Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,709 Mural Organ Array

"Xiao Ai!" Leng Rushuang shouted in panic and rushed over without thinking.

But when we arrived, we found that the person who fainted on the ground was actually Xiao Tao.

Although it was surprising, Leng Rushuang and I stepped forward to help her up and found that she had really just fainted. I asked Leng Ruyun to fetch some water. After feeding Xiaotao some water, she finally woke up.

She looked around in panic, and after confirming us, she held my hand tightly and shouted: "Quick...go and save Miss Ai, she was caught by those sand ghosts."

"What?" Leng Rushuang was startled and said hurriedly: "Where is it?"

Leng Rushuang was obviously very concerned about this niece. After hearing that she was in danger, a person who was so calm actually stood up first without thinking.

Xiao Tao hurriedly led the way. Leng Rushuang asked about Xiao Ai's situation and how she got here. Xiao Tao explained: "I don't remember either. It was one night when I was in a daze after serving Miss Xiao Ai to sleep. We seemed to hear some movement, and when we woke up again, we found that we were already here. There are a lot of sand ghosts here... We are all very scared..." she said while crying.

Leng Rushuang was even more anxious, fearing that her niece would be in danger if she was too late.

The place where Leng Xiaoai was imprisoned was underground. Xiao Tao walked in front and led the way, twisting and turning, and led us into a spacious room.

Hundreds of years ago, this house must have been inhabited by people like the city lord. There was a gap under the house. It was so dark inside that you couldn't see the bottom at a glance.

Xiao Tao pointed inside and said, "Miss Xiao Ai is down there."

Leng Rushuang lowered her head and was about to go down. I grabbed her and said, "Don't be impatient. It's so dark inside. Be careful."

Leng Ruyun took a step forward and said, "Let me go ahead and explore the way!" As she said this, she took out the Eight-Bat Mirror. A burst of light emitted from the mirror. She cautiously took a step forward and carefully walked along the sand and gravel. The foundry stairs go down.

After taking just a few steps, I smelled the familiar fishy smell, which was so strong that it was almost nauseating. In the darkness, except for the faint halo emitted by the Eight Bats Mirror, almost nothing could be seen. The cold wind passed through the body, so cold that it seemed to take away the last trace of warmth from the body.

There was a faint rustling sound in the darkness, as if something would swoop up from the darkness at any time.

At this moment, Leng Ruyun, who was walking in the front, suddenly screamed. Along with her scream, the light of the Eight Bats Mirror also disappeared. Leng Wu, who had been following behind, heard her cry and rushed forward: "Ruyun, how are you?"

Where is the cold voice in the darkness? She was obviously suddenly attacked by the sand ghost in the darkness, because it was so sudden that she had no chance to react.

I shouted hurriedly: "Don't panic, everyone, gather together and don't get separated." We took a few steps forward together, only to see Leng Ruyun fainted on the wet ground, and the Eight Bat Mirror was missing. .

I walked up cautiously and made sure that Leng Ruyun had just fainted from the attack. Then I stood up and told Li Mazi to carry Leng Ruyun on his back. When Li Mazi heard this, the boss suddenly became reluctant: "There are many Leng family members here, why do you want me to do the hard work?"

"Aren't you usually most willing to be courteous in front of beautiful women? I'm giving you a chance to show off," I said.

Li Mazi sighed: "Whoever likes to show off, I won't show off."

But without giving him a chance to say more, I already lifted Leng Ruyun up and pushed him to his side.

Li Mazi had to complain a few more times.

Walking further, I saw a stone corridor in front of me. The walls above were painted with many words and images that I couldn't understand because it was too dark to see anything clearly.

Leng Rushuang stayed close and studied for a moment: "This seems to be Uyghur... Let me take a look... Oh, it turns out that this is a shelter designed by the builder Anivar. No wonder the Hui people were defeated in the battle with the Qing Dynasty. I thought of sending the women and children of the tribe here to take shelter. It turned out that when the city was first built, there was already a way out here. Not only that, there was also a lot of gunpowder and oil hidden in the shelter. I originally planned to die with the enemy if I lost. . Unexpectedly, a fire caused by General Zhaohui instantly ignited the shelter, detonating gunpowder and oil. Naturally, none of the women and children hiding here were spared..."

She was looking carefully, but I felt that it was very strange here, so I paid close attention to what was going on around me.

Sure enough, a row of sharp blades suddenly shot out from the wall. If I hadn't pulled Leng Rushuang back in time, she would have almost been cut into several pieces. With the appearance of the sharp blade, as if some kind of mechanism was turned on, spikes appeared on the walls and the ground.

I shouted hurriedly: "It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. Everyone, hurry up and pass through, be careful of the walls and the ground!"

Although nothing can be seen clearly in the darkness, everyone here is a master and naturally knows how to listen to the wind and pass through this long corridor without any danger. Just when everyone was breathing a sigh of relief, the stone bricks under their feet suddenly sank and fell down instantly. If I hadn't reacted in time and rolled to the side quickly, I would have fallen down solidly.

But Leng Wu didn't have such good luck. He screamed and fell down. Then he heard a splashing sound, and he seemed to have fallen into the water. Leng Rushuang cried out: "Hurry... save people!"

But now I can't see anything, how can I save people?

I finally understood why the sand ghost in the darkness attacked Leng Ruyun and snatched away the Eight Bats Mirror. It clearly wanted to take away the only thing that could illuminate us, and wanted us to be attacked from both sides in the darkness.

After listening to Leng Rushuang's instructions, Gul hurriedly shouted: "Second Master! Where are you? Second Master..."

His voice spread in waves, and Leng Wu could be heard screaming again and again. Then the voice suddenly stopped, and finally the surroundings returned to silence.

"What should I do?" At this moment, Leng Rushuang had completely lost her mind. She held my hand tightly, with a look of helplessness I had never seen on her face.

I patted her shoulder comfortingly, and just as I was about to say a few words, there was a rustling sound from behind, and a fishy smell assaulted my nostrils in the darkness. I hurriedly shouted: "Everyone, hurry up, the sand ghost is coming! "

Although we didn’t know what was waiting for us ahead, there was no way out now, so we had no choice but to rush forward.

After running for a while, some light finally appeared in front of me, and there was fire in the darkness.

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