Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,717 Arrogant Liu Yang

"Let me introduce to you, this is Master Zhang!" The old man stretched out his hand, pointed towards me, and said to everyone.

His introduction was very general and interesting.

Grandmaster? What is a master doing?

However, everyone didn't seem to pursue it, and stood up together and said: "I have admired you for a long time."

In fact, I could tell from their eyes that none of them had really heard of me, and a few of them had a flash of contempt in their eyes. This long-awaited greeting was just to give the old man face.

These people are also divided into two types. One type looks rich at first glance, either with a big belly and a fat head, or with gold, jade and famous brands. Even if there are a few people who deliberately don't show wealth, their eyes still have a hint of "I am rich." ’

The other kind of people obviously have a sense of quackery. They wear long gowns, have goatees, and are afraid that others will not know that they are in the industry. They have gold plates of gossip hanging on their waists, and in their hands are like Hold the handle of the whisk properly.

After returning the courtesy to everyone, I sat down next to the old man.

The old man remained the same as he was in the car, closing his eyes and concentrating, and stopped talking.

Everyone was silent for a while. Among them was a fat man with a fat face. He looked at the gold watch on his wrist several times and said impatiently: "Isn't Liu Yang a little too crazy? Lian Fang When I arrive in the capital, he still refuses to show up. He is always the last one to arrive. I really think he is so smart!"

"I didn't think so, Fatty Lu, you must be too worried." As he spoke, two people came from the doorway.

The man in front was about thirty years old, wearing a crisp designer suit and a sleek slicked back hair. With one hand in his lower pocket and a big cigar hanging dangling in the other, he staggered as he walked, making a rattling sound on the ground, which was extremely arrogant.

I have seen his photo, this person is Liu Yang!

Immediately behind him was an old man with a skinny face but an unusually tall height. The old man was dressed very ordinary, wearing a blue jacket. He was slightly bald, and his hair around the head was slightly gray. But his eyes were like venomous snakes, very dark, and when he looked at them, he felt a little uncomfortable all over his body.

Liu Yang swayed up to the fat man, exhaled a puff of smoke, and said half provocatively, half contemptuously: "I say, Fatty Lu, speaking ill of people behind their backs is not a good habit! I advise you to change it as soon as possible. , otherwise if you get an emergency or something, it will be too late..."

"Are you threatening me?" The fat man glared, very unconvinced.

"Oh, how could you say that?" Liu Yang shrugged exaggeratedly, and then his expression changed. He lowered his head and got close to the fat man, almost touching his face, and said with a smile: "If you say yes, then I am. I'm threatening you! I'm cursing you, so what? You bite me."

The sharp contrast between this image and reputation really surprised me!

This is not a successful private entrepreneur. A real estate tycoon with billions of assets is simply a hooligan!

The fat man felt a little embarrassed after receiving this blow, his face turned red, and he was about to stand up with his arms on the armrests.

Liu Yang was even more surprised. He took out the hand that had been in his pocket, patted the fat man's fat face a few times and said, "Be honest, Fatty Lu, this is Wuhan. But we’re not in Shiyan, so there’s no harm in being careful.”

A big man with a scarred face sitting next to him glared. Just as he was about to stand up, the tall old man behind Liu Yang took the lead and blocked him. Two poisonous snake-like eyes stared at him and said: " Taoist friends, I am glad to meet you and may you live forever in Xiagu."

These three words Gu Changsheng seem to have infinite power to intimidate.

As soon as the guy heard this, he immediately succumbed and did not dare to move again.

When Liu Yang saw this, he became even more arrogant. He blew out a puff of smoke, waved his hand to everyone and said, "Don't leave for a while. It's not easy to get together. I'm treating you today. Let's have a good drink. If anyone doesn't give me face, I'll follow you." Who is in a hurry?"

"Ahem." At this moment, the old man who brought me in opened his eyes and coughed lightly.

Liu Yang, who was so arrogant, seemed to be very afraid of this old man. He stubbed out his cigar on the soles of his shoes dejectedly, raised his fist at the old man and said "Fang Lao", and then sat down.

Gu Changsheng looked deeply at the old man and sat next to Liu Yang.

"Everyone is here, please invite the guests out." The old man said slowly.

"Yes!" The young driver who had been standing behind him responded and strode away.

After a while, under his leadership, another short, fat black man came over.

Although this guy is very fat, he is very flexible and extremely cute.

Why is it described like this?

Because this guy didn't know why, he only touched the ground with his two toes. Every time he took a step, the fat all over his body would tremble involuntarily. He looked like a big balloon, jumping up and down to everyone. before.

"Long time no see, everyone." This guy's voice was sharp, sounding like a woman.

He hugged his fists at everyone and sat down on the chair without waiting for anyone to return the favor.

There was a creak, and the chair seemed to be overwhelmed and made a strange noise.

If a cultural relic expert heard this, he would be heartbroken!

This is a pure Ming Dynasty huanghuali Taishi chair!

"Master Niu, I invited you here this time just to renegotiate the Nine Dragons Box." Mr. Fang glanced at Fatty Hei and said softly.

"I know." The fat black man said sharply: "I won't hide it from you, tell the truth! I have contacted the collectors in Beijing a long time ago, and they have been urging me to go there. But don't worry, after all, this thing is I dig it out of your Hubei territory. As long as you give me a starting price, I will sell it to you first. If you can't afford it... then we'll see you later. I'll just bring something cheaper next time."

"Hey, damn fat man, who are you talking about who can't afford the money?" When Liu Yang heard this, he felt very uncomfortable and rushed to do it first.

But the fat black man didn't look down on him at all. He gave him a sideways look and said, "Chairman Liu Da, you are not fat, but don't pretend to be fat. If you could afford the money last time, why should I come here again?" One trip? I hope you can be more relaxed like a man this time and stop peeing on the bed."

"You!" Liu Yang was furious when he heard this and pressed the armrest to stand up.

The fat black man didn't move at all, but glared: "What's the matter? You still want to scare me, right? I boldly traveled all over the country, drained the white water of the black city, and was never afraid of anyone. Even if I can be Stop being scared, it’s definitely not like you!”

"Master Niu, harmony brings wealth." Mr. Fang said softly without even looking at the two people.

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