Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1678: Solving the Mystery of the Ancient City

Li Mazi looked at me puzzled and didn't dare to disturb me. It wasn't until I figured it out that he boldly asked: "Brother Zhang, what on earth do you think is going on? It's so evil. .”

"No! In fact, it's not evil at all. It's just that I reacted too slowly and didn't think of it at the moment." I smiled bitterly and tapped my head lightly.

It must be that after arriving at Leng's house, a series of things happened that affected my thinking and made my head confused.

Li Mazi looked like a duck listening to thunder: "Brother, speak human words!"

"Every time we drink water, we fall asleep, which means there must be sleep-inducing drugs in the water. You must have discovered this, right?"

As soon as I opened my mouth, I saw Li Mazi's look of astonishment, and then he pretended to be confident and said: "Yes, I have discovered it a long time ago. Can you hide this from me, Li Mazi?"

I sneered, and instead of exposing him, I stood up and led him to fumble around according to my memory. Sure enough, as I expected, in the place where Leng Rulei was buried, not only was there no body, but the blood stains were also cleaned up, as if no murder had ever occurred here.

Li Mazi looked at me in confusion: "Brother, why did you bring me here?"

"Leng Ruyun and I found Leng Rulei's body here before!" I told him simply and clearly, and Li Mazi was shocked: "Ah, that kid is dead? But why is the body missing? Could it be that he He’s not completely dead, but he ran away after you and Leng Ruyun left?”

"No, he is indeed dead. I have verified it myself." I pointed to the ground and said, "What's more, even if he comes back from the dead and walks away, what about his blood stains? Why can't you see a drop of blood?"

Li Mazi scratched his head: "This... is indeed a bit weird..."

I smiled: "Actually, this is very simple." I carved a word "田" on the wall with my fingernails: "The designer of this ancient city is indeed a rare talent. He not only used the magnetic field, but also transformed the entire city. It was divided into four and four identical cities were built. When these four cities were merged together, they became Yarkand City, also called the Four Ancient Cities! The four ancient cities are exactly the same in terms of buildings and streets, just like the scene reflected in a mirror. , and after being burned by fire, it is even more difficult to distinguish. Every time we drink water, we fall asleep, and after falling asleep, we are actually a different city. So no matter how we look for it, no matter how loud we shout, we can't see each other. .”

Li Mazi opened his mouth in sudden realization: " is this possible?"

"What's impossible? Even buildings like the Great Wall can be built by people. You have to believe in the wisdom of the ancient people. As for the fact that there is no time or shadow in this ancient city, it is all to hide the secrets of the simultaneous existence of the four ancient cities. , after all, time and shadow can make people tell the difference."

Li Mazi gave me a thumbs up: "Brother... you... you are so awesome! Can you guess such a thing?"

I slapped him on the back of the head: "This is not a guess, it is an idea."

"Then what should we do now?" Li Mazi asked.

I smiled at him: "Now that you know the secrets hidden in this city, it will be much easier to handle next. Come with me." I took Li Mazi out of the city gate, and then walked forward along the broken city wall. I walked over, as if to verify my idea. The city wall was terrifyingly long, and there was indeed a ninety-degree turn at the front.

Li Mazi and I turned the corner and walked a long way, and finally saw a city gate that was exactly the same as before.

When we walked in, we heard a fight coming from the street.

When I hurried over, I found that the people fighting were Leng Ruyun and Leng Rushuang. Leng Rushuang was still injured and could only fight and retreat. But even so, Leng Ruyun was still unable to attack for a long time. After seeing Li Mazi and I suddenly appear, the two people who were fighting hurriedly stopped in a tacit understanding and looked at us in shock.

I haven't seen Leng Rushuang for a long time. Although her face is horribly white, her breath is much better than the last time I saw her. I walked up to her and said hello: "Long time no see!"

"You... why did you suddenly appear? Where have you been?" Leng Rushuang's question happened to be what Leng Ruyun wanted to ask, so when the two people's eyes were all focused on me, I briefly summarized what I had discovered before. Told them.

Fortunately, the two sisters are also very smart people. As soon as I explained the beginning, they guessed the ending.

And the city they were in happened to be the one where Leng Rulei died.

After hearing my explanation, Leng Ruyun snorted and looked at Leng Rushuang coldly: "Even so, my brother still died in her hands. What should I say?"

I glanced at Leng Rushuang and found that she nodded frankly.

Was Leng Rulei really killed by her?

"Why?" I asked puzzled.

Leng Rushuang took a breath: "I saw him when I woke up for the second time. Seeing that I was still injured, he pretended to be kind but deliberately attacked me. Fortunately, I had a golden compass to protect me, and he was hit by the backlash! We fought for a while, and finally I killed him with the Ice Soul Divine Sword. Since grandpa handed me the Tianshan Order, he recognized my position as the head of the family, which is something he dreams of. I am a thorn in his side, how could he What if we don't get rid of it and then go on to it soon? I'm too actually believe that he cares about brotherhood."

Hearing what she said, Leng Ruyun's face changed slightly, but when he thought about his brother's character, he really could do such a thing, so he didn't feel like saying anything more and put away the Eight Bat Mirror.

Leng Rushuang said this, and all previous doubts about her were completely dispelled. So I supported her, and the four of us walked out of the city gate together and continued walking along the city wall.

This time we found Leng Dou and Leng Wu in the city. The brothers did not take action, but just meditated far apart, as if each other was poison.

I didn't have a good impression of them, and naturally I couldn't explain the mystery of the ancient city to them. When we found Gur in the fourth city, Leng Rushuang looked at everyone and asked nervously: "Where is Xiao Ai? Why? Xiao Ai is not here? What happened to her? "

"You still dare to ask!" Leng Dou yelled viciously: "It's all your fault! You teamed up with outsiders to kill members of the Leng family. According to family law, how do you think you should deal with it?"

Leng Wu glanced at him: "Bah! What qualifications do you have to say such a thing? Is what you and Leng Rulei did right? Brother, you ignore your brothers and sisters. According to family law, you say you should How to deal with it?”

Leng Dou turned pale and started arguing with him.

Leng Rushuang looked at Gur and asked, "What happened to Xiao Ai?"

Gul slowly lowered his head: "Master... it's all because his subordinates did things poorly and failed to take good care of Miss Xiao Ai. Miss Xiao Ai disappeared."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the panicked cry of a girl in front of him.

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