Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,720 Treasure or evil?

After a lot of fighting, the price quickly rose all the way to the 150 million mark.

In the beginning, there were still a few long-eyed masters who competed with their employers regardless of their personal friendships. But no matter how capital they had, how could they compete with these rich people? He was quickly defeated and could only stare.

For these rich people, money is just a number. What is more important is good health and longer life.

On weekdays, they spend money like water for health care, and never feel bad about it, but they all know that those things may not really be of any use, they just seek psychological comfort. But it's different now. This good thing is right in front of you. It's obviously very good for your health, so naturally they won't give in to each other.

Good health is important, but no one is willing to throw all their wealth into it. Even if they are healthy and live a hundred years, no one wants to be a pauper all their life.

So when the price reached around 200 million, it got stuck. There were only three or five people left in the room who were still raising the price, but the increase gradually slowed down and became one million to one million. increase!

Fatty Niu was still drinking tea carelessly, but I could tell that he was laughing secretly. After all, the price had far exceeded his expectations.

Although Liu Yang is wealthy, he is comparing himself to others. None of the rich people here have a worse fortune than him. He hadn't called out the price for a long time. He stared at this and that with his small eyes, and then took out his phone and walked outside.

I don't know what he was planning secretly, but when he came back again, there was a vicious look in his eyes.

He looked at the crowd and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Hey, wait a minute!"

Liu Yang shouted loudly and interrupted everyone: "You all say this is a good thing, but I found that this master seems to have some different opinions. Are you interested in hearing what he has to say?"

"He can say whatever he likes." A fat and rich man with a big belly was arguing with others. He glanced at me with disdain and shouted at Liu Yang: "If you can't afford the price, don't do it." Trouble, so many masters have appraised it, and we have seen it with our own eyes, how can it be fake?"

"It's hard to say." Liu Yang said with a smile: "If this thing is really a good thing, I will definitely grab it even if I spend all my money. As you all know, my luck has always been good, as long as it is what I want. No one has ever been able to compete with me for stuff!”

Upon hearing this, all the wealthy people present could not help but be stunned, and several of them had a look of fear on their faces.

What this guy said was true. None of the opponents he had competed with had a good ending.

"I'll offer 300 million!" Suddenly, a rich man who hadn't bid for a long time suddenly shouted.

In fact, I noticed this guy from the moment I walked in.

Because he is not very old, only in his early forties, but like Lin Feng, he also has snow-white hair.

Apparently, he was one of the many victims.

He might have had doubts just now and was reluctant to pay such a high price, but when he suddenly heard Liu Yang say this, the muscles on his face suddenly trembled a few times, and he immediately gritted his teeth and quoted the high price!

He may have thought that so many victims suffered from incurable diseases, felt Liu Yang's naked threat, and felt uneasy, so he wanted to buy this wooden box to ward off disasters and illnesses.

"Mr. Zhu, don't worry. I'm very interested in hearing what this master has to say. I think you're not too late, right?" Liu Yang's tone was very arrogant, and then he smiled at me and said: "Master, what do you have in mind?"

In fact, I have long seen through the hidden secrets. Even if Liu Yang doesn't find me, I will tell the truth. I just want to see how long they will play this drama.

However, since you are asked now, I will just go with the flow.

I stood up, looked at the wooden box and said, "You are right, this is indeed an ancient object, and the formations carved on it are also extremely clever, but..."

"Just what?" The fat rich man from before asked, staring closely.

Even Fang Lao, who had been closing his eyes to rest his mind, slowly opened his eyes.

"It's just a pity that the formation has been aged for a long time and its spiritual energy has withered. Moreover, the use of this formation is not as you think. It has no health-preserving effect at all, but is specially used to store ghosts. If you use this thing If you leave it at home, for half a year or a few months at most, the whole family, old and young, will all die inexplicably, and not even a mouse will be left..."

"Nonsense!" Upon hearing this, Niu DaDang slammed the table and shouted loudly: "Where is this bastard from? How dare you talk nonsense! Get out of here right now."

"Huh? Interesting." When Liu Yang heard this, he gloated twice and said to me: "Master, if you keep talking, I will become more and more interested..."

Then he turned to look at Niu DaDang: "In your line of work, isn't there a saying that there is no big or small learning, and those who are masters are respected? Since you all have differences, why not discuss them carefully so that we can listen? I understand!"

After this, Niu Dangda didn't dare to act recklessly.

A thin old man with a goatee next to him looked at the wooden box again, then looked at me and said: "Little master, since you said that this wooden box is a thing that stores souls and hides ghosts, what evidence do you have?" ?"

"That's right!" Another person next to him said: "Master Gu and Master Niu have already verified that the beans grow new branches and the fragrant wind grows by itself. These are the signs of heaven's spiritual treasures. How could you be like this? What do you say?"

"I'm afraid it's not some new junior who wants to make a splash and deliberately sings the opposite in public, right?"

"Yes, if you say that, what evidence do you have?"

I looked at these people and thought to myself: "Although these guys are all dressed in fancy and strange clothes, they all look like masters at first glance, but in fact they are just trash who know nothing about these things." It’s clear, I just know that everyone is following what they say, and they are all kept in the dark. In the whole room, only three people understand the clues. "

One is Niu Budao who sells treasures, the other is Gu Changsheng who cooperates with him in acting, and the other is Fang Lao who closes his eyes and meditates without saying a word.

Niu Dadan and Gu Changsheng wanted to defraud everyone of their money, so they staged such a scene! But although Mr. Fang saw the problem, he only elaborated on the theory of innate aura and did not make any comments on the details of the wooden box.

It can be seen from this that he is not in the same group as Niu Daudao, Gu Changsheng and the others, but he does not tell the truth.

What is this old man's plan? What is his background?

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