Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,718 Bright Treasure

Although the fat black man was extremely disdainful of Liu Yang, he immediately restrained himself a lot after hearing Mr. Fang's seemingly careless drink.

Liu Yang didn't look angry, but he didn't dare to get angry, so he had to sit down obediently.

I don't know where this old man came from, but he managed to subdue Liu Yang, who was so arrogant, and Fatty Niu, who was carrying a treasure.

The whole room was empty and quiet, no one dared to make a sound.

Mr. Fang slowly turned his head and said to Fatty Hei: "Master Niu, I heard that you have a treasure that you want to sell?"

"That's right." Niu Dadan nodded and said, "I found this thing in your Hubei territory. According to the rules, we have to take action here first. It's a pity that you were not around last time. These people just don't know the goods and can't see. Good comes out of bad.”

"I'm about to go to Beijing. Isn't this your spiritual treasure..."

Fang Laoyi raised his hand, suppressed his words and said: "It's no wonder everyone, after all, more than half of you here are outsiders, and the Lingbao profession is extremely complicated, even though I have practiced it for nearly eighty years. At this age, I still know a little about it, so it’s understandable that I have a treasure I don’t recognize. Master Niu, let’s stop chatting and see the treasure.”

"Easy to say." Fatty Niu said, taking out a yellow cloth bag from his arms and placing it on the table.

The bag was opened, and inside was an iron box.

When the box was opened again, the true appearance of the treasure was revealed!

It is a small wooden box slightly larger than a fist. It is antique, uncarved, and generally roughly octagonal in shape.

As soon as the wooden box came out, a cold wind blew in the room for no reason, and now all eyes were focused on the wooden box.

When I saw this wooden box, I couldn't help but tremble in my heart!

Although I haven't seen what this thing is yet, I can detect the formation hidden in this thing.

It’s the All Souls Soul Gathering Formation!

This is one of the ten forbidden formations recorded in the "Yin Fu Jing", and it is juxtaposed with the Netherworld Hundred Ghosts Formation encountered in the Wusuli River monuments!

Moreover, the "Yin Fu Jing" only briefly records these ten forbidden formations, and there is no specific practice method. Even the old-timers of Gray Pigeon may not be able to make it.

From this point of view, it is likely that the top ten restrictions must be combined with the three treasures to gain a glimpse of their secrets!

However, the Jiuyou Sect has fallen apart since the second generation of the sect leader, and the three treasures were lost and disappeared. It was not until I appeared that they were all collected.

In other words, these ten forbidden formations have been lost for thousands of years.

Therefore, this thing is probably the property of the first and second generation sect masters of Jiuyou Sect!

"What do you think?"

Mr. Fang seemed to notice the change in my expression, leaned towards me, and asked softly.

"This..." I pondered for a moment, not yet thinking about what to say.

Although I have seen through some of the secrets, how can I talk nonsense about the Nine Nether Sect and even the Ten Forbidden Formations? Although everyone present didn't know the details, there were also experts, especially Mr. Fang and Fatty Niu, whose identities were a mystery. I couldn't just tell any clues.

"Mr. Fang, we have already seen this thing once. I think... there is no need to give eyes to the younger generation, right?" Gu Changsheng, the poisonous snake eye brought by Liu Yang, said in a bad tone.

He and Liu Yang came later and had never heard Mr. Fang introduce me to anyone. They might have thought that I was a junior brought by Mr. Fang to gain experience.

He didn't dare to offend Mr. Fang, but he was rude to me.

"Oh?" Mr. Fang raised his eyelids and asked softly: "Master Gu, what do you think?"

Gu Changsheng did not answer. He took out a golden compass from his arms, stepped on the seven stars, walked around the nine palaces, and circled around the wooden box.

As he walked faster and faster, the compass in his hand shone brighter and brighter. His robes were billowing in the wind, and the room suddenly dropped several degrees, creating a deep chill.

Most of the people were just rich and wealthy people. They had never seen such a formation. They were all shocked and their eyes were shining.

When Liu Yang saw it, he boasted very proudly: "Mr. Gu is a well-known high-level mage in China. He is expert in Feng Shui and exorcism. Nothing can deceive him last time." I just brought one less spiritual object with me, and you will know if it is true or false this time!"

Before Liu Yang finished speaking, Gu Changsheng suddenly took out a handful of something and threw it away.

With a crash, it hit the wooden box like a violent wind.

Logically speaking, the person who was most worried about the safety of the wooden box was probably the owner of the treasure, Fatty Niu, but he didn't even take a look at it from beginning to end, just idly lowering his head and drinking tea.


Gu Changsheng's handful of things came out of his hand and fell to the ground.

Only then did everyone see clearly.

It turned out to be a handful of soybeans.

It's just that every bean is radiant and sparkling, far more dazzling than anything made of gold.

The beans were scattered all over the ground, not rolling, as if they were taking root and growing there.

They were neatly gathered into a square in front of the wooden table, like a military formation, and it was even neater than it was deliberately arranged.


Gu Changsheng pinched his two fingers and shouted suddenly.

But the bean suddenly stopped obeying him and still grew firmly on the ground without moving at all!

At this moment, Gu Changsheng's eyes showed a bit of shock, mixed with a bit of shame.

He bit the tip of his tongue suddenly, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and shouted "Get up!"

The bean remained motionless, but suddenly it rattled, and shoots were pulled out from inside. The shoots were green and grew more than two inches long in the blink of an eye.


Gu Changsheng spit out a mouthful of blood and almost fell to the ground.

"This...this..." His expression suddenly changed with shock, his face full of shock!

Everyone in the room was surprised.

Even the masters with long eyes brought by the rich were all surprised.

Everyone could see that his magical bean weapon had been destroyed, and even he himself was seriously injured!

Among all the people in the room, except for Fatty Niu and Mr. Fang, this guy seemed to be the only one with the most powerful ability. Not to mention verifying the authenticity of the treasure, he was already injured like this before he even touched it.

What the hell is this?

"What, is this the end?" Fatty Niu put down the tea bowl, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a mocking look on his face: "Do you think you can't survive in this industry, and you have already prepared a way to make a living for yourself? This Are you planning to sell bean sprouts at the vegetable market in the future?"

Until this moment, Gu Changsheng couldn't care less about being ashamed and asked in shock: "What... what is this..."

"Hmph!" Fatty Niu snorted coldly, "I'm going to give you a lot of insights today, so that you know what it means that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world."

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