Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,715 The Extraordinary Entrepreneur King

I don't know if it's because Lin Feng is extremely efficient in doing things, or because he has already secretly investigated Liu Yang's details.

The next day, someone was sent to deliver information about Liu Yang.

What surprised me was that this information was so thick that it was as high as a fist!

When I opened it, I was even more amazed.

Since Liu Yang was born, where did he go to kindergarten, where did he go to primary school, and where did he go to middle school. During this period, I had a dispute with that classmate, which female classmate I fell in love with, and who I got into a fight with in the second grade of high school and was expelled from school. What are these people doing now and where do they live? Everything is recorded clearly. It is clear and complete with photos of everyone then and now.

After Liu Yang entered the society, he worked as a security guard and a waiter, resold pirated CDs, opened a small hotel, and ran a dance hall for a while. In the end, he sold everything he owned due to gambling debts, and was forced to start a business due to the pressure of life. The taxi driver.

All these experiences, from time to location, and the people who come in contact with them are also recorded in detail one by one.

Then, how did he start from a few demolished houses, gradually grow from small to large, accumulate wealth almost like a rocket, and become a real estate tycoon with billions of assets now.

Every stage is extremely clear, and there are even many narrations from the parties involved!

Finally, he listed in more detail the annual reports, operating conditions, and key management personnel of each company he currently owns. As well as Liu Yang's hobbies, the situation of his wife and son, and his schedule in recent years.

This is simply more detailed than the police's secret investigation files. I'm afraid even Liu Yang himself would be amazed when he saw such a piece of information that was as detailed as his hair!

However, I looked through it briefly and found no problems at all.

This may also be the reason why Lin Feng wanted to overthrow him and find out his details secretly, but he has been unable to do so, right?

Judging from these information alone, Liu Yang is not only a self-made entrepreneurial young man, but also a once-in-a-century business wizard. Every plan and decision he makes is extremely wise, and he shows amazing vision and courage everywhere.

But that's what's strange about it.

Because the information clearly stated that almost every time he made a major decision, his competitors would quit midway for no reason, or die inexplicably.

Every such incident is circled in red pen in the information, so the cause and time of death are clearly stated for those who died.

These people either suffered from incurable diseases or were slumped by old age. Within a few months or even days, they became unable to speak or move, and became disabled people.

The police have also intervened in the investigation, but there is really no evidence - neither aging nor cancer can be determined by human beings, and there is no way to prove that this is Liu Yang's fault.

Ordinary people may not understand why, but I can immediately conclude that this guy must be using evil things to harm people!

For more than ten years, he had been wandering on the fringes of society, not only making no achievements, but even living a very unsatisfactory life.

That is to say, the moment he truly embarked on the right path to prosperity was the exact time when he used the evil spirit!

I looked through the information again and found that his first starting point was to spend all his savings and borrow a lot of loan sharks to buy the houses of three neighbors.

The heads of these three neighboring households all died within a month of each other.

One was in the late stage of lung cancer, one was in acute cerebral infarction, and the other was in sudden cerebral hemorrhage.

The causes are entirely different, and all are due to causes beyond human control. Even though the family was suspicious and even called the police, nothing was found.

It was because of the demolition of these houses that Liu Yang received a valuable amount of demolition money and earned First Pass.

At the same time, I also noticed that his father died suddenly half a month before this.

The cause of death was a car accident. The information specifically mentioned that his father was a veteran of the Vietnam War. His body was extremely strong, much stronger than ordinary people, and he did not smoke or drink alcohol and had no bad habits. But he drank a lot on the day of the car accident, and his alcohol content was seriously over the limit. At one or two o'clock in the middle of the night, he appeared on a cross street four or five streets away from his home. He was knocked over by a sudden garbage truck and died on the spot. .

The driver of the garbage truck did not escape after hitting someone, but reported the crime and surrendered directly. The reason was drunk driving and brake failure. After serving a three-year sentence and being released from prison, he somehow managed to make a fortune. Now he has opened a three-star hotel in Hainan and is living a very prosperous life.

Although the information recorded this matter in detail, there was no red line drawn.

Obviously, Lin Feng had no doubts about this matter.

But in my opinion, this may not be a coincidence!

It was probably Liu Yang who planned it!

So, why did he even want to murder his biological father?

If Liu Yang really used the yin object to do evil, then there is only one reason for him to do so. This yin object is passed down from his ancestors!

As long as his father doesn't die, it won't be his turn to control this thing.

And this evil thing can't murder his own family, so it won't suddenly age or become terminally ill. It can only fake a car accident!

If this is the case, the driver who caused the accident is the best entry point!

When I thought of this, I immediately took out the business card left by Lin Feng and called him.

"Master Zhang, did you find anything?" Lin Feng answered the call immediately and asked impatiently.

"You think of a way to find the driver of the garbage truck who killed Liu Yang's father. I want to see him." I said bluntly.

Lin Feng was obviously stunned. He probably never expected that I would start from this point of entry. But he immediately agreed: "Okay, I'll arrange it right away."

I really underestimated Lin Feng's energy. In the afternoon, he called back: "Master, I have made arrangements. In two days, that is next Monday. The boy will fly back from Hainan to meet One of his junior high school female classmates.”

"How did you do this?" I was a little curious about how this guy did this.

"Oh, it's very simple. I sent someone to investigate. That boy has always had a crush on this female classmate named Zhao Hongdan. He bragged about his wealth at class reunions several times and wanted to date her, but the girl ignored him at all. He. Zhao Hongdan works in the tax bureau. The tax director is an old friend of mine, so he told Zhao Hongdan that she had something to do over there in Hainan and wanted to ask her old classmate for help. We will make an appointment to meet at a dinner next Monday and it will be done. Later, she was transferred to the position of deputy section chief. Zhao Hongdan readily agreed and made a phone call, and this guy immediately agreed."

These rich people have a lot of tricks up their sleeves!

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