Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,716 The Great Kind Old Man (Additional Update)

"Master, do you have any other instructions?" Lin Feng saw me pondering for a moment and asked again.

"Then make some arrangements. I want to meet Liu Yang before next Monday! And it's best not to hide my identity."

"It's easy to talk to him once you meet him, but don't hide your identity..." Lin Feng thought a little awkwardly and said, "I'll think of a way, master, please wait for my call."

Before and after dinner, Lin Feng called again: "Master, you can see Liu Yang tonight, but your identity may have to be changed."

"A twist? What does that mean?" I asked.

"Oh, actually it hasn't changed much. It's a spiritual object appraiser. It's also written in the information given to you. Liu Yang likes to collect spiritual antiques very much. He fell in love with something a while ago, but the person asked for a price. It was too high, and at the same time there were several competitors raising prices against each other. Liu Yang was competing with us to buy the land and was unwilling to pay, so the deal was not concluded."

"I just found that person secretly, paid a large sum of money for the reservation, and asked him to come and talk again! The person agreed and we will meet at the Blue Bay Hotel tonight. As soon as the news spread, Liu Yang sat down I can’t stand it anymore and I want to come right away, but it’s not convenient for me to show up at this time. In the evening, you can follow a friend of mine and dress up as a spiritual appraiser hired by him, so that you can see Liu Yang. . Someone will pick you up later."

"Okay! That's it." I responded.

I really underestimated this guy's methods and abilities. In such a short period of time, two consecutive layouts were so fast and clever!

I really don’t know what kind of tricks these guys are up to!

Not long after I waited, there was a polite knock on the door.

Opening the door, there was a smart and capable young man in a black suit standing outside.

"Are you Master Zhang? I am Mr. Fang's driver. Mr. Fang asked me to pick you up..."

It seems that this so-called Mr. Fang is the friend Lin Feng invited to pretend to go to the appointment.

Parked outside was an old-fashioned stretch Lincoln. When I opened the car door, I saw an old man in his seventies or eighties sitting inside. He had snow-white hair and beard. He was wearing a snow-white double-breasted Tang suit. He was leaning on a dark green faucet-headed crutch. He looked like a fairy.

"Please forgive me for being rude. I'm old and my legs and feet are not very flexible. I can't greet you in person. Please forgive me, Master." The old man said it very politely, without showing any signs of being disrespectful because I am a young junior. Arrogance and contempt.

I quickly replied that it was no problem and asked, "Are you Mr. Fang?"

"I am here to clean myself up. Thanks to the love of my friends, I am honored to be called Fang Lao. I am ashamed of it! If the master calls me that, it will be a shame to the young man." This old man speaks in an extraordinary way and has a noble and elegant tone. His demeanor and humility made people feel a sense of respect from the bottom of his heart.

The Lincoln car started to move slowly. Fang Ziqing picked up the small teapot from the table, poured me a cup of tea and handed it over to me, saying, "I hope you can give me a cup of coarse water and crude tea."

In fact, I smelled the tea before I even drank it. It was intoxicating and absolutely extraordinary! To put it more bluntly, if you really want to measure it in terms of money, one tael would cost at least seven or eight thousand yuan!

Moreover, the teacup and teapot are even more crystal clear and dazzling. They are actually Tang Yu cups.

Not to mention anything else, this tea set is worth millions!

Who is this old man? He is so noble!

I thanked the old man and lowered my head to sip the tea. He stopped chatting with me and closed his eyes slightly, as if he was recuperating his energy.

I secretly checked and found out that there was an extremely powerful spiritual energy secretly surging in this old man's body, and he turned out to be a fellow man!

Moreover, his cultivation level was extremely high, and seemed to be only one level lower than Jiang Dayu and the others.

This is a bit strange. Since Lin Feng knows a top master, why does he ask for it from me?

Is this old man pretending to be serious and Lin Feng doesn't know his background at all, or is this originally a conspiracy?

I secretly speculated, but to no avail, the old man seemed completely ignorant and said nothing.

After a short time, Lincoln stopped. The capable driver opened the door for me first, asked me to get out of the car, took out a golden wheelchair from the trunk, and carried the old man in his arms.

It turned out that this was what the old man said about the inconvenience in his legs and feet.

The three of us entered the hotel lobby. The staff inside seemed to be familiar with the old man and showed extra respect. From the door greeter to the manager, they all called him Mr. Fang with a smile on their faces. The old man had no airs at all. He smiled and nodded slightly to everyone, even the little waitress.

After taking the elevator and going up to the top floor, I realized that there was a whole other world on the top of the building.

The entire roof is paved with a thick layer of hard soil, and many large but not very tall giant banyan trees are planted, creating a small garden that is both quiet and full of vitality. At first glance, it looks like a villa in the south of the Yangtze River, with pavilions, small buildings, bridges and flowing water, and the scenery is simple and quiet.

Following the winding path paved with blue and white cobblestones, we walked forward for dozens of meters, and a spacious hall appeared in front of us.

Standing at the door were four tall and tough men in black clothes. Their temples were slightly bulging. They looked like experienced practitioners. When they saw the old man, they all bent over and said to Mr. Fang with a fist in their arms, and then opened the door. He opened the gilded wooden door behind him.

Warriors always respect their elders and can never be bought with money alone.

It can be seen from the actions just now that these people respect the old man from the bottom of their hearts, and it is by no means a purely employment-based financial relationship.

Before I could find out the details about Liu Yang, or even meet him, a more mysterious Fang Ziqing appeared first.

Who is this guy?

The main room is very long, with bright red carpets inside. At the end, there are two rows of Ming-style huanghuali chairs, one on each side of the Eight Immortals table in front of them.

This decoration is a bit like a large official family in the Tang and Song Dynasties. At this time, there are more than a dozen people sitting there.

As soon as they saw us walking in, they all stood up and said respectfully, "Mr. Fang!"

The old man was still smiling and nodding to everyone, looking very humble and gentle, exactly the same as when he was facing the little waitress.

Don't be humble because of wealth, don't be arrogant because of poverty!

This is true kindness to others!

The driver who was pushing the old man removed an imperial chair and asked the old man to sit side by side with everyone in his wheelchair.

But there are two empty Taishi chairs at the front. Seeing this, I can't help but be curious. Who are these two chairs reserved for?

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