Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1711 Xiao Tao’s life experience

Not only the Leng family, but also me, an outsider who thought I had seen everything, was stunned for a moment.

How can this be?

Leng Lian has been dead for decades, how could her daughter be only eleven or twelve years old?

Xiao Tao twitched the corner of her mouth strangely, revealing a weird smile: "Don't look at me like this, but in fact I am already in my thirties..."

Three accidents happened so quickly that our brains were fried.

Xiao Tao continued: "Actually, I am the oldest among the Ruzi generation. I am two years older than Leng Ruting, who has been dead for many years."

"Brother!" Leng Rushuang's expression changed: "How do you know my eldest brother?"

Xiaotao chuckled: "Guess it!"

I saw the murderous intent in Xiao Tao's eyes and felt a chill in my heart. Leng Rushuang's eldest brother Leng Ruting died accidentally while handling fetuses in the Central Plains. What if it was not an accident but someone killed him.

What I can think of, Leng Rushuang obviously also thought: "It was you? It was you who killed my eldest brother."

"Unlucky for him, he happened to run into my hands. At that time, I was planning how to avenge my mother every day. If he, a member of the Leng family, ran into my hands, could I still give him a way to survive?" Xiao Tao said very relaxedly.

Leng Dou gritted his teeth and said, "Your mother was kicked out of the Leng family because of her misbehavior. It has nothing to do with anyone else! She can only blame herself. Why did you attack my son?"

Xiao Tao glared at him: "Misbehavior? There is no good person in your Leng family. Who has clean hands for the position of the head of the family? You alone are not worthy of talking about my mother! If the old family master hadn't kicked my mother out in the first place, At home, how could she die at such a young age? How could I end up like this, a human being and a ghost."

"What does this have to do with the Leng family?" I asked in confusion.

Xiao Tao snorted: "My mother was young and naive, and was deceived by the sweet talk of the bad guys in Longquan Villa. She accidentally leaked the secrets of the Leng family. After she was expelled from the Leng family, she had nowhere to hide, and was hunted down by the people of Longquan Villa. I had no choice but to flee to Yarkand City."

"Yarkant City is known as the City of Death, so people from Longquan Villa naturally did not dare to rush in. My mother hid in the city and gave birth to me, and then discovered the secrets of the ancient city. Finally, she found this underground palace and discovered the Holy Spirit of Returning to Humanity. The "Koran"! It turns out that this "Koran" can control the sand ghosts in the city and outside the city. With this book in hand, we will naturally not be sucked by the sand ghosts. Since I was a child, my mother taught me to control the "Quran". "Quran" is a simple method, but she told me that in order to truly activate the "Quran", the blood of the Leng family must be sacrificed. It turns out that when the ancestors of the Leng family came to Tianshan, although they did not find the "Quran", But a formation was arranged around the ancient city, sealing all the power in the ancient city. It is necessary to use the blood of the Leng family to break this formation, otherwise if you use it rashly, it will only cause the power to backfire and harm yourself."

"I asked my mother at that time if she was also from the Leng family, so her blood could be sacrificed. With the Koran, we wouldn't have to be afraid of the bad guys chasing us! But my mother told me that her name had changed from the Leng family. Erased from the spectrum, she is no longer a member of the Leng family, so her blood has lost its effectiveness."

When Xiaotao said this, her expression remained calm, neither happy nor angry, as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her: "There is no food in the ancient city, and my mother will go out to buy some supplies every once in a while. But that time she After I went out, I never came back. I couldn't wait any longer, so I quietly ran out to look for her, only to find that she had been killed by the people from Longquan Villa, and her body was found and taken back by the Leng family. I didn't dare To come forward, I could only follow the Leng family secretly, thinking that if they treated my mother's body well, they would accept her back to the Leng family, and then I would come forward and recognize them. But in the end, my mother didn't even enter the ancestral grave, and was left alone. The mother was buried aside. Looking at that scene, I understood everything immediately! There was still blood of the Leng family in my mother’s body, and they could treat her like this, let alone a disgraceful existence like me? What about the Leng family? Not only will they not recognize me, they will also kill me..."

When I heard what she said, I couldn't help but nodded when I thought of what the Leng family had done.

Xiaotao smiled and continued: "I had no place to go, so I had to escape back to Yarkand City. At that time, all I could think about was avenging my mother, but my power was too small, and I couldn't do it at all. Arrive! So I forcibly started the "Koran", because without the blood sacrifice of the Leng family, I was counterattacked by the power. From then on, as long as I grew older, my body would never grow up. I slowly studied the "Koran" , I found that in addition to the sand ghosts sealed within the ancient city, there were actually sand ghosts and sand soldiers outside that I could control, so I personally killed the bad man of Longquan Villa who deceived my mother..."

"Hey! That man is your biological father." Li Mazi couldn't help but shout out with great interest.

"That's what he said before he died! He was so frightened that he turned pale and knelt at my feet, kowtowing to me and begging for mercy, but I still ordered the sand ghost to drain all the blood and cultivation from his body. , looking at such a mummy, I felt indescribably happy in my heart. I wanted to kill everyone in Longquan Villa at that time, but they were so skilled, and I couldn't release the full power of the Koran, so I had to give up in the end. . I returned to Yarkand City, feeling very satisfied! But not long after, I became unhappy. That bitch man naturally deserved to die, but shouldn’t the Leng family, who abandoned their mother like trash, deserve to die? ?"

At this point, Xiao Tao's eyes swept across the faces of the Leng family fiercely: "So I started planning how to kill the Leng family. I wanted to torture them one by one. They didn't think they were Isn’t it noble? Don’t you think you are great? I just want them to die uglier than the other! It makes it difficult for them to sleep every day, and they are dominated by fear all day long.”

"Huh, you underestimate the Leng family!" Leng Rushuang looked at her angrily.

"I know you are a tough person, but apart from you, the Leng family is a bunch of useless trash." Xiao Tao said unceremoniously: "The first person I killed was Leng Ruting. Although he was young at the time, But it was already very powerful. If it weren’t for my young age and lack of defense, I wouldn’t have been able to kill him. Even so, I was seriously injured, so I had to hide in Yarkand City to recover from my injuries and plan at the same time. I didn’t dare Taking action rashly, I had no choice but to wait and look for opportunities in the dark. I waited and waited, and finally the opportunity came. No matter how powerful the old patriarch is, he can't defeat time. He is old and is about to die. The leader of the Leng family is going to change. He is dead! The most deserving person in the Leng family is him. He was the one who ordered his mother to be kicked out of the Leng family. How could I let him have a good death? The change of ownership of the Leng family is just the right time for me to take advantage of. If I design it properly, Maybe we can make you kill each other..."

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