenes is getting faster and faster. Can I solve all the mysteries before he kills us all?

Even though I knew it well, I still stretched out my hand to feel his breath and made sure that he had been dead for a long time. Then I took my hand back and said to Leng Ruyun insincerely: "Um... I'm sorry."

Probably hearing the perfunctory tone in my tone, Leng Ruyun glanced at me indifferently: "Actually... I don't have a good relationship with him. As a competitor for the head of the family, even if we are brothers and sisters, we have been together since childhood. I have been fighting openly and secretly all the way, and I have imagined countless times how wonderful it would be if there was no him in the world. But now that he is dead, I am not particularly happy, but a's really strange."

Although Leng Ruyun gave me a very bad impression at first, but after so many things, I found that this girl is similar to Leng Rushuang. She has her own ideas and is not bad in nature. If she is cultivated well, she will definitely It's a talent.

It's a pity that the rules of the Leng family are like this. Leng Ruyun's growth path from childhood to adulthood has always been to become the head of the family. In order to achieve his goal, he will inevitably resort to drastic means and use all possible means.

I hope she can grow up quickly after these events and understand what is most important in life!

Leng Ruyun carefully inspected Leng Rulei's body, and then said solemnly: "My brother probably died in Leng Rushuang's hands."

"How do you know?" I asked doubtfully.

"Leng Rushuang has a treasure called the Golden Compass. As her friend, you must have seen it, right?" Seeing me nodding, Leng Ruyun continued: "My brother must have hurt Leng Rushuang, so he suffered the Golden Compass." The counterattack power." She explained to me while opening Leng Rulei's tightly held right hand, and saw that his entire palm was always purple-black. When I looked carefully, I found that the blood vessels in his palm were all covered with blood. It exploded.

I pondered for a moment: "This can only mean that your brother once fought against Leng Rushuang, but it cannot be said that he died in Leng Rushuang's hands."

"As expected, you are still facing her!" Leng Ruyun glared at me: "Can't you see it yet? All of this is Leng Rushuang's conspiracy. The purpose of inviting you to the Leng family to investigate is to attract all of us. Sight, her so-called recuperation outside was simply a lie. In other words, her injury was caused by her inability to control the Koran. Things happened one after another in the Leng family. She was the only one outside, so she was naturally exempt from suspicion. But who knew? Is she concentrating on summoning sand soldiers and sand ghosts outside?"

Leng Ruyun paused and continued: "Why did we come to Yarkand City? It was because we saw the Wuyi Divine Bell on the table and thought Leng Rushuang was in danger, so we came here. But who can prove it? Isn't this a conspiracy set by her?"

Indeed no one has proven it.

Although I really don’t want to admit it, I have to say that there is some truth in what Leng Ruyun said, and these truths almost convinced me.

If the so-called mastermind behind the scenes is Leng Rushuang, why would she involve me? It didn't do her any good, why did she tell Gul that.

Leng Ruyun also felt that what she said made sense: "She sent Gul to protect you, who knows if she is spying on you? I really underestimated her before, she is so scheming, she is more terrifying than the devil .”

"Don't talk yet, let me think quietly." Although Leng Ruyun said it eloquently, there was always a voice deep in my heart telling me that things are not like this, the truth is not like this.

I looked at Leng Rulei's corpse beside me, and felt that my head was extremely confused. Let alone a clue, I didn't even have any ideas at the moment.

Although I don't like to see Leng Rulei, who is so impulsive and irritable that he could even betray his own father for the sake of being the leader of the clan, it is still a human life. In the spirit of humanitarianism, Leng Rushuang and I carried him to a house. Then he took off his clothes and covered him.

Then Leng Ruyun and I walked around the city. Unsurprisingly, there was no one else in the city except the two of us at this moment. Li Mazi, Gu, Leng Rushuang... everyone seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Could this be one of the strange powers of Yarkand City?

And Leng Rulei, was he really killed by Leng Rushuang? Why did she do this? Is she really the murderer?

Leng Ruyun also looked very curious, gently playing with the eight-bat treasure mirror in his hand. Looking at the mirror, I suddenly felt that there seemed to be something that I had ignored from the beginning.

Leng Ruyun brought the well water, and I looked at the cool and delicious water source, and finally got some ideas. I smiled secretly, drank the water in one gulp, and fell into a deep sleep after a while.

Then, I had a dream. In the darkness, I saw Leng Rushuang. She sincerely asked me to come to the Leng family to help her investigate the death of the old patriarch. Then I saw the people of the Leng family, but their facial features seemed to be pinched together. There is only a snow-white face, and numbers are carved on it, and the broken flesh and face are blurred and dripping with blood...

I woke up from my dream and found that I had indeed changed places again, and Leng Ruyun beside me had disappeared. And besides me, there was actually a shoe in the room I was in. I had discovered these before, and they belonged to the dead Leng Rulei shoes. Because I thought they were useless, I threw them aside without taking them with me.

When I was searching in the city before, this shoe was nowhere to be found, but unexpectedly it appeared again.

I stood up and rubbed my sore neck, and then I saw a familiar figure rushing towards me, and then without giving me a chance to react, he hugged me.

I looked at the excited Li Mazi with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a while, how do you miss me so much?"

"Brother! I will never be separated from you again." Li Mazi almost cried, and the hand that hugged me tightened: "You don't know, I was with these crazy people, they almost killed me Suffocate to death.”

I pulled him to sit on the ground and asked seriously: "Okay, tell me quickly, who have you met these few times when you woke up?"

"How did you know I was asleep?" Li Mazi wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and tried to think back: "The first time I woke up, I met Leng Wu and his son. They had such a fierce quarrel that they were scolded by their father. The son was ambitious and rebellious. It was useless to accuse his own father of being a son, and he could not help himself... Anyway, the more the quarrel became, the more violent it became, and then they even started fighting. In the end, both sides suffered losses, and both of them were injured. The second time they met was Leng Ruyun, that little girl looks down on me. Humph, I don’t look down on her either! When I woke up for the third time, I met Leng Rushuang’s father. I’ll meet you when I come.”

According to Li Mazi, he slept four times in total and met four different groups of people. I thought about it and realized that I was exactly the same...

I raised my head and felt the light was dazzling, but the moment the light pierced my eyes, I was enlightened and I understood it instantly!

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