Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,710 The man behind the scenes (additional update)

It was a huge square stone hall. In the center of the stone hall was a wooden frame, on which sat a young girl with her head lowered.

By the flickering firelight, Leng Rushuang shouted: "Xiao Ai!" After saying that, he rushed to save people.

I was worried that there were still agencies around, so I hurriedly followed. However, when we were about to get closer, I discovered that countless sand ghosts had crawled out of the darkness where the firelight could not reach. They were looking at us with bared teeth, ready to All ready to pounce and suck us dry.

Maybe it's because I've been smelling it for a long time, but I can no longer smell the pungent fishy smell.

The sand ghosts surrounded us, making it difficult for us to move forward, but they had no intention of attacking, as if they were waiting for someone's order!

I turned my head and looked at Li Mazi and others far away. Leng Ruyun had woken up at this moment. She looked around and her eyes widened in shock. But after she made sure that she did not see her father Leng Wu, she became extremely panicked: "Where is my dad? Where is my dad?"

She asked twice but no one answered. She suddenly lowered her head as if she understood something.

But my eyes fell on Xiao Tao under the firelight.

etc! When I rescued her just now, she also drank water. Why did she insist on not sleeping until now? My eyes lit up, and countless scenes of talking to her flashed through my mind.

It was she who told me that Zhang Lan had suspicions, and it was she who told me that she was forced by Leng Ruyun. She was the one who led us here even to this underground stone hall. How did she escape from these thousands of sand ghosts at such a young age?

How could a little girl remember the route so clearly when she was frightened and ran around in a panic?

What is she planning step by step?

As if she felt my gaze, Xiaotao suddenly raised her head, met my gaze, and then proudly raised the corners of her lips, revealing a weird smile that was inconsistent with her age.

is her!

The mastermind behind the scenes turned out to be her!

It wasn't until this moment that I finally understood. She must have been the one who poisoned the old owner of the family. The bottle of poison was placed in the weeding room and anyone could get it, including her of course. Aunt Wang once said to me that the old master of the house was too smart to be easily killed by poison, unless the person who poisoned him was someone he trusted enough to not be defensive... She put trust and not being defensive together, but What if it is taken apart? The person who poisoned her was an eleven or twelve-year-old girl. How could even the experienced head of the family doubt her?

But she is young, why does she do all this, and what is her purpose.

Or...she was coerced into doing these things?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but glance at Leng Dou and found that he was already stunned in front of such a large number of sand ghosts, while Leng Ruyun lowered his head and remained silent, obviously still immersed in the death of his father and brother on the same day. Come in grief. And Leng Rushuang next to me had her whole heart focused on Leng Xiaoai and didn't pay attention to the surrounding situation at all.

Who is it?

As if she could see through my mind, Xiaotao suddenly sneered twice. In the silence, her laughter was particularly harsh: "No one instigated it. I did all this." She said, holding her chest up and raising her head. Walk through the sand ghosts.

When the Sand Ghost saw her, he respectfully moved out of the way!

The firelight shone brightly and dimly on her innocent face, but it had a somewhat evil flavor.

And seeing the Sand Ghost obeying her orders like this, I no longer need to say anything, everyone understood it at this moment. Everything that happened in the Leng family and the strange movements of the Sand Ghost in Yarkand City were all controlled by this lively and cute little girl in front of him.

But who can believe it?

Surprise and shock were written on everyone's faces.

Xiaotao walked slowly step by step to the rack where Leng Xiaoai was tied up, and turned her head arrogantly. Her dark eyes swept over us, as if looking at the ants that would be trampled to death under her feet at any time. : “Want to know why I’m doing all this?”

No one answered, but she thought to herself and said, "Because I want the Tianshan Leng family to completely disappear from this world..."

"Are you an enemy of the Leng family?" Leng Rushuang looked at her in surprise and asked.

Xiao Tao giggled and shook her head slowly: "No, I am not an enemy of the Leng family. If we insist on having a relationship, I should barely be considered a relative of the Leng family."

They were not enemies but relatives, but since they were relatives, how could they be so cruel?

This is no longer unbelievable, it is simply a fantasy.

Xiaotao blinked and looked at me with her big eyes: "Mr. Zhang, you are a smart man. Since Leng Rushuang asked you to investigate the Leng family's affairs, you must have found something, right? Why don't you tell me? If there are any mistakes, I will add them again.”

I said, what else can I say at this moment? My brain is completely like a piece of mush...

She is very familiar with Yarkand City, and the poisoning in the water must have been her hand. She has the antidote, so drinking the water will be fine. So needless to say, after we drank the well water and went to sleep, it must have been her who placed us in the four cities. The four cities were like four huge cricket jars, and we were the bottoms of the jars. Playing crickets, she looked at us from above as we ran around in the trap she set, without any thoughts or ways out, just like a cat that catches a mouse but is not in a hurry to eat it, but wants to torture it enough before swallowing it. .

She can even do some tricks in it to instigate us to civil strife and kill each other, just like Leng Rulei and Leng Rushuang, fighting each other, but she reaps the benefits! But when she found out that I had cracked the mystery of the ancient city, she saw that she couldn't achieve her goal, so she had no choice but to go into battle herself and lead us underground where there were traps everywhere.

But why is she so familiar with Yarkand City?

She also claimed that she was not an enemy of the Leng family, but a relative...

Who is she?

I racked my brains and thought about it for a long time, and suddenly I remembered the name that Aunt Wang once mentioned to me.

Leng Lian.

Aunt Wang said that Leng Lian was deceived by the thieves of Longquan Villa and was kicked out of the Leng family when she became pregnant. Her life was very miserable and she eventually died near Yarkand City. Although Leng Lian died, no one knew whether she gave birth to the child.

Seeing that Xiao Tao is about the same age as Leng Xiaoai, could it be said that she is Leng Lian's grandson?

Leng Lian was kicked out of the house by the Leng family, his name was even erased from the family tree, and he died miserably. As her descendant, she will naturally hate the Leng family and want to see the Leng family disappear from this world.

That's why Xiao Tao said that she was not an enemy of the Leng family, but could be considered a relative...

When I thought about it, everything fell into place.

Xiaotao waited for a long time without seeing me speak, and she became a little impatient: "Mr. Zhang, it seems you are not as smart as I thought..."

Before she could finish speaking, I already said word for word: "Is it related to Leng Lian?"

Leng Lian's name has always been taboo in the Leng family. No one dares to mention it, but no one knows it. When I said this, all the Leng family members present reacted and looked at Xiao Tao with a smile on his face in shock.

"You really didn't disappoint me. You finally guessed it." Xiao Tao clapped her hands with satisfaction.

"You..." Leng Dou on the side finally came to his senses, pointed at Xiao Tao and said, "Are you Leng Lian's granddaughter?"

Unexpectedly, Xiao Tao simply shook her head: "No, no, no! I am a descendant of Leng Lian, but I am not her granddaughter! I am her daughter..."

As soon as the words came out, the whole world became quiet again.

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